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Chapter 211 A Dire Warning

  • Even as I’m walking toward her, I’m surprised when Carrie doesn’t move away or attempt to disappear, like she has done so in the past. This confirms my earlier suspicion that she really just wants to talk to me.
  • I come to stand beside her. Her gaze has flitted past me and now looks at her resting daughter. I move, standing shoulder to shoulder with her, so that I can share her view. Steven gentle pushes and pulls the stroller back and forth, while he avoids looking over at us.
  • Carrie’s note comes to my mind. She wants me to continue to watch over Mia. But that’s not something I’ll be able to do for much longer. I should probably tell her that. Maybe that will be the information she needs to hear, that would lead her out of the shadows and back into her daughter’s life.
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