Chapter 155 Fucked Up Family: Ep70
- Another day, another far too busy service. Austin found himself not just prepping salads but also having to help out on the line. On the one hand, this was great. A sign that the restaurant was succeeding. The better the place did, the more opportunity it meant for Austin. On the other hand, he was falling asleep on his feet.
- One slow day -- that was all he wanted. The last time he'd had a day off, he'd ended up spending his time at dinner with Lexi. That had been a ton of fun, but also exhausting in its own way.
- Austin missed his family. It wasn't homesickness. Not like when he went to summer camp at age 12 and had felt oddly melancholy for a week. No this was more like when his first real girlfriend had gone away for spring break and Austin had felt empty. Like a piece of him was missing.