Chapter 1133 Fuck Her Nice And Deep:++ 10
- Surprisingly, Ellie was the one who snapped first.
- Although we'd never discussed it aloud, she knew not to touch me anymore. She knew I didn't want her to, so she hadn't done so in more than two weeks. Even if I could tell that it was incredibly hard for her, she was keeping her hands and mouth off me.
- Every time she beckoned to me, I still came over to her apartment. But it was usually for a quickie where I made her come once (sometimes, twice) before I rushed back to the safety of my own home. I'd begun to see myself as someone akin to a home-service massage therapist or maybe even a plumber, I did my job then I went home. Simple. Sure, I didn't make any money from what I was doing, but I regarded the time I spent with Ellie as my payment.