- It was pretty dark when we got to our destination. My back ached from sitting upright and my butt hurts too. I’m really hungry now. We didn’t get to eat all through the day and we did not stop throughout the journey, except for when we needed to fill the gas, and right now I feel like my bladder would burst open anytime soon.
- Alpha Simeon did me dirty no doubt. I bet they are happy right now, they finally have the leech out of their skin. I wonder what Jordan is up to at this time. I was no longer close to him since the incident so I can not predict. It’s a relief I don’t have to see him henceforth, maybe that would help mend my pain. I shook my head, I don’t want to think of him or Eclipse pack.
- The door to the truck was flung open and it was time to come out. I sighed loud, then shook Rose who had slept for most of the journey and we got out. We had to come down at the gates for searching.
- My first sight of the royal palace left me staring in amazement. I forgot all about the need to relieve myself for the first five minutes as I stared at my surroundings. The gate was massive and quite beautiful with several uniformed men positioned at various points.
- I guess this is as far as the truck could go because they turned back almost immediately, leaving myself and Rose in the hands of two hefty men. These men were to deliver us to the royals, like some goods.
- We were taken to a small room just beside one of the security posts where our bags were turned over inside out till every single item was on the floor. One of the men used a handheld metal detector to check for metals or any objects we may be carrying. The only thing metallic on me was my little phone where Layla had been texting me all day.
- After that, we were put into a more decent car than the truck we had come in, and I checked out the surrounding from the window, occasionally murmuring ‘wow’ without even knowing it. I have never seen anywhere more beautiful in all my life. Elegance at it’s peak. After driving for about eight minutes, I can finally see the huge castle. I had only been able to see it’s roofings from afar and now seeing it up close, magnificent would be too much of an understatement to describe it. The atmosphere smelt of luxury and affluence and from all the exotic cars packed here and there, I could tell the ceremony for the departed king is already underway.
- I have heard and read tales about the royal palace of the werewolf king, but looking at it right now, I could stare at the walls all day and still not be able to find the words to describe it. I start to imagine how living here would be like and a small smile curve my lips. It’s definitely going to be better than Eclipse. I stared at the flowers, and the scent of different powerful wolves filled my nostrils.
- Two other smaller buildings surrounded the main castle with several little statues scattered here and there. A wild wolf, a uniformed man, and many others. Just a few meters from the main castle stood a tall, giant statue of a king on his throne. It’s the largest statue I have ever seen in my life. The statue of the first werewolf king. I’ve read about it before and my mouth gaped open as the vehicle whizzed by the gigantic building, till we are at the back of it, then stop abruptly.
- Someone opens the door for us and we are led in through the iron doors at the back. Two women approach us with a smile on their faces. Well, I didn’t exactly expect any form of friendliness around here. They looked beautiful and if my guess is correct, they are probably in their late forties or early fifties. The other two men who brought us in here didn’t say a word, instead, they nod at the ladies who respond with another warm smile, and then they start to lead us down a long hallway.
- They both stop in front of one of the doors and usher us in. The room is decorated in pink and white. Pink is not one of my favorite colors, but the room look beautiful. There are two separate beds on opposite sides of the walls with a floor-length window in between. The curtains are white with black patches and there’s a small television just in the middle of the room with a large wardrobe to it’s right. The room is definitely beautiful.
- “Welcome to the royal palace, ” One of the women begins “This is going to be your room for the time being, and your performance would determine what becomes of you but as for now, we would treat you as guests, ” she paused to take in our expressions but I keep an expressionless face “A party is currently been held in honor of the late king as you already know. So you would be allowed the night to rest here. Your meals would be brought for you as well as a change of clothes, and tomorrow, a royal would receive you, ” she says, a smile still on her lips.
- If this is a dream, please I do not wish to wake up. I had imagined being tortured, forced to eat from the trash, or even bound in chains. I didn’t expect to be in a room so comfortable. One look at Rose and I knew she was thinking the same thing.
- “Feel comfortable, for now, ” The other lady added and they left us in the room. First thing I did was run to the toilet to relieve myself as soon as they left and Rose followed as soon as I was done.
- I picked a bed first and laid on it. Oh my, it feels so soft and I can’t help the smile that tugged at my lips. I could get used to this. I went about checking out the room. I can see Rose too is excited.
- The sheets smelled great. The room is not so big but it is cozy and I love it already.
- “I love it, ” Rose squeals and I laugh with her.
- “Me too, ” I say but I can’t shake off the feeling that there’s something the women are not telling us. She said our performance would determine what becomes of us, did that mean we would be given daily tasks or what? Whatever it is, I can’t wait to find out.
- A loud knock sounds on the door, and before we could answer, two young maiden enter, carrying a tray for each of us.
- “It’s good to have new faces around here, ” one of the girls said after they had both laid their trays on the table.
- “Hi, I’m Tiana, ” I quickly extend my hands to her, but she chuckles and gives me a half hug instead.
- “I’m Nora. I’m from Red Rock, We came here yesterday. That’s Sadie, my friend, ” she says and Sadie also gives me a big hug before turning to Rose to do same. I’ve just been here a few minutes and all I can see is that I’m super impressed. The few people I’ve met are nice, asides from the ones that brought us here in that truck but they are obviously not from here.
- I settle on the bed and start to dig into my meal.
- Nora grabs a chair while Sadie seats next to me on my bed then pulls my hair gently behind me “Oh wow your hair is beautiful, It just needs a little shampoo and straightening, ” she says.
- I pause and smile at her. I’m not used to compliments where I’m coming from, I’m not used to anyone talking to me or anyone who wants to b friends with me like Sadie and Nora right now. I’m impressed and I think I’m going to love it here.
- “You are really pretty, ” Nora adds.
- “Thank you. You both are pretty too, ” I add.
- “I bet you are going to have all the attention of the boys around here, even the royal, ” Nora says and I roll my eyes at her. I find it really flattering but I think she’s just exaggerating.
- “Have you met any royal? A prince or princess? “ Rose asks.
- “We only arrived yesterday. We were hoping to serve at the party tonight but unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance. Hopefully, we get to meet them tomorrow. It’s nice to have you girls around, ” Nora says with a smile.
- Oh man, I’m overly excited right now. The only person that has ever been nice to me for the last twelve years and a few months now is Layla. Talk of Layla, she would be overly worried about me and I miss her a lot. I picked up my phone and texted her.