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Chapter 7 First Ever Concert

  • All through the night, I waited for him to call me, but he didn't. Amelia told me to give him a whole day. I looked at the ornate white clock in my bedroom. It was way past twelve so that meant a whole day had gone. I sat up from my bed and stretched my hand to pick up my phone from the nightstand. I took a deep breath and gave him a call. It rang for some time, but he didn't pick it up. I pouted and fell back on my bed. Did he even save my number?
  • The next day, I decided to check the shoe store. I had told my Dad about the mysterious fan who was stalking me the previous day, so he hired a bodyguard to escort me. I didn’t understand why my Dad was being overprotective about the issue, but I guessed it was because he knew I was getting more famous and I needed more security. My car was parked at the parking lot of the shoe store and the masculine bodyguard my father had hired came down and opened the back door for me. I wasn’t used to such treatment, but I thanked him with a smile. Then, I walked into the shoe store. My chances of encountering him at the shoe store were slim, but I took my chances. If I was lucky I might run into my handsome savior again. The bodyguard walked ahead of me.
  • It was another attendant who was standing behind the counter. This time, I didn’t approach the attendant since I wasn’t there to place any orders. I smiled at her and observed the store, walking around the shelves in a pretense of searching for a certain shoe. I knew I was just wasting my time because I wouldn't see him, but I kept checking every corner for him. I brought out my phone again and called him. Still, he didn't pick up the call.
  • I pouted and fidgeted with my phone. I didn't even know his name. I wondered who he was.
  • I finally gave up and decided to go back home. I turned and walked towards the exit door. It was then I caught sight of a black figure standing in the hallway of the shoe store. His broad back was to my direction. Without even seeing his face, I knew it was the man who had saved me the previous day.
  • I smiled, my stomach bubbling with excitement. Who could have thought I would meet him in the store today? Yeah, I was hoping to meet him, but what were the chances?
  • I turned to my bodyguard. “Wait here,” I said. “I will be back.”
  • The young man took a step forward, looking ready to oppose my request. “Miss, I am hired to escort you anywhere.”
  • He made it sound creepy, but I wasn’t going to talk about it.
  • “I understand that you are here to protect me, but I need privacy. Don’t follow me.” I said and quickly walked towards my handsome savior. There was no way I would let my bodyguard ruin my chances and give room for him to think that my bodyguard was my date or something. No, I wouldn’t take that risk. Not when I finally meet him again.
  • As I got close to where he was standing, I heard him engaging in a hushed conversation with someone. His thick brows were furrowed and his mouth drawn into a thin line.
  • “About the man, I had done my research on him. Everything you need to know is in the flash.”
  • The moment I saw the man he was talking to, the small clutch I was holding fell from my hand. The man he was talking to was no other than the man who was stalking me the previous day. I shook my head in disbelief. I mean he had saved me from this certain man so why did they look like they were familiar with each other. The thud of my clutch drew their attention and their eyes focused on me. The air in the store thickened, stuffing up my throat. I needed to breathe.
  • Seeing how I was acting, my bodyguard came to meet me and picked up my clutch.
  • “Miss, are you okay?”
  • Still looking at the man who had saved me, I nodded. I wanted to approach him and asked him why he was with the man who was stalking me, but I didn’t. I knew nothing about this man whom I had been thinking about since I had met him. Maybe the man who I thought was stalking me the other day might not even be a stalker.
  • I turned to my bodyguard. “I’m done here,” I said, grabbing my clutch from him. “Let’s get out of here.”
  • I felt his eyes on me as I walked out of the shoe store. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I didn’t know what to do so I left and went back home. On my way home, I kept thinking about it. I had overheard the other man telling him about doing his research on someone. It made me wonder if the man I had regarded as my savior was actually the one who had sent that man to stalk me.
  • ---
  • "Why is the stage light so dull?!" Amelia yelled at an event planner. The confused man looked so terrified of her. She might be my manager, but sometimes she could be so authoritative.
