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Chapter 4

  • After a couple of minutes of driving, Dan finally got home. He went straight for a shower, then changed into one of his comfy sweatpants.
  • He reached for his phone in the hope that he would see a missed call or text message to acknowledge his interest in her but he saw nothing and that resonated another form of anger in him.
  • Daniel stormed out of his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He found himself in the living room and when he didn't see who he was looking for. He made his way to the kitchen where he finally found her, She was by the counter, doing some cleaning. She was dressed in her maid uniform which was a short black and white dress and her hair was put in a ponytail.
  • Daniel knew she either saw him or noticed his presence as she vigorously continued cleaning the countertop. Not as if it was dirty or Dan even ate most of the food she prepared, he was just a neat freak and required that she cleaned the house twice a day.
  • Dan finally approached her from behind and squeezed her against the counter. He could feel her get all tense but that didn't stop him from doing whatever was in his mind.
  • He brought both hands to her front, the first three buttons of her uniform were opened so he snuck his hands in and squeezed her boobs at the same time, most especially her nipples, making her whimper.
  • Releasing her boobs, Daniel raised her dress. He instantly spanked her ass. "Didn't I tell you not to always put on panties?"
  • "'m sorry sir!"
  • "Bitch!!!" He spat out the word, pulled down her panty, positioned her well against the counter by making her rest her chest on it, and parted her legs.
  • As she stayed in that position in anticipation of what was about to happen, Dan pulled down his joggers, his dick sprang up to life and he slowly entered her from behind, fucking her in a bid to relieve himself from his anger and frustration.
  • The kitchen was filled with moans and grunts. Daniel fucked her with no mercy until he got his release.
  • Catching his breath, he withdrew his dick from her creamy pussy.
  • "You still got the pill?"
  • She nodded, not looking at his face. Something she had no right to do.
  • "Take it!"
  • She nodded.
  • Daniel exited the kitchen and went back to his room. Upon getting there, he went straight to the bathroom and took a shower after which he changed into another piece of clothing.
  • He crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
  • ......................
  • The next day!
  • Daniel's mind was pretty occupied with work. He had about three meetings in the morning after which he went back to his office and his assistant gave him a breakdown of all that happened.
  • He got occupied with replying to his emails and reviewing certain documents until his mind started drifting apart.
  • He reached for his phone on the table and checked If he got any missed calls or texts but he got no notification.
  • He sighed, resting his face in his palm.
  • "Is something wrong with me that I'm not attractive enough to her?"
  • "Not even a fucking glance at me!" He mumbled in disbelief as she hardly even stared at him whenever he was around.
  • Daniel was mad, he was bitter and he was confused. There has never been a lady who was not into him. He either bedded them or ignored them like they never existed.
  • The fact that he had tried to clear the thoughts of Beatrice from his mind by going to the club and still fucking a lady, but he still found himself thinking about her, made him even more pissed.
  • "Why the hell is she so damn difficult?!" he muttered to himself as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up from his seat angrily.
  • He walked to the window side where the whole city could be seen from where he was standing.
  • Daniel tucked his hand in his pocket and stared outside where he could see the cafe where she worked. It was not far away from where he was.
  • He adjusted his tie well and sighed heavily "You either go my way or you go nowhere!"
  • He went back to his table, picked up his phone and car keys, tucked it in his pocket, and stormed out of his office, abandoning all the pending work he had.
  • Daniel was already out of the office building when it hit him that the cafe was just a stone's throw and that there would be no need to drive there. He hissed at himself and then started walking in the direction of the cafe, trying to maintain a composed look.
  • Dan finally got to the cafe and it was a bit crowded, though not too much for him to sit and have a coffee he wasn't craving for. He just wanted to see her.
  • He finally sat at a corner near the exiting door. He looked around and scouted for the woman who got him all flared up but she was nowhere in sight.
  • "Isn't that Daniel Debock?" one of the customers who was waiting for her drink said to her friend. She spoke in a low tone, more like a whisper but Daniel heard her.
  • "Who is he?" her friend responded, looking back at Daniel who obviously had no interest in any of their discussion.
  • "You don't know him? He's a billionaire, literally the hottest bachelor in the world! I kid you not" she answered her and she gave 'an omg' look but that wasn't in any way close to what could catch Daniel's interest.
  • "He's so handsome. Oh my goodness!"
  • "Here is your coffee," they took their drink and walked out of the cafe still gaping at him as they walked out.
  • Daniel waited for the waitress who was the boss to attend to her customers before he probably made his presence known.
  • He looked around, still trying to fix his sight on HER but she was nowhere to be found.
  • "Hey," he finally said, growing out of patience.
  • "Good morning, Mr. Debock," the boss said with a bright smile.
  • "Good morning. I would like a cup of coffee,"
  • "On it,"
  • "No. I want the lady with the black long hair to serve me,"
  • "You mean Beatrice?"
  • "Oh, that's her name?" he pretended even when her name had been the only thing that was wrapped in his head.
  • "Yeah. She's Beatrice. I'll just get her for you,"
  • The boss walked to the kitchen and came back with a gorgeous lady. She had fine clear skin and a red cheek that looked like she used a blush. She had gray eyes like the silver lining and black long hair that stopped on her waist even as she folded it up in a high ponytail.
  • Beatrice stared at Daniel with uncertainty even though he stared back at her with a small smile on his face. She had not thought much about him, she just wanted to get her job done and walk out of there.
  • "He wants you to serve him," her boss said to her as she waited for further instruction.
  • Beatrice made the coffee and placed it on the tray. She walked toward him slowly and steadily just as she would do to any customer.
