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Chapter 59 "Trust Issues"

  • "COWARD! You are such a coward, Zack! If you really love her, show it to her and fight for her! Running away won't solve anything, dude, believe me! It's normal for married couples to sometimes have misunderstandings and argue even with the smallest things but it's never a solution to just run away! You are repeating the same mistake of running away from her, huh?! " His voice was in mockery for his last sentence after his lectures to me. "You just make yourself look like you're more than being the wife than being a husband, bro!"
  • "If only you know what we're going through right now, and if only your simple advice will help lessen our situation. If only love and pleadings and begging will make her forgive me for what I've recently done to her." I said bitterly. "What I did to her made her hate me and I hate myself even more."
  • My friend's cool eventually disappeared. He turned serious. "Why? What did you do, bro? What have you done to her that she almost won't forgive you this time."
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