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Eclipsed Hearts

Eclipsed Hearts

Damil global

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • A Second Chance
  • With the full moon shining over Moonshade Valley, mystical shadows were created throughout the thick forest and the meandering paths that cut through the old werewolf domain. Standing in a clearing far into the forest, Luna Hartley confronted Aiden Blackwood, the Alpha of the Moonshade pack, her heart thumping in her chest.
  • The weight of their approaching choice was palpably and thickly charged in the air. Luna waited, her eyes never leaving Aiden's, her hands quivering a little at her sides. The moonlight beside her reflected the liquid silver glitter of tears in her eyes.
  • Tall and intimidating with wind-blown raven black hair, Aiden looked at Luna with a mixture of turmoil and resolve. His heart yearning for the link fate had selected for him, his position as Alpha needing strategic connections for the pack's survival, he was caught between duty and love.
  • "Luna," Aiden said, a low, gravelly voice that betrayed the anguish inside of him. I am unable to accept this connection.
  • The words were resonant between the old trees that encircled them, hanging heavy in the air. Breath stuck in her throat, a thousand fragments of her heart breaking. She had sensed the gulf between them widening as Aiden got more involved in the politics of pack alliances and had known this day would come.
  • Still, why? At last Luna choked out, her voice hardly audible. Aiden, we were supposed to be together. This you are aware of.
  • Pain carved lines on Aiden's attractive face as he closed his eyes for a moment. Not that easy, Luna. The pack benefits from my choice. Strategically speaking, the partnership with the Silvermoon pack guarantees our prosperity and safety."
  • Luna retreated a step, her body quivering now from more than simply the nighttime chill. That concludes it then? You prefer obligation to love?"
  • As if to touch her, Aiden extended a hand, but stopped himself. Luna, I so apologize. I am very. This, though, is how things must be."
  • Aiden turned and left Luna alone in the moonlight clearing, her heart broken and her soul ripped apart, with those last words.
  • The next morning Moonshade Valley was quieter than normal, the golden light of dawn peeking over the old trees belying Luna Hartley's inner struggle. Her thoughts still whirling from the previous night, she stood on the porch of her little home, drinking a steaming cup of herbal tea.
  • Luna carried a great deal of weight from Aiden Blackwood's rejection, the anguish of their broken relationship, and the move back to Moonshade Valley. Though the scars from her past were as raw as if they had just been opened, she had returned for closure and to provide her kids a solid future.
  • Luna turned to see Lucas Thompson standing there, a worried look on his face, after a gentle knock on the cabin door. Her closest friend and business partner, Lucas was tall and wiry with piercing blue eyes and tangled blonde hair. He had helped her through her worst moments.
  • With a soft "Luna," Lucas entered the cabin and Luna moved aside to allow him in. "What are your current standings?"
  • Setting her tea on the little wooden table, Luna forced a weak grin. Lucas, I'll be all right. Simply said, it takes a lot of processing.
  • Lucas gave a kind nod, his eyes lingering on Luna with unsaid worry. That's a rejection I find unbelievable. Once everything..."
  • Almost whispering, Luna said, "It's not just about me anymore, Lucas." "Our kids are involved as well. Whatever his choice, they ought to know their father."
  • Lucas extended a consoling hand on Luna's shoulder. As you say, Luna. Those kids are lucky to have you; you're an amazing mother."
  • The quiet mood was broken just then by footsteps outside. As Luna saw Aiden Blackwood's walk was familiar, she stiffened, her heart pounding. Lucas, scowling with worry, nodded in quiet agreement.
  • A little later, Aiden stepped inside the cabin, his towering stature occupying the doorway. He fixed his black eyes on Luna's, a range of feelings whirling about in them: sorrow, desire, and a trace of resolve.
  • Aiden started out, "Luna," his voice thick with emotion. Then, "We need to talk."
  • Luna made fists at her sides as she squared her shoulders. How about discussing nothing, Aiden? You made it plain last night what you wanted."
  • A step forward, Aiden looked quickly to Lucas before going back to Luna. I beg you to simply listen. I was against things working out this way.
  • Lucas moved in, putting himself between Luna and Aiden for protection. "Aiden, you ought to go maybe. Right now, Luna doesn't need any more heartache.
  • Aiden tightened his teeth and balled his palms into fists at either side. This is between Luna and myself, Lucas. Kindly wait a moment for us."
  • Lucas paused, looking back and then between Luna and Aiden. Then he grudgingly nodded. All OK. But don't make things any more difficult for her than it is.
  • Aiden looked back to Luna, his face anguished, after Lucas had withdrawn to a corner of the cabin. Moon, I never meant to hurt you. You have to trust me.
  • Luna sat her arms on her chest, hurt and rage squirming in her eyes. Why, Aiden, did you then reject our bond? Why did you put obligation before love?
  • Deeply inhaling, Aiden's guilt-ridden shoulders sagged. Luna, this is complicated. Survival required the partnership with the Silvermoon pack. When I had to decide, I... I chose poorly."
  • Luna shook her head, scoffed furiously. Then what, Aiden? Is your expectation that I will simply forget you and welcome you back into our lives?
  • Aiden moved closer, his palms pleadingly out to Luna. "I understand Luna, I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I want to be our kids' support system. I want everything put right."
  • Luna's resolve faltered, a sliver of fragility on her features. Aiden, it's not quite that easy. I hurt, and the kids hurt, because of you. Not that they even know who you are."
  • Emotionally clenching his throat, Aiden swallowed hard. This I am aware of. And I apologie. Luna, though, I want to get to know them. Would you kindly let me to be their father?
  • There was a huge smash outside the cabin before Luna could answer, then growls and snarls. The door shoved open with such force that the three of them froze, their heads turning toward it.
  • Two big, aggressively furred werewolves waited in the doorway. Luna glanced behind them at another person, tall, shadow-covered, and exuding a chill that went down her back.
  • With a body tense from fighting, Aiden stepped in front of Luna out of reflex. Say who you are. Want what?
  • Stepping forward, the man identified himself as Alpha Damian Blackthorn, the leader of the Silvermoon pack. He looked at Aiden with narrowed, snide eyes. Jack Blackwood. Seems like you've forgotten about our partnership.
  • Aiden clinched his jaw, distrust narrowing his eyes. You're talking about what, Damian? We decided.
  • Damian sliced him off with a sly smile. "We decided Luna Hartley would make the ideal companion for my son Caspian. Here she stands, alone and turned down by you."
  • Shock widened Luna's eyes, and terror pounded in her heart. You want what with me?
  • Damian grinned wider and turned his greedy eyes to Luna. Here to take back what is rightfully mine, Luna, is me. You and the kids."