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Chapter 6 Federico

  • The look on her face is priceless and I'm the lucky bastard who gets to capture it on camera. I've been taking videos of Ophelia since the day she was born, recording every milestone in case Regina misses something important. She's so busy running an empire that she barely gets to see her daughter. As the good samaritan that I am, I sometimes take advantage of that. But only because the woman is stubborn. She's blind to anything that doesn't involve Vincelli organization. So far, I've wrangled two dinners and three drink dates from her in exchange for the videos. The footage I took today will earn me a drink or a dinner date depending on her mood.
  • She's apathetic that seeing any expression on her face is a record-worthy event. Even if it's anger. She stops at the foot of the stairs with a gun in each hand. Her eyes scanning the room cautiously. I rake my gaze over her outfit. A silk nightgown with a V-neck that molds perfectly to the swell of her breasts and a floor-length, matching cover-up. The things a man would uncover when he takes them off... Her shoulders relax when she realizes there's no threat but when her gaze lands on us, she frowns.
  • "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
  • "Good morning to you too, Regina. We are fine but didn't get to have breakfast. Would you mind if we join you?" There's a sliver of sarcasm in my voice.
  • "I'm sorry, mama. I didn't mean to break the vase" Ophelia apologises. I've known her since the day she was born and the only time she shrinks is when she's in front of her mother. The girl I know is headstrong and vocal about everything. She has the habit of talking my ear off whenever we're alone. I hate that Regina has become so indifferent she can't see what she's doing to her daughter but as an outsider, I'm not allowed to say anything. It's not my place to tell her how to raise her daughter. And after everything she's been through, I can't say I blame her.
  • "It's fine, bambino. We'll buy her ten more" She smiles up at me and like always, my heart skips a beat. What I wouldn't give...
  • "It's fine. Why are you here so early?"
  • "To see you. Why else? Bambino, it's rude not to greet your mama. Go hug her" She gets off the hoverboard and walks to where Regina is. Gingerly wrapping her tiny arms around her mother. Watching them interact is painful. Ophelia leans in to hug her while Regina stands there like a tree. Not attempting to return the hug. By the time they pull apart, which is like five seconds later, I'm ready to move on "Go wash up. I'll see what you have and make us breakfast"
  • "Federico" she calls, waiting for Ophelia to disappear into the kitchen before speaking "How the fuck did you get in again?"
  • "There are more important things to worry about than how I got inside your house"
  • "Like what?"
  • "Like your daughter is getting to the age where she needs her mother's attention. Why are you keeping her at arm's length?"
  • "How many kids do you have? What do you know about parenting?"
  • "Having a child doesn't make you a parent. Raising one does"
  • "It's too early for me to put up with your bullshit. Leave. I'll take her back in the evening"
  • "I promised to spend the day with her and unlike you, I do keep my promises. The only way you're getting me to leave is in a body bag" Her eyes flash and I know she's considering putting a bullet in my head. This person she's become won't hesitate to do it. But she only turns around and heads back upstairs. I watch her until she disappears around a corner then head to the kitchen "What do you feel like having for breakfast?"
  • "Waffles with chocolate and a strawberry milkshake"
  • "Principessa, isn't that the same thing you had for breakfast yesterday and the day before?"
  • She gasps, her mouth dropping open in shock "How did you know?"
  • "I know everything about you. Pancakes or cornetto?"
  • "Pancakes"
  • Regina's cook, Nina, walks in. Her steps falter when she sees us "Don't mind us. We'll make ourselves breakfast and Regina can have whatever she normally eats"
  • "Yes sir"
  • Ophelia cracks the eggs and adds milk while I mix the dry ingredients. I've made it a point to always include her whenever I'm cooking so she grows up to be self-sufficient. Unlike her mother who can't even fry an egg. She tried once and almost burned down my house. This is one of the reasons I'd like her to be present in Ophelia's life. As someone who grew up without a mother, she should know the difficulties she went through and make sure her daughter doesn't go through the same thing.
  • But that asshole Vincelli messed her up real well. The woman I met all those years ago is no more and in her place, is an Ice queen who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. Even the fucking president. Said woman saunters in a few minutes later dressed in a pair of jeans and a shirt. Her hair is held in a low ponytail and the heels on her feet indicate she's not planning on entertaining us for long. I look at Ophelia who's busy boring holes at the pancake.
  • "You should start eating healthy, Ophelia. Nina, get her a plate..."
  • "Don't ruin our fun. You can have your fruits and vegetables but let us eat our breakfast in peace. Otherwise, we won't come back"
  • "And that's supposed to be what, a threat?"
  • "Yes," I say, my tone cold and disapproving. She is in the process of pulling out a chair but her body freezes. Her eyes snapping up to me "You should feel threatened and scared at the thought of not seeing your daughter again, Regina" We share a heated look. Mine full of annoyance at her carelessness. She doesn't realize that her daughter asks about her less and less as each day goes by. At this rate, they'll grow apart and eventually estranged. While her eyes scream bloody murder. If we were alone, she'd probably be on top of me with a knife held to my throat. This woman hates threats. But she shakes her head and says,
  • "That's not what I..."
