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Chapter 2 The Baby

  • 2.
  • “Help me, please. For the sake of my unborn child!” The woman cried out.
  • Selene looked down and saw that it was a war going on. She saw a pregnant woman, lying beside a dead wolf, holding him tight while their enemies were approaching her.
  • “That's Queen Bathsheba, Luna of the Golden Sword Pack. The wolf down there is her husband. They just got attacked by a neighboring pack and lost to them,” Marlene narrated.
  • “Golden Sword Pack is a strong pack. I made sure they had the best set of warriors, the largest lands and vegetation because the Alpha was a good person. I've watched his good deeds right from when he was a child.” She said.
  • “It was an…” Marlene trailed off.
  • “Insider,” She completed it and looked down at the woman, who was holding her pregnancy and husband, while shedding tears.
  • “Moon goddess, please save my child. Just this once, please! He's my first.” She kept on crying.
  • The moon goddess was touched.
  • According to the rules, she only had the chance to save one person. Either the woman or bring back her dead husband to life. She wished she could save the two of them.
  • “If I bring the Alpha back to life, he still wouldn't be strong enough to fight his enemies. They're very large and majority of his men are already dead. They would get killed anyway.” She sighed.
  • “She said it's her first,” Marlene said.
  • “Yes, and that's why we need to save her. If she delivers the boy, he would take after his father and continue the lineage,” She said and looked down at the woman, who now had her hands clasped together while praying silently.
  • She frowned when one of the men grabbed her. He tried to stab the Luna, but she stretched forth her hand and the sword turned, stabbing him instead. His eyes widened.
  • Queen Bathsheba stood up and took to her heels immediately. The remaining ones followed her. Selene smirked and blew a smoke down, confusing the men, who started fighting themselves.
  • She made sure they killed themselves until there was no one remaining. She stared at the blood on the floor and her heart ached for those that lost their lives.
  • “Her son will hunt down that insider that dared to betray his pack when the time comes. I would have ended him by myself, but I wouldn't be proud that way,” She clenched her fist tightly.
  • This was the second war she witnessed that day, and she knew more was coming. She had tried her best, by creating different channels where wolves can cooperate and live together in harmony, instead of trying to bring each other down due to their greed and quest for more power. It annoyed her to the core, and sometimes she wished she could just go down there and set them straight physically.
  • She wanted the wolves to live in peace. The kind of world she wanted for them all was the type that they would be together in one place as one and would have only a supreme ruler, who would be ready to see their affairs until the end, but the wolves, due to their selfish and animalistic nature, separated themselves into packs.
  • And the worst part of it all was that when one pack flourished more than the other, it led to jealousy, envy, and hatred which resulted in their desire to pull each other down to the very least. They wanted the top and would stop at nothing to get it.
  • “Werewolves,”
  • She sighed and sat down. She didn't understand why, but her thoughts were clouded by that pregnant woman. Something about the woman seemed to pull her in, and she couldn't figure it out. It was like there was something in the woman, calling out to her, but what was it?
  • She was a supreme being, who could figure out things with just a snap of her fingers, but why was this one being difficult for her?
  • She watched as Queen Bathsheba came out of her hiding spot after everything was over. She had witnessed how the men turned against themselves and knew it was the moon goddess' doing.
  • She went on her knees. “Thank you, moon goddess.”
  • Selene smiled as she watched the woman. She sighed when she saw Queen Bathsheba beside her husband's corpse. She stayed there and cried until the people came and took her away.
  • Selene couldn't understand why it hurt her so much. What was going on with her?
  • It was just like a few minutes in the realm, but it was already 2 months later in the land of the mortals. She had given the queen the strength to get over the death of her mate, and also aided in returning the pack to its former glory.
  • “Her baby is coming,” Selene stood up with a smile. It wasn't clear to her why she felt jittery, just at the thought that Queen Bathsheba would be giving birth to her son that day.
  • And just as she said, the woman went into labor. She watched how the midwives quickly rushed her to the labor room, asking her to push and all that.
  • Selene appeared behind the door, listening to Queen Bathsheba's screams. Her screams stopped abruptly and the next thing she heard was the cry of a baby. It warmed her heart so much that she didn't know when she appeared in the room.
  • The baby was cleaned up and given to his mother while she stared at him admirably.
  • “He is gorgeous,” She bent to look into his eyes.
  • The queen and midwives couldn't see her, but the baby's eyes opened, and bored into hers.
  • Her heart fluttered just by that eye contact. “You're going to be a great and wonderful Alpha; even greater than your father, baby. I already know the name you'd be given. It'll reflect a lot in your life,” She smiled and held the baby's hand.
  • Suddenly, she felt something leaving her body.
  • A golden light came out of her body and entered that of the child. She couldn't see it, but she only felt something leave her body.
  • She quickly withdrew her hands from the baby and looked at him. He closed his eyes, and she disappeared, appearing back in the realm.
  • “What's this sudden feeling of emptiness?” She asked herself and looked at her hand again.
  • She untied her golden hair, which she had packed into a ponytail and allowed it to cascade down her back.
  • She looked into the mirror, glancing at the moon sign on her forehead. It had faded, it was no longer golden like it used to.
  • She gasped and touched it.
  • “Oh no!”