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Chapter 3 Captured

  • Sweat gathered on Raymond's forehead as the rioting sound from the camp grew louder and they found us trying to leave. Just when Raymond was about to give up, the car finally started, he hit the pedal immediately.
  • "Do not let them get away!" Jason's voice erupted once more and I was back again in another car that was being chased by angry werewolves. Raymond knew the risk involved now, he was not driving like he wanted to save me but he was driving to save himself. I started believing what Raymond told me about his brother when they began to shot at us.
  • "Raymond slow down, my stomach hurts and my arm too." I pleaded as I felt my baby kicking and the pain in my arm increasingly unbearable. I can't tell which was worse: my arm or my stomach.
  • "You just have to endure. If we are caught, I am dead and your baby will be ripped out of your womb. My brother won't even care." Those words frightened the sh*t out of me, sweat trickled down my forehead, my breathing came out in short pants, my head was spinning and I couldn't seem to calm my racing heart, then it happened. The moment Raymond crossed the gate that leads to blackwater, all cars behind us held their brakes, Raymond did the same. "Why are you stopping Ray?" I asked him immediately.
  • "This is an embassy, they won't cross." Raymond heaved a sigh and stared out of the window.
  • "That doesn't mean you should stop, keep moving." I scolded him with a whimpering voice to make him drive though I had wanted him to slow down. The moment he left, the gunfires started again. We knew they've started a fight with the security men at the gate of the embassy and that's not going to turn out well for them. At the heart of blackwater, Raymond stopped the car and slammed the steering wheel severally before groaning loudly. I wasn't even in the mood to say anything, all I wanted was to get into one of the ships up ahead and go south to find the only brother I had left. Raymond had to make me talk... "Do you have any idea what you've made me become?"
  • "No." I shook my head but he yell at me in return,
  • "A traitor to my own pack, more or less an outcast!!!"
  • I leaned backwards and with a low tone I said, "I am sorry, Raymond. Come with me, maybe if it turns out that it's his baby, we will return and he'll forgive you."
  • "It's pointless. There is no going back now." He bowed his face and was about opening the door when four men showed up and pointed their guns at us.
  • "Put your hands where we can see them!"
  • We were handcuffed and taken in for interrogation. Raymond whispered in my ears saying I should pretend to be his sister and let him do the talking but when we went in, they refused him to speak and to make matters worse, we were separated.
  • "What is your name and the name of your brother?" I was asked shortly after I told the lady I was Raymond's sister.
  • "I am Ariel and he is Raymond." I said.
  • "And your family name?" She asked without taking her eyes off me. I knew if I should tell a lie, it won't be consistent with what Raymond will tell them in the other room, so I had to tell her the truth. "So you are Ariel Harvey. Tell me why I should not send you back to Whitewood when you brought the war between you and your pack right into our gates."
  • "They are going to kill me." I replied instantly. The way she looked at me made me believe she was going to help but I knew she would have to follow procedures.
  • "Of course they will kill you. What makes you think we are not going to kill you before they do?" She said and wrote something with her pen on a sheet of paper before giving me a favorable reply "I am sending you and your friend into a merchant ship. We captured a few who claim to be members of one greenwood pack in Dome. When the authorities from Whitewood request to know the reason behind the attack on this embassy, we will hand them over."
  • "Don't do it. They are going to expose me and unfailingly, blood moon pack will come looking for me." I said earnestly and watched her muse for a while.
  • "I don't think they will, but if they should come looking for you, it will be better to know you are somewhere across the sea than within reach. I can't help you beyond this point, unless you want me to hand you over to greenwood pack."
  • "No, no need for that. I am grateful." I felt it was better to keep running than to give up after enduring this much pain. I was glad to see Raymond again after spending four days in a secluded room answering questions. My stomach was not protruded, but I knew my baby will be born anytime soon because I have had this pregnancy for a while now.
  • "Any idea where they are taking us?" Raymond asked me quietly. I kept my voice down because we were accompanied by six men and the lady who arranged our departure.
  • "Into that merchant ship over there as she promised me." I replied.
  • "I don't trust her. I wonder where the ship is set to sail to."
  • "South to Winsburg."
  • "That's better. At least it will buy us time."
  • I observed as we halted waiting for the lady to finish speaking with the captain of the ship, though her gestures made me feel she was up to something but I was not sensitive enough to know she was selling us out until we had left the harbor.
  • "I hope they are worth the exchange." Raymond and I overheard the captain conversing with one of his merchant friend on board.
  • "What exchange?" Raymond raged.
  • "Be quiet you fool, you have no say here. You belong to us now and we'll trade you to another master once this ship docks." The captain replied in a way that made Raymond reveal his other nature. I have never seen a black wolf shifter before now: Raymond was so quick to get his arms transformed, revealing his claws as he grew bigger. That wasn't even the real shocker, at the sight of Raymond, the captain and his friend shifted as well... so I became afraid because I won't be able to defend myself should they start fighting, reason is, I can't transform into a wolf yet. Just a few days left before I turn eighteen and be able...