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  • “Happy Birthday Tee!” Layla’s scream jerked me awake. I groaned as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the day. When I looked up, Layla is holding a small cake and smiling so broadly. I would have sworn I locked my door last night. How did she even manage to get in?
  • I forced myself to sit upright, then glance at the clock beside my bed “Oh my goodness,” I quickly jump out of bed, knowing I’d be in deep shit today. Its almost nine A.M and Miss Anna would be so mad at me, I’m sure I’m going to be given extra work and punishment today.
  • “Thank you, Layla,” I say dryly and grab the cake from her, setting it aside on the table, then I give her a small hug.
  • She furrows her brow “I know you don’t like birthdays, but can you sound a little bit excited at least?” She groaned.
  • “I am excited,” I lied “and thank you for the cake, but I have tons of work to do,”
  • “I can plea on your behalf so you take the day off, everyone gets a day off,” Layla says and I roll my eyes at her. Much as I would like to have the day off, I’m not so keen on spending the day in this room, wallowing in self-pity and thinking of the many good ways my life would have turned out if things had gone differently on that night twelve years ago. I think I would wrap myself up in all the dirty work that needed to be attended to at the pack house and take all the insults that come with today. It’s not like anyone would remember it’s my birthday except Layla.
  • “I want to do all the work, we could eat the cake later in the afternoon when I’m done with Beta Leo’s laundry,” I suggest. Beta Leo is Bella’s father and I’m supposed to be cleaning his house at the moment. I promised Miss Anna I would be there to do it first thing this morning.
  • While Bella tries to make it a living hell for me, her father on the other hand is super nice to me. He is the alpha’s brother, that makes Jayce and Jordan his nephew’s but not once did he blame me for Jayce’s death. He gives me gifts sometimes and apologizes for all the pack behavior, unlike his wife and daughter. He has a son too, but he has been away for a while now, no one really knows where he is. When it’s time for him to take up his father’s position as the Beta of Eclipse pack, he would be back. Not like I care anyway.
  • Layla grabs my hands and shoves me in front of the mirror. I didn’t see that coming, so I just turn to her and raise a brow.
  • “Look at yourself Tee, when last did you even take proper care of yourself? Is this how you wanna live the rest of your life?” She asks, getting agitated.
  • I look in the mirror, and I realize I have lost more weight than the last time I checked. My thick black hair was in disarray all over my face and back, begging for me to put a comb through it. My hazel eyes looked dull and I still had eye bags. I didn’t get to sleep early last night. I can still feel all the backache from all the scrubbing I did yesterday but I would feel better once water touches my skin. I didn’t look so bad if you ask me, I just need a little more weight and peace of mind.
  • I shrug “I don’t need a day off, and I’m not going to get it even if I wanted.” I say.
  • She shook her head. I’m about two inches taller than Layla who stands at five feet and five inches but you wouldn’t easily notice because of her body type. She has more weight than I do. She’s not fat or skinny, just the perfect size but she would complain and fret about how much she wishes we could fit into the same clothes.
  • “You are just going to keep all this beauty locked up in those hideous clothes of yours. I wish I was half as beautiful as you are, I would have all the boys at my feet, especially that Logan,” she whines and I can’t help but laugh out loud this time.
  • Layla is beautiful but she takes every opportunity to tell me I’m prettier than her. She’s just so dramatic. Before I can respond, the door bursts open, and in comes another face I don’t enjoy seeing.
  • “You moron, what are you still doing in here?” Miss Anna whines.
  • “Give her some rest,” Layla defends but I quickly cross my hands over her mouth to prevent her from saying anything further.
  • “I’ll be at Beta Leo’s in fifteen minutes, ” I assure her with a smug smile. She looked me over, then turn to Layla, eyed her, then hissed.
  • “If you don’t get there in fifteen minutes, you would be sorry,” she walked away. Layla flung my hands away from her face and mimicked Miss Anna.
  • Miss Anna has been in charge of cleaning this pack since I have known her, which is all eighteen years of my life. She is without a mate and people say that is the source of her bitterness.
  • “Please, Layla. I don’t want any troubles today,” I plead, giving her my puppy-dog eye. I know she wants me to be happy on my birthday, she always wants me happy, but I’m not in a jolly mood right now.
  • “Okay,” she agrees “Let me know as soon as you are free so we can eat the cake together. I’ll bring drinks too,” she says before leaving, still not impressed. I sigh and rushed to take my bathe. Layla is a sweet girl, she’s the only one I have, and I wonder how my life would have turned if she wasn’t in it.
  • I packed my hair into a not-so-tidy bun and dressed up in my work clothes before leaving. As usual, I received the scornful glares from people that saw me. I just stared down and continued to the pack house where the beta stays.
  • After Jayden died, I resolved to training on my own. I wasn’t allowed to train in the pack so anytime I was free, I would wander away to train on my own, without anyone watching. I wanted to learn to fight not just to defend myself but to be able to help others. If I knew how to fight, maybe I wouldn’t have just stood there, screaming, while rogues devoured Jayce. I know I was barely six years old, but I could have done something.
  • Maybe that’s why I didn’t have a wolf still. I’m eighteen already, and many times I felt the presence of another being in me, hoping it was my wolf, but I’m convinced now that it had just been my imagination. I don’t have a wolf still.
  • It is the only thing I had been looking forward to today but apparently, it’s not going to happen. Most werewolves have their first shift at the age of sixteen or some as early as fourteen, but the longest I’ve seen is at age eighteen. I was hoping I would shift today. That’s one of the main reasons I worked till 2 A.M. this morning because I was hoping to. I went out under the full moon, but I didn’t feel anything. Even the moon goddess hates me, that is why I don’t have my wolf yet.
  • “Watch it, scumbag,” I had mistakenly bumped into someone, who shoved me away with irritation on his face.
  • “I’m sorry,” I mutter. He didn’t pause or respond, he just keeps on walking.
  • “Moron,” I heard him mutter under his breath.
  • Luckily for me, when I get to Beta Leo’s place, his daughter was not around, and neither was his wife. Just the Beta,”
  • “Tiana,” he enveloped me in a full hug and I smile at him.
  • “Good morning Beta Leo. I’m sorry I’m late, “
  • “Ha, nonsense, I’m aware it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday,” he pulled out a small rose and hands it to me and I chuckle. I’m not even sure how he knows it’s my birthday, but I’m pleased.
  • “Thank you, Beta Leo,” I smile at him. He’s always super nice to me and I like him.
  • “You are welcome. You know I can let you off easy today, spare you all the chores,” he starts to trace his fingers down my jawline and I don’t think I like the sound of his voice. I take a step back.
  • “That’s not necessary. I don’t have anything planned for the day. I don’t mind,” I tell him.
  • He smiles “You see it’s just the two of us here, and you are of age now. Perhaps we can make each other happy?” He cocks a brow.
  • “What do you mean,” I ask.
  • “You’re not a baby, and you know you are beautiful. I can make all the pain go away, no one has to keep treating you in this manner, if only..” his voice trails off and when I look behind me, I see Bella standing there. I have never been pleased to see her before but right now, I’m glad.