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Chapter 6 Paired

  • 6.
  • Selene managed to get up and dragged her feet to the ladies restroom. She felt his hold on her neck might have left a mark and definitely wanted to get rid of it since she hated blemishes on her skin.
  • If she was a wolf, it would have healed quickly but she wasn't one. She was only made to look like them. As she made her way to the restroom, she saw the students trooping out of their various classes. They all went in different directions but she noticed those in her class were headed the same way. No doubt it was already time for their Martial arts classes.
  • “I should be back before they're all dressed up and arranged.” She whispered to herself but was dragged back by one of the students.
  • “Where are you going, newbie?” He asked with a sneer.
  • “Hey!” She snapped and another one grabbed her hand.
  • “The Martial arts dojo is that way,” He pointed to a direction where her classmates were headed. “If you can't find your way, I'm being nice by showing it to you.” He smirked.
  • Selene couldn't help but scoff. “I know where the Martial arts dojo is. I just need to get something done quickly and it's urgent.” She answered but they burst into a fit of laughter.
  • “I just want to get something done quickly,” One mimicked and the rest laughed again. “Who do you think you're talking to like that?” He asked.
  • Selene arched her brows. She was totally confused by what they were saying. What was wrong with what she said?
  • One dragged her again and her neck became exposed. He smirked. “Were you strangled by someone?” He asked.
  • She yanked her hands away from them and raised the top of her clothes to cover her neck.
  • She tried to walk away but they dragged her back again. “Don't be in such a hurry to leave. We aren't done with you yet.” One whispered.
  • “Let go of me.” She muttered calmly.
  • They started laughing again. She shut her eyes tight to control herself. If only they knew who she was, they wouldn't dare step on her toes like this.
  • “And if we don't? What are you going to do?” The third guy poked her forehead.
  • She glared at him.
  • “Is she glaring?” Another asked and they laughed again.
  • She looked ahead and saw Dominic. He stood at the entrance, watching everything that was going on. Selene expected him to at least say something to stop them, but he only glared at her and walked away.
  • She sighed and lowered her head.
  • “I'm sure she must have tried seducing one of the male wolves around here. That's why he tried to kill her.”
  • “You're right. This is her first day and she is already so bitchy!”
  • “Just look at how frail and weak she looks.”
  • She could hear their mean comments but choose to ignore them.
  • “Me? Frail and weak?” She snickered to herself and was about to walk away but was dragged back again. “Stop testing my patience already!” She snapped, her eyes switching from white to yellow in a flash.
  • The guys moved back. “You're a tigress. I love that.” They mocked and started laughing.
  • “Do you think you can intimidate us with that look? Get a grip of yourself, loser. We've seen many she wolves with eyes like that. Now, get lost!” The first one, who seemed to be their leader, pushed her aside as they walked away.
  • Selene sighed and rushed to the restroom. When she got there, she washed her face and stared at the mirror. She checked out the place Dominic had held her in the mirror and rubbed it with a sigh.
  • “I just pray he doesn't kill me before I accomplish my mission.” She muttered to herself.
  • Selene's eyes flashed a golden color and the mark disappeared from her neck. She arranged her clothes and rushed to the dojo for the class. When she got there, the door was already locked. The instructor was already inside.
  • He looked to her direction and when their eyes met, he gestured for a student to help unlock the door. It turned out to be one of those guys that had bullied her before. He smirked at her but she ignored him and waited for the door to open.
  • He acted like he had unlocked the door and when she leaned in to turn the doorknob, he unlocked it and forcefully dragged it open, making her lose her balance and falling face first on the floor.
  • The students erupted in mocking laughter and the instructor silenced them. He tried to help Selene up, but she gulped down the pain and embarrassment and stood up by herself. She threw a glare at the boy and scrutinized him from head to toe, making a mental note to deal with him later.
  • “Sorry for coming late, sir.” She apologized with a bow.
  • “You're lucky I haven't started the lesson. Do not come late to my class next time,” He said and she nodded.
  • She looked around and saw Dominic seated at a corner. With a smile, she walked up to him, and sat beside him but he stood up and took another seat. She facepalmed and decided to focus on the lesson.
  • “Before we start, my name is Mr. Ethan but I prefer you call me Sensei,” He announced and they chuckled.
  • “Since this is our first lesson together this session, I'd like to start from the basics of martial arts. Martial arts is a form of combat that originated in ancient times and is practiced for self-defense, physical fitness, and spiritual development. It involves various techniques that include striking, grappling, kicking, and throwing. The art of martial arts is not just about fighting, but it also emphasizes discipline, respect, patience, and humility.” He explained and they nodded.
  • Selene looked around and saw other students taking notes. She facepalmed when she realized she didn't come to the class with a book and pen.
  • “Where are your writing materials?” He asked and she pressed her lips into a thin line.
