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Chapter 6 And What If I Don't

  • Aiden, having reached the limit of his patience, stood up to leave. The other shareholders eagerly awaited this moment, unable to tolerate the delay any longer. Their happiness was akin to that of a bride anxiously awaiting her groom's arrival because finally the meeting was going to be adjourned.
  • Just as Aiden rose from his seat, the office door swung open, revealing a slender lady with a flawless figure. Her attire reflected her personality, emphasizing her petite frame and shapely body. Her hair flowed freely, long and loosely curled, cascading over her shoulders and down her back. Her eyes were stunning, reminiscent of an autumn lake, and her radiant smile accompanied her apology for being late.
  • Whether it was her beautiful eyes or her luminous smile, the board of directors, prepared to unleash their anger, suddenly found themselves enchanted and pacified. "No problem at all," they responded, waving their hands dismissively. They were captivated by her beauty, each secretly yearning to have her in their embrace. Many even entertained thoughts of seducing her.
  • Little did they know that she was the Devil Queen. How would their desires change if they discovered her true identity? Would they still wish to engage in their lascivious fantasies?
  • Aiden overwhelmed with emotions he couldn't articulate, gazed at the beauty standing before him. He had never realized her true allure, as she had always been dressed plainly and appeared clumsy. Time seemed to stand still, and the room fell silent, akin to a cemetery.
  • Emine disregarded the gazes directed her way and took her seat. She merely glanced at Aiden, as if seeing him for the first time. Though difficult, she managed to conceal her emotions.
  • "Welcome to Clark Company, Miss Emine. Please review the documents," Aiden's secretary handed her a document, which she then shared with the rest of the attendees.
  • After reading through the material, Emine nodded her head and offered her suggestion, "The deal seems good, but as a newly built hotel, I recommend allocating a budget for a WiFi network. Many businessmen would appreciate having access to the internet, and it could attract more customers."
  • "Wonderful idea! What do you think, Mr. Aiden?" an impressed shareholder eagerly inquired.
  • "Very impressive. Let's incorporate that into the deal. Do you have any other suggestions, Miss Emine?" Aiden asked, his eyes filled with interest.
  • "No, Mr. Aiden, that's all," Emine replied.
  • With the deal finalized, each party signed the documents, and the shareholders departed. Emine, who had deliberately avoided acknowledging Aiden during the meeting, stood up and prepared to leave.
  • "Emine," Aiden called out.
  • "Mister Aiden," she paused in her tracks but didn't turn around, responding with her back facing him.
  • "Mister Aiden? When did 'Mister' become part of my name?" he scoffed.
  • "Well, I don't really know you, so if not 'Mister,' what should I call you? Aiden or..." she gave him a provocative look.
  • Aiden was taken aback by her gaze. Something was amiss. What has she been up to, Emine? he wondered.
  • "You still owe me your life, Emine. We can never be strangers," he taunted, his icy eyes filled with a terror that would make anyone want to flee.
  • "Is that so? We shall see, Mr. Aiden," Emine retorted, showing no fear in her eyes as she scoffed.
  • Her reaction momentarily startled Aiden, but he quickly regained his composure. It seemed that Emine had grown wings. She was no longer the same helpless ex-wife he remembered.
  • "Uncover the truth about Emine's mysterious absence," he commanded, his voice laced with urgency. His personal secretary attempted to interject, but his boss had already stormed off, leaving him in a state of despair. This boss of his was relentless, pushing him to his limits with an impossible task. He knew all too well that finding any semblance of a clue would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.
  • ...
  • As Emine stepped out of the office, a wave of relief washed over her. She had braced herself for a difficult encounter, but to her surprise, it had been surprisingly smooth. It seemed that her once fervent emotions had faded away into nothingness.
  • She decided to indulge in a shopping spree, basking in the glow of a beautiful day. Amidst her perusal of dresses, a familiar voice pierced the air, dripping with scorn and doubt.
  • "Emine?" the voice called out, questioning her presence. Emine recognized it instantly but chose to feign ignorance, not wanting to cause a scene. She continued browsing through the dresses, pretending not to hear.
  • "Oh, it truly is you! After disappearing into thin air for God knows how long, you finally have the audacity to show your face here. Aren't you ashamed to frolic in freedom while your sister suffers alone in the cold?" Marianne sneered, her disgust evident.
  • "And?" Emine replied nonchalantly, unfazed by the venom in Marianne's words.
  • Marianne was taken aback by Emine's response. She could sense the frigidity in her voice, a newfound aura surrounding her. Emine had always been quick to tears and explanations whenever accusations were hurled her way, but something had changed today. Panic started to well up inside Marianne.
  • No, I refuse to let this wretched woman see my fear, Marianne told herself, desperately concealing her emotions.
  • Emine found amusement in Marianne's discomfort, finding it oddly intriguing.
  • "Ha! You have the nerve to ask me that? A murderer now has the audacity to interrogate me? Aren't you ashamed of yourself, standing here? If I were you, I'd have hanged myself and disappeared from this world," Marianne spat, dripping with mockery.
  • Emine brushed her off, leaving her to her own devices. This imbecilic girl was getting on her nerves; she might just end up killing her if she stuck around to listen to her foolish ranting.
  • As Marianne realized Emine was treating her like a ghost, anger consumed her, pushing her to chase after her.
  • How dare this insipid girl walk all over me?
  • "Hey, you murderer! I'm talking to you! How dare you trample upon me?" she yelled, her hand raised to deliver a resounding slap. But would Emine permit it?
  • "Ha! So you've got some guts, huh?" Emine retorted, her voice chilling to the bone.
  • "You... you bitch! Let go of my hand!" Marianne cried out in pain.
  • "And what if I don't?" Emine inquired, a hint of menace lacing her words.
  • "Idiot! Didn't your wretched mother teach you to fear? Didn't she tell you who to cross and who to avoid?"
  • When Marianne's words reached Emine's ears, her face flushed crimson, her aura emanating an intent to kill, her eyes colder than ice. The question hung in the air: What fate awaited Marianne?