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Chapter 2 No Longer Safe

  • By the time I regained consciousness I found myself on a bed inside a warm room with red lights on. There was no one else inside the room except the young man I identified to have rescued me from the T-junction. "Where am I?"
  • "You're safe."
  • "I am not safe until I am out of Whitewood for good. Where am I?" I sounded pissed off already.
  • "You are in Dome. It is on the outskirt of Whitewood. We have our own alpha and we are not ruled by the blood moon pack."
  • "It doesn't matter. The Luna will find me here anytime soon and you will be outnumbered because she has the numbers. You have no idea what Susan is capable of doing. I've heard of this suburb when I was little and since you are known to refute the sovereignty of the Walter family, it is a good reason for her to wipe you all out. I have to go." I uttered hastily and tried to get me out of bed but he stopped me, saying, "you have to rest for a while. Your wound has to heal. Everyone knows Susan is brutal but we are capable of protecting you. My elder brother is the alpha of this greenwood pack. His name is Jason."
  • "I don't need your protection, I need to get to safety. By the way, before I was unconscious, I heard you say you know me, How is that?"
  • "My brother talks about you a lot and how he wished to go into Whitewood to bring you home to Dome. Luckily, you are here now. All thanks to me."
  • "Enough about your brother already and this isn't home to me. What's your name?"
  • "I am Raymond." He said and looked at me for a little while before asking, "I believe it is Jason's child you are carrying?"
  • "How did you know I am pregnant?!" My brows furrowed while I placed my hand on my stomach. I wondered how he figured because my stomach was naturally flat and nearly impossible to tell I was pregnant unless I reveal it, though it's close to nine months ever since. I saw the spread of curiosity over his face as he let out a sigh. "I am a doctor. Why won't I find out? I am only asking because he never told me he slept with you."
  • I became shocked when he uttered those words because I was already in love with Salvador and if I am carrying Jason's heir then I have lost Salvador forever. I had to open up to him, "truth is, I don't even know if I have met your brother before and his name sounds strange to me, plus I don't even know whose child I am carrying."
  • "Hmmm. Strange." He gasped lifting a brow before throwing his face away. "I shall have my brother know you are awake now." He finished and left. I frowned and my heart raced as a result of his reactions. Deep down I hoped I have not avoided death only to find myself in another death pit. I knew I kept my pregnancy a secret from Salvador because I never wanted my family to know about it because I was yet to marry him.
  • Whilst I was thinking, Raymond walked in with his brother Jason but they did not quite look alike. I noticed the gleam of affection in his eyes like the stare of a man who just found his first love. I can't tell his reason for staring at me in this manner but his stare hurt so much like I had been pierced with a spear through my heart. "I think you should go easy on her. She is really stressed out mentally."
  • "It's okay, Raymond. I got this. Please leave us." Jason said. Not like I was comfortable with Raymond, but I wished he had stayed. My heart grew heavier at every step he took closer to me and when he had sat down, he fastened his gaze on me, "I never believed I'd see you again." He whispered, and then reached his hand to the side of my face, his eyes almost pooled and he gently brushed his hand along my left cheek "I am sorry I let you go that night, Ariel. They took you away from me, I won't let that happen again." After he was done talking, I gently removed his hand from the side of my face and all that kept running through my mind was ...who is this guy?... Then, still looking into his eyes, I said, "I am sorry but I think you are mistaking me for someone else. You have to let me leave Dome or something terrible is going to happen to me and to your pack."
  • His brows knitted in uncertainty "what do you mean I am mistaking you for someone else? It is me, Jason. Your husband. We married secretly and we consummated our marriage with sex. Don't you remember?" He was even more eager to make me believe him. That very moment, my head began to ache, "please let's talk some other time." I placed my hand on my forehead and laid on the bed. I was glad he left without waiting for me to ask twice. ...How am I married and I know not?... I pondered until I fell asleep.
  • I woke up with same troubling thought "I am married?"
  • I tried explaining to Raymond how clueless I was, but he was not listening to me either , "Listen, you can not tell my brother that you are pregnant until you confirm who the father is. I know my brother, he can be hot tempered at times, and if he finds out that the child is not his, he's gonna kill it."
  • "Then help me get out of here. It's been a week now. The more I stay the more dangerous it becomes. Plus I need time to remember. You don't want my baby dead, do you?"
  • "There are only two ways to solve this, it's either you escape with the child alone or you pretend you remember everything and let him know you're having his baby. Be quick with your choice. But no matter the decision you make, I will support you because I know it isn't easy to carry a baby."
  • "I will have to escape because I am not sure it is his child and you know it is the only way. I'll need you to help me escape."
  • "No, you'll have to do it yourself. If I am caught, I'll be seen as a traitor and he'll execute me without a second thought."
  • "But you are his brother?"
  • "Yes, I am, by vow not by blood. And I know my brother." Raymond replied with certainty.
  • "Okay just take me out of the camp and get me a car. I'll drive myself." I pleaded to make him agree to help. I could tell he was only helping because he was developing an affection for me. There was a car a few meters away from the pack camp and on getting to the car, he broke the glass and opened the door. He was still trying to start the car for me when a noise erupted from the camp.
  • "Ariel is gone! Find her, don't let her leave Dome. Bring her to me! And where the f*ck is Raymond" We both recognised that it was Jason's voice. He's had eyes on us ever since.
  • "Get in!" Raymond ordered and opened the backdoor for me and kept trying to start the engine. "Raymond you have to move now," I said.
  • "I am trying," he replied sounding frustrated because he could see some werewolves approaching the car that just won't start