Chapter 45 At Foster's House
- The cabin of the car was warm, and the passengers felt complete. Mrs. Daphne won a lot. She deliberately chose to sit at the back with Sofia to see her grandson and the girl of her choice nearby. The old woman's heart was cheering. Even Gery's occasional smiles at Eve during the conversation are interpreted as a charming romance.
- As if she never ran out of words, Mrs Daphne continued to engage the young woman in front of her in conversation. Discuss the business development and what steps will be taken in the future.
- The old lady's admiration grew as Eve expressed her bright ideas. Mrs Daphne and even Gery finally admitted that the girl beside her deserved to be given a vital position. She couldn't help but smile. Her eagle eyes glanced occasionally, which made Mrs. Daphne, who was watching from the rearview mirror, smiling amusedly.