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Chapter 10 His Pet

  • My captor didn’t return. I remained in the dark room for what felt like a century before the door opened again. I jolted from my sleep, already at an alert at the intrusion. I didn’t even know when I had slept off.
  • Due to the blindfold, I couldn’t tell if we were still in the night or it was already the next day.
  • How many hours or days must have passed since I had been brought here?
  • I had no idea.
  • The only thought that kept bothering me was that whoever had kidnapped me didn’t have any intention of releasing me.
  • He had come back. I didn’t even know what he wanted to do to me.
  • I turned on the bed. My restrained hands were hurting badly. It was starting to feel sore as I hadn’t been able to move it freely. I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up from the bed. My body ached like it was run over by a car. Maybe I was exaggerating, but you get an idea how I was feeling.
  • “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” a soft voice spoke.
  • The voice sounds young and feminine.
  • I sat up quickly, relief flooding my mind. This person sounded innocent and kind. She could save me!
  • “Please unbind me,” I begged the lady who had entered. “Please, I don’t want to be here. Please let me go.”
  • “I’m sorry, I can’t do that,” the lady replied and quickly left. The door slamming against the wall in her absence.
  • I sighed.
  • How long will they leave me here with this sickening blindfold?
  • An hour later, the door opened again. I smiled, feeling relieved that the kind lady earlier had come back to rescue me.
  • “You are back!” I hollered in delight. “Listen, I will make sure I repay you for saving me!”
  • “I was told that you are awake,” a stony voice said.
  • The voice sounded more mature and hostile than the previous lady.
  • I moved back on the bed, scared at being caught while I was trying to bribe one of them to rescue me.
  • “Who are you?”
  • “You can call me Madam Q,” the hostile woman said.
  • Her answer was very vague, holding a high degree of mystery.
  • “Madam Q, Please why am I here?”
  • She didn’t answer.
  • Instead, I felt hands around my wrist as they unbind the knots. Immediately, my hands were free and I raised it up to my face in an attempt to remove the blindfold.
  • “Don’t touch the blindfold!” Madam Q warned. “The boss wants it on.”
  • Scared at her outburst, I dropped my hands and hugged it around my chest.
  • The boss?
  • Who is the boss?
  • And why does this boss want me here?
  • “Who is your boss?” I asked the question that had been bugging my mind.
  • “You don’t need to know,” Madam Q replied coldly. “The only thing you need to know at the moment is that you are the boss' new pet and you must learn how to please him unless…” her voice trailed off, leaving a deadly chill on my skin.
  • “Unless what?” I urged her.
  • “Unless you will end up like his other pets.”
  • I am his Pet?
  • And I could end up like his other pets?
  • What the hell was this woman saying?
  • The only thing I have ever known as pets were animals. Domesticated animals to be specific. Those were the ones people buy and take into their homes as pets, not a young woman like me who was already independent at the early age of Nineteen and had a flourishing career!
  • “I’m no one's pet!”
  • “It seems the boss found a stubborn one,” the woman scoffed. “Don’t worry, you will learn to please him.”
  • Please him?
  • In what way?
  • I didn't understand what she meant by pleasing her boss, but there is no way in hell I would please a man who had dragged me away from my loved ones and kept me in this darkness. If there was anything I would do, that would be to let whoever their boss was know that I’m not a woman he takes and claim like a free doll he picked up at a store!
  • “She looks dirty,” Madam Q pointed out. “Take her to the bathroom and get her cleaned up,” the woman said to whoever was with her in the room.
  • I heard footsteps coming in my direction and I moved backward, trying to protect myself from whatever the hell was waiting for me.
  • “Stay away from me!” I warned them, pushing my hands forward blindly.
  • I couldn’t see anything and was afraid of the punishment that would await me if I disobey Madam Q by removing my blindfold.
  • My warning was futile because the next thing I felt were tough hands grabbing my shoulders and pulling me up from where I was sitting.
