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Chapter 4 Pain

  • I wake up with my head pounding repeatedly. My head hurts like hell! Like it was smashed by a hammer. I tried to get up but I suddenly whole body was in pain, especially in my lower area. I feel like I forget to breathe. What have I done..?
  • I am naked and I saw some blood stain on the only means..Oh my God Athea! I am so freakin' right now! Where am I? And I-I am not on my fuckin room. Holycow!
  • I scan the room to see if there's someone here besides me. Shit! How the hell did I get here? I tried to remember everything but all I've got was a mere headache.
  • I spotted my clothes on the top of the table, neatly folded beside it was a small note written"drink this it will lessen the pain". Great whoever wrote this, he really cares for me. Note the sarcasm.
  • I immediately take the medicine and drink a glass of water. Suddenly the memories about last night started coming back..I almost choked my own saliva remembering how I acted fool and desperate last night.
  • Even if I felt pain all over my body I tried to get up and get my clothes. I saw the clock on the table. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon. Oh my Ghad! Shit. Shit. My whole body was screaming in pain yet I ignored it and I hurriedly changed my clothes. I looked for my bag, cellphone or anything that belongs to me but I only found the red shoes that I borrowed from Rose.
  • I double checked the room again and decided to leave the house. I slowly walked to the door and listened if there was someone or anyone outside the door. When I heard nothing I slowly opened the door. I tip toe and walked slowly outside. I'm scared as shit to produce any sound.
  • I decided to walk barefoot. I didn't know exactly how and where I was going, all I wanted right now was to leave this house. I passed many rooms, I am fuckin lost in this huge house. I continued walking until I heard someone talking in the corner. I stop immediately and hide.
  • "Did she wake up already?"
  • "We didn't see her walking downstairs."
  • "Give her what she wants and make sure she can go home safely. That was the boss's order."
  • I gulp. Are they talking about me? Who are they calling the boss? God Athea, what did you let yourself into? Who are these guys and who are they calling the boss..I nervously carefully backing up and ready to leave.
  • "Where are you going?"
  • I almost jumped and yelled to my surprise. Fuck I thought I can escape but my luck wasn't on my side. "Oh..I-I was wandering around and looking for a kitchen?" It sounds more of a question than a statement then I turn around to face him.
  • The man standing in front of me is like some kind of a Calvin Klein model. He is tall and he looked familiar. Shit! he is one of those guys who are at the cafe..he cock his eyebrow at me. Then I remember last night. Don't go there Athea..Just Don't.
  • "Okay. I'll show you where the kitchen is."
  • "N-no need I can manage." I stammered.
  • "Sorry dear, but there's no room for argument. Come with me." Then he turned around and started walking.
  • This man's aura is intimidating but not as intimidating as..No. don't think about him Athea. One is enough. I hesitated to follow him. I mean I don't know him. What if he is some kind of a killer or a psycho..I stood there frozen. I'm starting to panic..
  • He may have sensed that I'm not moving from my spot. He stopped and spoke. "Don't worry, I will not kill you or do anything you don't like. I am here to make sure you're safe. No one will harm you here. So move now and let's go."
  • I walked hurriedly. How the hell did he know what I was thinking. "A-ahm can you show me the way out instead.."
  • He immediately stopped and turned to me. "Why?"
  • I jerked backwards. What's on in this guy always gives me the creepy vibe. "I-i want to go home."
  • "You sure you don't want to go to the kitchen?" he smirked.
  • I blushed. Jeez I was caught. "Yes I'm sure. I just want to go home now."
  • He didn't answer me, instead he got his phone and called someone.
  • "Yes she's awake and she wants to go home." he paused for a moment. "Okay." Then he ended the call.
  • He looked at me. "I will take you home."
  • "W-what! No! I can manage. Just show me the way out. I can go home by myself."
  • He didn't answer, instead he turned his back to me and continued walking. What the fuck is he deaf or something? I have no choice but to follow him. Jeez I follow him like a lost puppy. I didn't know how many turns we made until I saw the stairs.
  • When we headed downstairs I saw different men scattered in the area..One thing is for sure they are all some kind of a model. Their height and handsome faces definitely pass as a model. What are they doing here? I remember this is Pelly house. Where is he then..
  • We continued walking..they didn't turn or acknowledge our presence which is good..I don't know how I would react if they did. Please don't blame me. I was surrounded by handsome and hot species..
  • I didn't know that we had already reached the doorway. I stop. "Thank you for helping me. I should go now..ahm bye." I hurriedly walked to the gate not waiting for his answer.
  • When I reached outside the gate I realized I have a huge problem..I don't have a car..nor a cellphone to call any of my friends and to look at it no one will pass a rental car here. I was in deep thought on how I got out here when someone's car honked repeatedly.
  • I ignore it and continue walking the honked of the car stop. Then I saw a black jaguar stop beside me. The guy who helped me a while ago was now standing in front of me. "Get in the car."
  • "Excuse me?."
  • "I will not repeat myself again. Get in the car or I will make you. Your choice."
  • He didn't wait for my answer, instead he opened the passenger door. I stomp my feet and march to the car. I almost forgot that I'm still walking barefoot. I hate these shoes! Argh I hate my life right now! And This boy made me hate life more. Who the hell did he think he is? He is so lucky that my body is aching right now..
  • The ride in the car was silent. I keep on glancing at him. His face is void with emotion. "Tell me your address," he suddenly asked.
  • "Why are you so creepy! Stop doing that!" I was shaken a bit because he always caught me by surprise.
  • He just smirked at me. I want to erase that damn smirk on his face. I sighed..I gave him the address..of course I didn't tell him my exact address. After how many minutes we arrived at the address that I gave him. I got out of the car.
  • He went out also.. "Thank you for taking me home. You can go now."
  • He scans the surroundings first as if there is any danger around. "Go inside. I'll wait for you till you’re inside safely."
  • "What! No! You can go now! Please before my dad sees you!" I push him but he doesn't budge. I shove him harder.."Please goo..Pleasee.." I was panicking. I don't want him to know that this is not our house.
  • He studied me for a moment. "Are you sure?"
  • "Yes I am. Now go!" I'm almost begging him. He hesitated for a moment..he said something that I didn't catch to hear..then he walked to his car. It took a moment before he started his car. He slowly drove away. When he is out of my sight I hurriedly leave the place.
  • My small apartment is just three blocks away from the address that I gave to him. When I reached my apartment I felt relieved. I looked for my key that I always put under the smallest plant outside my apartment.
  • I immediately took my clothes off and showered. I changed to my comfortable clothes. I'm lucky it is Sunday now..No school and no work or else...I am on a deep shit.
  • I eat first before I lay down on my bed..the memories last night seem replaying in my head. From the time that I got drunk, dancing wild..Rex trying to rape me and me begging to that man..Oh my God! I didn't even know his name!
  • I remember Rose and Tina. Ohhh Shit! My phone! Where is my phone and my purse? I remember I had it with me until Rex assaulted me.
  • Oh God! What should I tell them? I am fucking messed up now!