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Chapter 2569 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep62

  • And with that comment, Beth decided to go for it. She'd been thinking about sex with other women quite a bit lately, especially on this trip, and especially with Pam and Amy. God it is just so hard to be this horny around such sexy women, and then her mind flashed to Ron, and the degree of torment his hormone ridden body and lust filled brain must be experiencing, and she smiled ever so briefly to herself. Then she dropped her lips gently to her best friend's shoulder. She was on her third tender peck of a kiss when Pam spoke up.
  • "Ah, mmm, Beth, what do you, ah, think you are doing?" She asked, leaning her head and upper body slightly away from the soft lips brushing against her tingling skin, her voice equal parts arousal and rebuttal.
  • "I decided...," Beth began in a throaty whisper, lifting her lips just long enough to let the words slither over the goose bumps spreading across Pam's neck " be that person...," continuing to advance up Pam's neck, Beth let her tongue lightly trace her progress, "...that helps you out here." Pam quit retreating, but didn't yet greet Beth's advances the way part of her wanted to. "I mean we are..." Lick, "" Kiss "...friends...", Beth let the sss sound linger over Pam's earlobe before beginning to nibble ever so slowly. Beth continued her verbal seduction, pausing between every two or three words to allow her lips and tongue to resume the physical assault. "We've seen... each other...naked... 100s of...times, and..., well, you...really seem to...need...some...relief," she went on, her hands beginning to roam up and down Pam's firm arms. "or else...I'm afraid you...might do...something... with young...Ron... out there'd end...up...regretting." Beth finished, now breathing rapidly herself.
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