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Chapter 8 Stressed And Impatient

  • João Felipe
  • After a sleepless night, tossing and turning in bed, I woke up stressed and impatient. Two things that were already part of my personality were only raised to maximum power. I decided to stay in my room. It was better than taking out my frustration on some unsuspecting person.
  • I was unable to carry out my plans, as my parents knocked on my bedroom door half an hour after my wise decision.
  • “You can come in!” I spoke loudly to make myself heard since they kept knocking on the door and calling my name.
  • “Sorry, my son, but your mother believed you were still sleeping. And as we know that your sleep is heavy, then…" My father explained, embarrassed.
  • “My love, we accepted the invitation of the Alcântaras to spend the weekend at their summer house in Guarujá” My mother, all excited. " You should come with us. I'm sure you'd like to see your old school friends again.
  • The Alcântaras were my father's partners in some investments, and the families had had a great bond for years. I was very good friends with the brothers Nicolas and Henrique, including.
  • " Mom, I'm tired and stressed. I don't think I'll be a good company " I declined the invitation, being quite sincere, actually.
  • " Did something happen? Have I been stressing out in traffic again? " Mrs. Marta soon asked, worried.
  • " No, Mom! " I realized that my father was about to ask about this story, and I explained right away, raising my hands in the air. " No need to worry, Daddy! It wasn't at all what you were thinking. I just arrived stressed the other day, but I didn't argue in traffic, as Mom implies.”
  • “ Let's go with us, dear! Beatrice and Alicia will be there too” Mom said again, trying to convince me. " You could review them and who knows, right? Perhaps you can understand each other now.
  • " I was with the two yesterday, mother. I went to a party at Alicia's house. Nothing happened if you want to know" I cut off her expectations right away.
  • I didn't feel the least bit attracted to the frivolous socialites who were at the party, and I also didn't explain that I only saw Beatrice from a distance, because I didn't even get to say hello to her.
  • “Oh, too bad. They would be perfect wives,” my mother lamented.
  • “Perfect wives for other men, not for my children. I hope you don't follow your mother's ideas and find a woman of principles and not someone as vain as those girls your mother admires so much,” my father said, looking steadily at my mother, cutting off any protest on her part. “Let's go, dear. You know I like to take advantage of my day off, and I have a lot of things to catch up with Gustavo,” Gustavo Alcântara was the father of my friends and my father's partner.
  • “See you later, son. If you change your mind, come by. Don't be inhibited. I'm sure everyone will enjoy your presence,” My mother still tried, almost getting pulled by my father.
  • “My son, don't get carried away by your mother. Do what you want and make the most of these days, because I want you to assume your position on the company's board from Monday. Until later.”
  • I kept looking at the door through which they left, and uneasiness came over me when I heard my father's words.
  • When they were already in the corridor, João Pedro entered my room, after saying goodbye to them happily.
  • “Looks like it's going to be a busy morning,” I complained when I saw him enter.
  • “Stop being boring! I just came to let you know that I'm traveling today and won't be back until Monday.”
  • “ And your inseparable friend, is she going with you too?” I asked casually. I didn't want him to see how much the answer interested me.
  • " Vivi is totally dedicated to studying for the last exams of the semester. You don't want anything disturbing your concentration” she said throwing herself on my bed, not caring about almost lying on my feet. "So, I'm going to meet some friends for a very busy weekend," she said and smiled cheekily.
  • " Yeah, looks like someone's going to have fun today, " I said, relieved to know that Viviane wouldn't be enjoying the weekend with my brother and his friends.
  • " You do not imagine how much! " my brother replied and I even managed to smile along with him.
  • My parents had been given two days off, as the Mendes de Albuquerque had traveled to Guarujá and dismissed all the staff at the mansion, with the exception of the security guards, of course.
  • Taking advantage of this opportunity, they decided to spend their day off in Jundiaí, visiting my aunt Soraia, my mother's sister.
  • I took the whole day to study and when night came, I went to the kitchen just to get something to eat and went back to dedicating myself to my studies.
  • It was after twenty-three hours when I decided to rest and after taking another shower, I went to bed. The night was very hot and stuffy and I was tossing and turning in bed, both because of the heat and because of the thoughts that wouldn't leave me alone.
  • When I was studying, I managed not to think about João Felipe and that uncomfortable feeling I felt for someone so unattainable. But now, trying to sleep, he wouldn't get out of my head.
  • It was past one o'clock in the morning when I gave up trying to sleep and got up. The heat was unbearable and even the wind coming out of the fan was hot.
  • Then I thought about going for a swim. It had been a while since I had played in the pool, always devoting myself to my studies and when I went out, it was always with João Pedro on his nights out because, although he always invited our friends to spend the day at the pool at the mansion, I always refused to think. Mrs. Marta would not want to see this scene and I would rather avoid conflict situations.
  • But since Mrs. Marta and Mr. Rodolfo weren't there and even João Pedro had traveled with some friends to a mysterious place, claiming that he wouldn't tell me where he was going because I didn't want to accompany him, it wouldn't hurt to go to the pool.
  • João Felipe " I sighed melancholy " I saw him leaving with the car when I went to look for my mother's dog in the garden of the mansion earlier. He should be out overnight with one of his cases, I thought. He would be surrounded by people of his "level", as his mother insisted on always boasting.
  • I wore a discreet black bathing suit. I didn't like to expose my body more than necessary. I didn't feel well. I didn't have any self-esteem problems, it was just shyness. I put on a bathrobe over my bathing suit and headed toward the mansion.
  • The security guards who worked at the mansion were all very discreet and used to staying in the guardhouse next to the entrance, as all the walls around the mansion, in addition to being very high, were also monitored by security cameras and had electric fences.
  • They were aware that I was the only one home, as when I walked earlier with Mommy's dog, I had even exchanged a few words with one of them, talking about the weather which was quite muggy that night and he asked me to call guardhouse, in case you needed anything.
  • Arriving at the pool area, I took off my bathrobe and immediately dived into the water, which was at a perfect temperature for that hot night. I went around a few laps, swimming from one end to the other.