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Chapter 6

  • Delilah's POV
  • All of a sudden, someone yanked my shoulder and gave me a tight slap on my face.
  • “Delilah, have you lost your mind?” Mom scolded me and made me throw both whip and stick from my hand. “Leave from here before I lose my mind.”
  • My jaws tightened, but without saying anything, I changed my clothes and left the house not before warning then. “Dare you to touch my mother or sisters, or next time I will break your hands.” and then looked at Andrian.
  • “I will talk with them politely.”, he muttered in fear, hiding behind mom.
  • “You better.”
  • *
  • I knocked on the door of my human friend’s house where I could sleep for a few hours because I had a routine to sleep in the morning, and all of a sudden, I just couldn’t change it and knowing that I hadn’t slept last night, my beauty sleep was must for me.
  • “Hello, Aunty, is Liam home?.” I greeted his Mom. This was the first time I was visiting any of my friend’s houses.
  • Why?
  • Because everyone in my family followed a strict rule of school to home and home to school, if found roaming here and there, then you would have to say goodbye to school and then would have to sit at home doing household chores until you were eighteen.
  • “Oh my god!!.,” Her Mom chirped and quickly dragged me inside the house and then closed the door. “I can’t believe that you’re Liam’s girlfriend.”, She squealed happily and then hugged me.
  • Hold on, girlfriend?
  • “Mom!” I heard Liam’s voice behind her. “Please accept that I’m gay and I’m interested in Men.”, he groaned and pulled me out of his Mom’s hug. “And she is Delilah, my only friend who accepted me even after knowing my truth, unlike you who jumped on every girl assuming her as your future daughter-in-law from the moment I told you the truth.”
  • “Fine!!”, His Mom made an annoying face and then looked at me. “Don’t call me Aunty, by the way. I’m still so young; call me Lily.”
  • “Sure, Lily.”, I said and looked at Liam. “Won’t you show me your room?
  • “I was going to do that, genius. Come!!”, With this, Liam started taking me to his room, and I didn’t miss the look on Lily’s face who desperately wanted us to get involved with each other. Unlike other parents, she wouldn’t even mind if we would be inside the room, even after locking the door.
  • I wondered why some parents couldn’t respect their children’s choices?
  • The moment I walked inside his room, I dropped onto his bed like a dead body.
  • “At least open your shoes, Delilah.”, he whined, and I showed him my legs. He shook his head and opened my shoes; he threw them away and covered my body with a sheet. “I guess you’re here because of your family issues, about which you never told me.”
  • “Hmm.”, I hummed before closing my eyes to finally sleep peacefully.
  • Liam and I became friends in school when I saved his ass from getting kicked by the other students of our class when they came to know that he was gay.
  • Though I didn’t want to make him my friend, not because of the gay thing, of course, but because I enjoyed my own company, he tagged along with me every time with the hope that I would keep him safe and then unknowingly, we became each other only friend.
  • I didn’t know how long I slept because my school life had ended this year. So, I was free for a couple of months.
  • Though I was sleeping but a couple of things were still running in my mind, especially, ‘What next?’
  • No more studies, obviously, because I had already completed high school by this age. I was the youngest student in my class by age, and my parents had no idea about it because dad didn’t give any attention to any of our academics, and Mom barely had time to keep track of all the studies of her children. But I was thankful to my elder sisters, who were no less than another version of Mom, who was there for me always. Always.
  • “Wake up, Delilah.” I heard the soft voice of Liam. “Are you not planning to sleep at night?”
  • “Just five minutes.”
  • *
  • After a while, Liam turned off the AC and switched on the fan, and removed the curtain from the window. I groaned when the light hit my face. I tried to hide my face with the sheet, but he snatched that too.
  • “Come on; I have even brought a coffee just the way you like.”
  • I finally woke up, rubbing my eyes, and looked outside the window.
  • “What’s the time?”
  • “Three.”, he replied, sipping the coffee. “So, will you tell me how you landed here? Because I know you’re not someone who visits anyone’s place.”
  • I didn’t reply to anything on which he sighed before speaking, “Fine, don’t tell me. But at least wish me a happy birthday if you want to.”
  • Fuck!
  • I closed my eyes in regret and then looked at him. I again forgot his birthday, just like every year, but you couldn’t blame me for that. Because every year on his birthday, my mood used to get spoiled for one reason or another.
  • “Happy birthday, Liam. And I’m sorry, I…”
  • “It’s fine. It’s fine, really, because I have already planned punishment for you.”
  • “What?”
  • “What, what? Did you really think I would let you go that easily? I’m planning to take revenge on you for long.” Liam smirked while sipping coffee.
  • #TBC