Chapter 51 Party Time!
- I got back to the conference room at about 7:40, twenty minutes before it was slated to start, after I had gone home to change and get myself ready for it. I had actually snuck into Natalie’s room to borrow a dress for the occasion, since she had so many nice ones that I never saw her wear more than once.
- I looked at my reflection in the glass door of the room for one more look, to make sure everything still looked alright. I had told Logan I would keep a low profile, so I chose a simple black dress with a low v-cut in the back and paired it with some gold flats I had that I love. I was pleased with how well the dress fit and looked on me, almost like it had been made for me.
- I walked around the room to give it a once-over and make sure everything and everyone was in place. The caterers were all set, the musicians were tuned and were already playing some soft jazz pieces, and the black and gold decorations were on point. Now it was time to greet the guests as they arrived and guide them to their seats.