  • Beatrice found him arrogant and too pompous. She wasn't really a fan of men like that and there was a day She saw him yelling at a lady who she later found out was his secretary. The poor lady cried terribly at their cafe without getting a break.
  • She also heard how much of a womanizer he was, she wasn't as well a fan of veritable Cassanova so he was totally not her type.
  • Beatrice finally got to him and placed the drink on the table. There was something about how Beatrice treated him that was different from how She always treated other customers. Not a single smile appeared on her face. It was as though she was being forced to serve him.
  • "Thank you for coming over," Beatrice said instead and turned to walk away but Daniel held her back.
  • Beatrice looked at his hand that was holding her wrist and then back at his face.
  • "I'm sorry. I do not like to be touched that way!" she said in a 'don't tone' that was easy to convince any man.
  • "Why?" He asked immediately, trying not to show how shocked he was. Who the hell in this world wouldn't like to be touched by Daniel Debock Tucker?!
  • "My preference," she answered, yanking her wrist off his grip. He looked stunned not just because she stated her fact but because he had never been spoken to in such a manner by a lady.
  • "Your preference doesn't match mine?"
  • "Sorry," she said back curtly.
  • "Do you have something to say to me? 'Cause I could bet you do,"
  • "I have absolutely nothing to say to you,"
  • "Okay. Have your sit," he said in a much softer tone.
  • Beatrice looked back at her boss who was staring intently at her and she sat down.
  • She knows how highly Daniel was carried by everyone and that also included her boss. She was either going to sit or lose her job.
  • "You didn't call me." She could see the pain in his eyes and that made her even more curious.
  • "Call you? Why?"
  • "I dropped my number on the bill along with a huge tip yesterday. I was expecting your call."
  • "Thanks for the tip but I have nothing to use your number for. I trashed the paper."
  • "Are you this blunt ?!" He mumbled, trying to hide the fact that he was angry he was the only one making all the moves."
  • "What answer were you expecting me to give you? You expected me to have called you? Why?"
  • "You're not a kid! So stop acting like all these are foreign to you."
  • She rolled her eyes at him and was about to stand to her feet when he stopped her with his words.
  • "Watch me while I have my coffee,"
  • "I've got better things to do,"
  • "Are you always this rude to your customers?"
  • "I haven't had my customers tell me to sit with them. This is new to me and I'm acting accordingly. I apologize if I come out as rude!" her tone was soft but not her facial expression.
  • Daniel felt frustrated and pissed. He had never experienced nonchalant treatment from a lady and hers was driving him crazy. He knew she was trying so hard to be professional but he still got the rude hint behind her words.
  • "You're just going to let me be?" He said when she stood to leave.
  • "What else do you need me to do?"
  • "You sound really rude, to be honest. I understand you're trying so hard to sound as nice as possible but I cannot look past that!"
  • "I haven't even said anything!"
  • Beatrice's stare was harsh, piercing his soul.
  • She possessed this intimidating look that one could just not ignore. It was there, staring back at you. She also had her ways with words, one that he knew he could probably not outsmart.
  • "What's your deal?"
  • "Listen. I am not one of those girls you can easily tame down with just a stare. I am not interested!"
  • "You act like you have got a better body than this!"
  • "Why are we speaking about my body now?"
  • Daniel knew she had a banging body. As a matter of fact, she had one of the sexiest bodies he had ever seen but he wasn't willing to accept that with an arrogant lady like her.
  • "That's because I get to speak with my mouth however I wish!"
  • "Asshole!" She mumbled, making sure she was loud enough to be heard by him.
  • "I would like to excuse myself!"
  • "Beatrice!" her boss cautioned and she frowned.
  • "I did nothing wrong!" she clapped back.
  • "Absolutely everything you do seems so wrong. What're you on about?"
  • "I have chatted most of my shift away with you. I'm not as free as you can choose to be. I have to work so I can earn!"
  • "Is this about money? I've got a lot!"
  • "Look here, billionaire! I don't give a fuck about your money neither should you interrupt how I make mine!"
  • "I know you want money. Stop acting so strict!" he smirked, mockingly sipping his coffee!"
  • "I am just working and minding my business!"
  • "Not when you act as you act. That's far from minding your business!"
  • "How else do you want me to act?" She asked out of frustration. This was the longest she had spoken to him or to any other customer.
  • "In a less arrogant way," he said, staring down at her body and biting his lower lip.
  • "I find that quite uncomfortable!"
  • "What else do you find uncomfortable?" he asked teasingly and she hissed, rolling her eyes, standing to her feet, and turning to walk away.
  • "You have a fat ass!" he said with a smirk-stained face and before she could look back and let him know how stupid his comment was, Daniel did the unimaginable.
  • He grabbed her ass which was very evident through the pant trousers she had on.
  • .............
  • Beatrice froze in her tracks. She felt all the blood in her veins rush down to her hands as she turned back to face him and landed her hand heavily on his cheek before she could stop herself.
  • Daniel tilted his head to the side from the effect of the hit, cupping his face in his palm with a grunt escaping his lips.
  • She still felt angered; like the slap hadn’t inflicted enough pain. She grabbed the cup of coffee that was still lukewarm from the table and poured it all on him without hesitating.
  • "What the hell!!!” Daniel jumped back as he looked down at himself with a frown on his face.
  • “The next time you touch me, You’re either going to be 6 feet deep in the ground or absolutely forgotten and erased from everyone’s memories!”
  • Sounded pretty harsh to Dan but he was too pissed to take her words for what it was.
  • The cameras flashed on her face as well as Daniel's face. There were shocked faces looking at them and as well recording the scene.