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Chapter 4

  • My heart beats into my throat as I feel the cold muzzle of the gun against my head. I lift my hands slowly, gulping.
  • “Please...”
  • Panic expands in my chest, taking my heart hostage while my eyes scan my surroundings as if I could find anything to save me from this precarious situation.
  • “Shut up, bitch. Stand up before I blow your heads off! Or I’m going to decorate the walls with your brain.”
  • He grabs my arm, with the other hand put the gun against my head.
  • We freeze, watching Arella enter the bar with an annoyed expression.
  • Even if his gorgeous face morphs into a frown it makes me feel a strange sense of relief.
  • I hate the fact that my heart flips in my chest at seeing him, and stills for a beat or two as he turns his gaze locked with me.
  • “One more step and your wife would be history.” I heard Ciel try to threaten Arella with my life with a little panic in his voice.
  • But the next second, my world fell apart completely when I heard what Arella said.
  • “Do you really think I care?”
  • Before my heart can hurt badly enough, injured by his words, he lifts his hand, pointing a gun against Derica. My breath hitches in my throat as the little hope that appeared in my chest gets killed with one blow.
  • I barely escaped his bullet, the rush of air from its passing still tingling on my skin. My heart pounded in my chest as the Ciel fled, leaving chaos in his wake.
  • I turned, relief barely setting in, when I saw him—his eyes cold, finger tightening on the trigger. He was aiming at Derica!
  • Without thinking, I threw myself forward, the world slowing as I moved.
  • “No!” I scream, and before I can even realize what is happening, I have already stepped before Derica.
  • I feel the bullet hitting my shoulder, catapulting me backward. A small step back keeps me from tumbling to the floor, my brain struggling to grasp the consequences of my rash act.
  • With shaky fingers, I touch the wound while I feel myself go numb, only to look at my hand and find my fingers drenched with blood.
  • Desperation and fear stream through me, making my heart squeeze painfully as I try to take steady breaths to keep me conscious.
  • My senses keep shutting down, blackening my vision while my surroundings blur into chaos.
  • As my eyes are fixed on my fingers, I hear Derica scream desperately.
  • Looking up, I observe Arella nearing me as if in a dream, his angry gaze and clenched jaw being the last thing I see before I pass out.
  • ***
  • She took a bullet for her lover.
  • She took a bullet for her fucking lover.
  • She even sacrificed her life for that fucking lover.
  • Those words kept resounding in my ears as my eyes were fixed on them. The bullet hit her chest, close to her heart. It was only a narrow escape that she didn't get shot in the heart.
  • "Cassiel, Cassiel." Derica called, shaking her lifeless body.
  • I've always felt the urge to shoot Cassiel, but seeing her now in a pool of her own blood, I didn't even know what I was feeling Inside.
  • Everything was blank.
  • "Fuck you bastard!!" Derica yelled at the top of his voice. He quickly pulled off his jacket which he placed on her chest to try and stop the bleeding.
  • For the first time in my life, I was dumbfounded. I remained still, not knowing not how to react, or what to do. I was confused and that was a first for me.
  • "Shit, the hospital?" Derica was about to carry her in his arms when it dawned on me that he was going to take her away.
  • I snapped out of whatever trance I was in, and took a step towards them.
  • "Back off." I gritted my teeth in anger.
  • "So you can finish off from where you stopped right?" Derica hissed at me.
  • Too bad he missed the bullet.
  • "Not exactly." I replied calmly.
  • "Where I stopped was trying to kill you, if you don't back off now. I'll shoot you and this time there'll be no Cassiel to save you." The corner of my lips pulled up with a cold expression on my face.
  • Derica flared at me. I knew if he was given the opportunity to kill me, he wouldn't hesitate to do so.
  • "Now. Back. Off." I drawled out and he finally released Cassiel, reluctantly.
  • Maybe it was because he knew that I would not relent till he let her go and Cassiel would probably die if more time was stalled.
  • Muttering under my breath, I walked away with Cassiel in my arms as I went straight to my car.
  • "To the hospital. Now!!" And with that the driver zoomed off.
  • ***
  • As her eyes gradually close, I can't explain the deep stab that just engulfed my cold heart.
  • I don't know for how long we have been waiting for the doctors outside the operating room because I can't focus on anything right now other than what is going on inside.
  • I don't know for how long we have been waiting for the doctors outside the operating room because I can't focus on anything right now other than what is going on inside. Ciel shot her and ran under my watch.
  • Fuck.
  • "Are you family?" The man in a white coat disposes of his bloody gloves in the nearest bin and my eyes follow the action with a heavy heart.
  • "How is she?" My voice is calm when I ask but inside, a storm of emotions threatens to burst out.
  • "I am sorry, we tried our best"