  • My first ever music concert was tomorrow. Amelia wanted it to be as perfect as it could be. We were using one of the popular event halls in New York and I was totally pleased with it. Well, Amelia wasn’t. Its exterior was made up of shiny glasses and the interior was built with decorative walls. It was spacious and could accommodate more than ten thousand people. The event planners were setting up the hall and from the look of it, Amelia wasn't satisfied with what they had done so far.
  • Amelia and I had just arrived in New York City a few hours ago. She had insisted that we check out the event hall for the preparations for my music concert.
  • "The stagelight is as bright as it can be." The event planner pointed out.
  • Amelia shook her head and snapped her fingers at it. "I don't like it. Get another one."
  • A female planner was placing a vase of tulips at the VIP stand. Amelia hissed and walked towards her. "What are you doing?" She asked with an edge of displeasure.
  • The young lady dropped the last vase on the last table and looked up. "I'm placing flowers on the VIP stand." She said, confused.
  • "Yes, I can see that,” she declared with irritation. “Change the flower, it's too bright."
  • I sighed and touched Amelia's shoulder. "Amelia, why don't we go and check out one of those lovely cafes in New York?"
  • She shook her head. She moved close to the VIP stand and observed it. "No, I'm busy."
  • I came to her front and grabbed her shoulders. "I know you want this concert to be perfect, but you need to take a break,” I took a swift look around the hall. “Come on, the planners are doing a good job here."
  • She scoffed. "Good job? The concert is tomorrow and the hall still looks disarray!"
  • I held her hands and pulled her gently. "Let's go get just a cup of coffee, I'm sure the planners will do a good job if you aren't shouting at them."
  • She removed her hand and brushed her hair backward. "Oh, please. I'm not shouting at them."
  • I gave her an accusing look.
  • "Don't give me that look." She said and walked towards the exit of the hall.
  • While in the cafe, I ordered an American while Amelia ordered a Cappuccino. We were sipping our coffees in silence when my phone buzzed. I jerked up and picked it up.
  • Gosh, I couldn’t believe he was finally calling me!
  • Did he call because he missed me and wanted to explain why he was talking to that man?
  • Without wasting any precious time, I answered the call.
  • "Hello, Princess."
  • The whole butterflies dancing in my stomach died down when I heard my Dad’s voice. I actually thought it was the man I met in the shoe store that had called me.
  • My Dad informed me he was going to be late for my concert due to a business meeting. I wasn't happy about it, but I understand that he was busy trying to get new investors for his business. So, I wouldn't pressure him.
  • “Alright, Dad,” I said. “You don’t have to come if you are busy.”
  • “Princess, you know how much I had been anticipating your concert. There is no way I would miss it. I promise you, once I am done with the meeting, I will go straight to ASH.”
  • I smiled. “Okay, Dad. But please don’t work too hard. You have me to take care of you so you shouldn’t let your business overwhelm you.”
  • “I’m alright, Princess. You don’t need to worry about me. All I need you to think about is how you are going to give your fans the best performance ever tomorrow.”
  • I sighed and leaned on my chair. Amelia looked at me, taking a sip of her coffee. She looked concerned at hearing me sigh.
  • “Dad, to be honest, I’m kind of anxious,” I confessed. My father was my biggest fan. He was the only one I had ever sung my songs to, but now I was going to be standing on a stage in the midst of thousands of fans. I couldn’t help the anxiety that was gnawing my gut at that thought. “This is my first ever concert. I don't want to mess it up. I know nothing will go wrong with this concert, but I still feel like I will make a mistake.”
  • “Don’t worry about that, I’m very sure you won’t make any mistakes. This has been your dream, sweetie. To have your own concert, the crowd, the cheer, the spotlight, all this is all you ever dreamed of having so I’m very sure that tomorrow you are going to go out there and make that dream come true.”
  • I exhaled deeply, tears pooling my eyes. My Dad’s words touched the depth of my heart and made me realize how prepared I was for the concert.
  • “Thanks Dad,” I said fondly. “Did I ever tell you that you are the best Dad ever?”
  • He laughed. “You say it all the time.”