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Chapter 2

  • After so much teasing, Daniel was able to cajole his friends to leave, using work as an excuse and promising to meet them at the club later at night.
  • In as much as his mind kept wandering off to Her, he tried his very best to bury himself with work and just when he was really deep into it, the sound of his phone ringing, took his mind off what he was doing.
  • Taking a glance at the phone beside him, he heaved a tired sigh as he saw the Caller ID. He literally watched the phone ring until it stopped ringing after which Daniel went back to work.
  • Hardly had he typed a single word on his laptop when his phone rang again beside him. It was the same person calling.
  • He sighed, picking up the phone and bringing it to his ear after pressing the answer button.
  • "Hi Baby," The very familiar feminine voice came through.
  • "I'm very busy, Mom. Kindly go straight to the point."
  • "Wow! Good evening to you too, Son!"
  • "You called? Why?" He said sternly.
  • "Do I need to have a valid reason to reach out to you?"
  • "I'm not in the mood, Mom. I guess I'm going to end the call if you've got no valid reason for reaching out to me."
  • "Don't you hang the call on me, Dan!"
  • "All you do is push me away and that's not good at all!"
  • "What do you want from me, Mom?"
  • "I invited Chad and Henry to Anita's wedding."
  • "Cool,"
  • "What do you mean by that?"
  • "Good for you all. Sounds like it's going to be fun!"
  • "Stop making snotty comments as if you are a stranger. Your sister is the one getting married!"
  • "You just said that my sister is the one getting married. What do I have to do with it?"
  • "Attend the wedding and bring Natalie with you."
  • "We broke up and I'm not attending."
  • "You did what?"
  • "You heard me, mom. Don't make me repeat myself." The irritation was clearly evident in Dan's voice.
  • "What do I do with you, Daniel? Sometimes, I do not understand you. Natalie is a wonderful girl. She's so perfect for you. I was hoping that as time goes on, you both will get really committed and surprise me with as many Grandbabies as…"
  • "Just stop this, Mom!" He interrupted before she could complete her statement.
  • "You make it seem like I don't like you or I don't want what's best for you. Your youngest sister is getting married and the least you can do at this point is to be in a serious relationship. Come on, Dan, you should be leading by example."
  • "I fucking hate it when you compare me with my siblings and you know that? Marriage isn't for everyone. What's so bad in respecting my damn decision."
  • "You need to quit thinking that way. Of course, I'm proud to have you as my son but I'm definitely not going to let you be on some issues. Who the hell prefers to remain a womanizer rather than forming a family of his own?"
  • "I know of me, Daniel Debock Tucker! Why would I choose a boring life by choosing marriage and sticking with one woman when I have access to hundreds of women at the snap of my fingers?"
  • "That's a very disgusting way to think, Son"
  • "It may feel disgusting to you but that's my choice and I think you should learn to accept it."
  • "No!, you probably haven't found the right person, that's why you are saying all of these.,"
  • "But how can you even find the right person when you never give yourself the chance to get to know Natalie? These things don't happen when you are not willing to open your heart. You should put in some effort, hun!"
  • "Natalie is the perfect one for you. I'm sure you pushed her away. With how things are going, Will you ever give me a grandchild?"
  • "I'm going to end this call if you keep talking about this."
  • "This attitude is getting out of hand. Of course, you can't keep doing that whenever we have this conversation. You want to die a single man without any heir?" Daniel sighed, massaging his temple, regretting picking up his mother's call.
  • Knowing she wouldn't give up on the conversation, he told her what she wanted to hear. "I'll make up with her." He said, referring to Natalie.
  • "Really? You're going to do that?" Dan heard his mother's voice lit up.
  • "I'll try!" He shrugged off.
  • "Thank you, my love. I'm so excited and I hope you both give me Grandbabies soon."
  • Daniel rolled his eyes even though she couldn't see him.
  • "So I take it that you're coming for your sister's wedding?"
  • "No!" He shook his head.
  • "Come on, Son"
  • "My head hurts already from having this conversation."
  • "But that's why I personally invited your friends over."
  • "Still not a good ground for me to show up."
  • "Anita is your younger sister for crying out loud! She's the last born of our family. What more can you do than supporting her?"
  • "I won't consent to her marriage with a gold digger. You of all people know that I don't do hypocrisy."
  • "He's not a goal digger."
  • "If you say so but I'm still not attending the wedding."
  • "What can I do to convince you? You know Anita would take this to heart if you don't come and this could be the beginning of enmity which I don't want."
  • "I honestly don't care!"
  • Gina sighed. "I really wanted my firstborn to be a boy. So he would take great care of his siblings. I had no idea you could be this bitter and strong-hearted for choosing not to attend your baby sister's wedding just because of your nasty thoughts about her soon-to-be husband."
  • "I can't do this anymore, Mom. We will talk later." He ended the call not waiting for her to say anything else.
  • Daniel wanted to put his phone on silent mode but he remembered that a call could come through for him. He tossed his phone aside, hoping that his mother wouldn't call him back.
  • ….
  • Feeling mentally exhausted, Dan rose to his feet and went ahead to refill his glass with wine. He came back to his desk side, settled on his chair, took some sips of his drink, and went back to work.
  • He found himself losing his focus as his eyes kept wandering to his phone in the hope that he was going to get a call from her anytime from now since it was already closing time. But the call didn't come through.
  • "Fuck it!" He mumbled, after which he punched a couple of things on the screen and then shut down the laptop."
  • Daniel gulped down the remaining content in the cup, rose to his feet, picked up his phone and wallet from the desk, and exited the office.
  • Coming out of the office building, Dan went straight to his car. The driver already brought the car to the front of the building.
  • Daniel made his way over to the driver's seat,
  • Upon seeing him coming close, His driver got down from the car.
  • "See you Tomorrow," Dan mumbled, getting into his Audi, after which he drove off at high speed." .