  • “I'm sorry, I didn't come with them. I had no idea.” She answered with an apologetic bow.
  • He sighed and placed his hand on his forehead. “First of all, you came late to my class, now you have no notes?” He frowned at her.
  • Selene sighed. “I'm sorry. I'll go get them.” She made to leave but he stopped her.
  • “No, stay that way. I don't want you coming back and I'd have to repeat myself,” He said and looked away from her.
  • Selene folded her hands and just watched him. If she paid enough attention, she'd be able to put everything down in her book once she gets to class.
  • He continued. “As werewolves, you possess incredible strength, agility, and speed. These abilities make you natural fighters, but martial arts can help you hone your skills and become even better. In addition, the discipline and focus that come with martial arts training can help you control your inner wolf and prevent it from taking over during a fight. Do you understand?” He asked.
  • “Yes, Sensei!” They chorused.
  • “Now, let's talk about some of the key martial arts techniques that you can use in your werewolf form. One of the most important techniques is striking. Your claws and jaws are your natural weapons, but you need to learn how to use them effectively. You can practice striking with a heavy bag or focus mitts to improve your accuracy and power,”
  • Selene nodded.
  • “Another technique that is important for werewolves is grappling. This involves using your strength and weight to control and immobilize your opponent. You can practice grappling with a partner or a grappling dummy to improve your technique. Kicking is another useful technique for werewolves, especially when fighting larger opponents. You can use your powerful hind legs to deliver devastating kicks that can knock your opponent off balance or even knock them out,” The students wowed the last part and he smiled, knowing they were paying full attention.
  • “Finally, throwing is a technique that can be particularly effective for werewolves. Your strength and agility make you well-suited for throwing your opponent to the ground and following up with strikes or submissions. Remember, the key to mastering martial arts is practice, discipline, and patience. It may take time to perfect your techniques, but with dedication and hard work, you can become a formidable fighter in both your human and werewolf forms.
  • In addition to physical training, it's important to develop your mental and spiritual strength as well. Meditation and visualization techniques can help you focus your mind and tap into your inner strength. This can be especially important for werewolves, who may struggle with their dual nature and need to maintain control over their wolf side.
  • Finally, always remember to show respect and humility to your fellow martial artists, both human and werewolf alike. Martial arts is not just about defeating your opponents, but also about building relationships and fostering a sense of community. And with practice, you can become full masters of martial arts.” He concluded and the hall buzzed with applause.
  • As the lecture came to an end, the students raised their hands to ask questions. Mr. Ethan nodded at the first student, who asked, “How do we control our wolf side during a fight?”
  • He replied, “Controlling your wolf side during a fight is challenging, but not impossible. The key is to practice self-control and discipline. You can start by meditating and visualizing yourself in control of your wolf side. During training, focus on technique and strategy, rather than just brute force. With time and practice, you will learn to control your wolf side and use it to your advantage.”
  • Another student asked, “What's the best way to defend against an opponent with weapons?”
  • He answered, “Defending against an opponent with weapons requires a different approach. You need to focus on footwork and evasion, and look for opportunities to disarm your opponent. Grappling and throwing techniques can also be effective against an armed opponent. But most importantly, avoid getting into a fight with an armed opponent if possible. Remember, the best defense is often to avoid the fight altogether.”
  • Selene raised her hand to ask a question and everywhere went silent. Mr. Ethan nodded at her and she proceeded to speak. She saw how their eyes followed her and already knew what they might be thinking.
  • She asked anyway, “What if we're up against other supernatural creatures, like vampires or demons? Do the same techniques apply?”
  • Mr. Ethan smiled and replied, “Each supernatural creature has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you may need to adjust your techniques accordingly. For example, vampires are vulnerable to sunlight and silver, so you may want to incorporate weapons that take advantage of those weaknesses. Demons, on the other hand, may require a different approach altogether. But regardless of the opponent, the principles of martial arts remain the same: focus on technique, strategy, and mental and spiritual strength,”
  • Selene nodded and smiled at him.
  • “Hope I'm clear enough?” He asked.
  • “Yes, Sensei.” They chorused.
  • “We won't be going into the kicking and punching stuff like you all call it today,” He said and they chuckled. “Before we go into the main reason why you all are here, which is going to be tomorrow, I'll put you in teams of two. That way, you can start practicing some of the techniques I just explained. And I'd also be needing that for your assessment,” He explained and they nodded. He took out a file and faced them. “We have 20 students in this class so, I'll pair according to the names here,” He stated and began calling their names in pairs.
  • Selene waited to see who she'd get paired with and so did Dominic.
  • They looked around them and saw that the students had been paired, leaving only two of them. Before Selene could think her name was called.
  • “Selene will be paired with Dominic.” He concluded and her eyes widened.
  • She turned and her eyes met with Dominic's. He scoffed and walked out of the class angrily.