Chapter 988
- The second element was that women are past mistresses of not saying what they mean. They can hurt, confuse, or protect you in oblique ways. It took me a millisecond to piece the girl-politics together. I figured Katrina was playing softball with me so my poor brain wouldn't strain itself. St. Marie was my ally. Katrina was being publically contrary to me; thus when I took the post as she wanted me to do, I wouldn't be seen as being in her corner.
- House Šauška pretended to support me so they would look good when I backed down – which I was bound to do if Katrina didn't support me (idiots). I had run off to summer camp instead of standing before the Council. They thought I was irresponsible, which I was, and didn't really care about the Amazon political system, which was wrong – I did care. That was why I sent Buffy in my place.
- "How many people are in this department/unit/corps maybe?" I asked Konstantina. She weighed her words carefully and guessed wrong.