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Chapter 15

  • Chapter Fifteen
  • The match began again and Rick was in his position, off course as he look ahead, he can read the various movement of every player on the field, he had actually activated the Game accuracy immediately he was subbed in. Off course during the half time, the System had actually borrowed him game point with the aim to pay back double in future, and Rick who needed the Game accuracy had agreed to it, after having the game point, he bought the game accuracy, the game accuracy he used to read the game, and that is why he passed the ball to Tola first, by the System accuracy, he knew just to run at the right time towards the right, he never expected that Blake would saw him, and that lead to the second goal.
  • Well into the game already, Rick who was now a Defensive Defender and partner with Tola, he man marked an opponent, Tola gained the lose ball and he passed the ball back to Tang who was at the defense, Tang as well released the ball to Jason at the Left back, Jason tried to move the ball forward, but he was man marked at the front, he turn around and released the ball to Rick.
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