- We returned back to the royal palace that same day and by the following day, things were being put in place to shut down Eclipse pack. I didn’t stay back to see it though, my job there was done, and I was back to the royal palace. Many members of Eclipse pack will not like me, because they wouldn’t understand this was in their best interest, but I was used to them not liking me, I lived with that all my life, only difference now is that I have upper hand.
- I hurried to meet Elsie who had been waiting for me downstairs for a while. As usual, I had woken up to find Ryder’s side of the bed empty, and the disappointment that followed was totally beyond my control. I had to remind myself that the fact that he had marked me now didn’t mean that he would have lesser responsibilities, and he only just informed me about his father’s decision to retire in less than two weeks, so there was a lot that needed to be done before the handover ceremony.
- To my surprise, Louis was besides Elsie when I got downstairs. He seems to be scarce these days, and I think I know exactly why. I couldn’t help but notice that something had changed about him. He seemed more withdrawn and into himself. He wore a deep frown across his face and gone was that flirtatious look he carried with him. Anyone would see he is disturbed and angry about something.