  • "Can I flip it now?" Ophelia asks, cutting her off.
  • "Yes. Let's see if it came out better than mine"
  • "It did. Look, I told you girls are naturally good at cooking. You owe me five bucks" She stretches her hand toward me, sticking her palm right under my face. I playfully slap it away.
  • "Whoever said daughters were expensive wasn't kidding. At this rate, I'm going to go broke and it'll be your fault"
  • "Or the women you hire for..." I place a hand over her mouth before she finishes that sentence.
  • "Shut up"
  • "That'll be five more bucks"
  • During breakfast, both of them are quiet. The mother at a loss for what to say and the daughter scared she might say something wrong. I have to keep reminding myself that it's none of my business how Regina raises her daughter. Sooner or later, I'll get kicked out of their lives. Will I make it easy for them? Fuck no. She gave birth and then left her with me to go handle her father and fiance. I've raised Ophelia like she was my daughter and I'll be damned if Gina tries to keep me out of her life.
  • But over the years I've also gotten to know her. Once she makes up her mind, there's no changing it. Not that I'm any different. If I'm determined to stay in their lives, she won't be able to stop me. Ophelia carefully cuts her pancake before spearing the piece with a fork and lifting it to her mouth.
  • "Oh look, you do know how to use cutlery" I mock. She peers up at her mother to see if she's looking then sticks her tongue out at me. I do the same but Regina catches me and sighs.
  • "How old are you again?"
  • "Old enough to do what I want"
  • She shifts her attention to Ophelia "Elbows off the table when you're eating"
  • "I'm sorry"
  • "And you're too old to have those in your hair. A simple ponytail is enough"
  • "Yes"
  • "What about me? Is my outfit okay? Or should I have worn that yellow suit?"
  • "If you're done you can leave. Now that she's here, there are a few things I want to talk to her about"
  • My eyes dart to Ophelia and I notice the way she's gripping the fork.
  • "Actually, she has a date with me. We have a lot of activities planned for today. If you want to talk to her, make an appointment"
  • "Federico...." Regina starts but I cut her off.
  • "It's non-negotiable. Principessa, if you're done with breakfast let's go. Time waits for no man" She wipes her mouth and is on her feet in seconds.
  • "Thank you for breakfast, mama"
  • Regina is too busy glaring at me to acknowledge Ophelia's words. Her face falls. She quietly turns around and leaves the dining room. I have this urge to shake Regina until she opens her eyes but instead, I follow Ophelia out without saying another word.
  • She's in the car fidgeting with her hands. I see a little girl who is desperate for her mother's attention but also at her wit's end. She doesn't know what else to do. Her grades are excellent, she's well-mannered, doesn't throw tantrums, and always tries to please her mother but it's not enough. I know she feels alone. Despite all the love and attention I shower her with, I'm not her father. Aside from Regina, she has no other family.
  • I've considered adopting her, making it official but Regina would never agree to that. Especially since she expects Ophelia to take over the business when she's older. And there's also the fact that my last name is Gambone. The elders will only make things harder for her if they find out. The only thing I can do is be there for Ophelia until her mother comes around. And she better do it soon or I will take matters into my own hands. Getting in beside her, I motion for Manno to drive and only speak when we're out of the compound.
  • "Your mother is the scariest person I've ever met. Do you want to get a real breakfast? I barely ate back there"
  • "That's because we already ate before coming here?"
  • "We did? Why don't I remember?"
  • "Because you're getting old"
  • "Did you just call me old?" I ask narrowing my eyes. She bites her lip and I know what she's about to say before she opens her mouth.
  • "You have white hair. I saw you dyeing it the other... ahh" she shrieks when I attack her stomach. Tickling her until she taps out "Sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it"
  • "That's what I thought"
  • "Sir" Manno calls slowing the car down, "I thought you might like to know Signora Ricarda has arrived"
  • Fuck.
  • "Take us to the mall. Any mall"
  • Beside me, Ophelia gasps "Rico, are you avoiding your mother?"
  • "Shut up. Unless you want me to lock you two in a room and leave the country" she pinches her lips together and pretends to look outside the window. Ricarda might be my mother but I prefer having less contact with her and even lesser when it comes to Ophelia. She just got back from her vacation. I hope by the time we return, she will be on her way out to another vacation.
  • "Elsa says she brought a man with her" Manno adds.
  • Great. Now I have to put the fear of satan in a fucking moron who thinks they've found themselves a sugar mama. And I'm a hundred percent sure that man is barely of legal age.
  • "No killing inside the house" Ophelia murmurs prompting me to launch another round of tickles. She's way too clever for her own good.
  • *******************************************