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Chapter 2608 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep100

  • It took Sue a few seconds to comprehend what Beth was suggesting. Did a mother really just ask her to help her naked son? It seemed rather twisted to Sue, yet the entire day had been anything but normal, and throughout the day she had been telling herself that Beth was simply of a more liberal mindset when it came to sex and nudity than most people. Besides, Beth had clearly referred to Sue's nursely duties, so maybe it wasn't as a perverted request as Sue's gut reaction indicated. Finally, her conscience broke through these thoughts filling her brain, telling her to say no, but her body screamed even louder for a chance to see Ron, or more specifically Ron's hard cock. "Oh, I don't know. Do you mean you want me to help him out of the shower?"
  • "Well, actually I was hoping that since you still have on your bikini, you would be willing to get in there with him and help keep him upright until he can get washed up. If you weren't a nurse, and didn't handle men, well you know, didn't do what you do every day, I would never ask, but I am sure you can treat this professionally. What do you say?"
  • Sue hesitated, even as her pussy began to smolder. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this horny. She wanted desperately to get in the shower with Ron, but she also had to force herself to behave in a purely clinical manner. "Well, this is really really strange, but, well, if I do this we obviously can't let anyone else know. I mean even though it is totally innocent, it just wouldn't look right to Amy, Pam or Dave, you know. Do you think Ron will keep quiet about it?"
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