  • “Let me go!” I flung my hands like an untamed beast, pushing the person away from me.
  • “I will advise you to cooperate unless you like to be manhandled,” Madam Q warned.
  • I swallowed hard. I didn’t know how long it had been since I had been kidnapped. I was already very weak and very hungry. I didn’t have the strength to fight anyone so I nodded and didn’t struggle when the person grabbed me again and took me to where I assumed was the bathroom, judging by the wetness of the floor and the dampness of the room.
  • The strings of the short dress I had worn for the concert were loosened as a few ladies got busy with undressing me. I didn’t complain and bit my lips in shame. I didn’t even know the number of people who were in the bathroom with me. The boss could be standing in the bathroom and watching them undress me.
  • The thought crossed my mind and my hands flew to my chest as a lady tried to unhook my bra. My lips wobbled and the tears I had been holding back all this time ran down my cheeks. I felt too exposed and lost.
  • “Please…” I swallowed hard. “Please don't do this. I’m begging you.”
  • The lady didn’t listen. She yanked my hand from my chest and pulled my bra away with a great force, causing the hooks to snap before it gave way.
  • My breasts plunged out, bouncing. I covered it with my palms and sniffed as the lady removed my panties. Now, I was completely naked for everyone to see.
  • I was led into a pool of water. They started scrubbing my body with something soft and in no time I was done bathing. Or should I say, they were done bathing me.
  • Afterwards, they hooked another lacy bra around my chest. I bet my breast could be seen through the bra. After wearing the underwear, they slipped a lacy dress onto my body and zipped it up at the back.
  • What had they worn on me? My hands roamed blindly around the strange dress. It was extremely short to the point that it was showing the down of my butt.
  • Slutty dresses like this made me feel more like a whore and I was too embarrassed to even picture how I would look in this silly exposive dress.
  • I tried my best not to think about why they were dressing me up like this, but Madam Q word kept replaying rent free in my mind.
  • “The only thing you need to know at the moment is that you are the boss' new pet and you must learn how to please him.”
  • Were they taking me to meet the boss, dressed like this?!
  • I struggled to remain calm as my heart was hammering against the ribs of my chest. Air seemed to be foreign in my lungs as I lost the ability to breathe properly. I was entering panic mode. If I couldn’t stand being half naked before everyone, how will I stomach whatever was waiting for me in this forsaken place?!
  • After I was dressed, I was expecting them to remove the blindfold from my face.
  • They didn’t.
  • Madam Q took in a deep breath and I felt her studying how I looked. “Take her to the boss, he wants to see her.”
  • My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach.
  • “No!” I cried out.
  • This boss, whoever he was, couldn’t see me dressed this way. He shouldn’t!
  • “Madam Q, please I don't want to go anywhere,” I begged.
  • I heard quickened footsteps and the next thing I felt was Madam Qi’s presence in my face.
  • “Listen to me, young lady. Just like I have told many other girls before you, Mr Russo is a very impatient man. You have to make sure you are obedient if you don’t want to get on his nerves. And believe me, you won’t like it if he gets bored of you. So let’s try to make things easy for you and me by learning how to be cooperative,” she warned. “I’m telling you all this because I don't want you to end up like the others.”
  • My lips wobbled. “What happened to the others?”
  • There was a long silence before she replied. “Despicable things.”
  • Despicable things like what?
  • Were they killed?
  • My whole body shook at that thought. I didn’t want despicable things to happen to me!
  • I took in a deep breath and exhaled deeply.
  • “Okay,” I surrendered. “I will cooperate.”
  • “Good.”
  • I was led out of the room and told to climb up the stairs. Not long after, I stopped before another room. The lady who had followed me knocked on a door, its sound echoing in the empty hallway.
  • I closed my eyes within the blindfold and sighed. This was it. I will soon see the face of the man who had brought me here.
  • “Bring her inside,” a deep voice said, sending chills down my trembling bones.