Chapter 24 A Game Of Chance
- I held the key in front of the lock to my parents’ front door and paused. Nothing in me wanted to go inside, but I didn’t really have a choice. I needed more of my things if I was going to continue to stay at work comfortably.
- I put the key in the lock and turned the knob as slowly and quietly as possible. Maybe I could sneak in and out without anyone noticing me. Not that my family ever really paid a whole lot of attention to me…but I didn’t want to take any chances.
- I slipped through the door and carefully shut it behind me. I paused and listened. I heard some dishes clanking around in the kitchen. At this hour, my parents were probably drinking their evening tea, I guessed. I looked up the stairs. I didn’t see any lights coming from the rooms, which hopefully meant that I would not find any more unwelcome surprises in my bed.