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Chapter 2556 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep49

  • The guilt Ron felt about Beth slowly bobbing up and down on his cock as a result of Amy’s perverted plan to bury him in the sand was waging an all out battle with the part of his brain that was thrilled by Amy’s confession. Ron may have been somewhat young and naïve, but he knew enough to let his guilty feelings lose this battle. After all, he rationalized, he shouldn’t beat himself up to badly for something that he had no control over. If Amy hadn’t been intent on teasing him so mercilessly, then Beth wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do what she did. Ron wanted to play along, but only under Amy’s rules. He loved her and certainly didn’t want to hurt her. He just wouldn’t let things get out of hand from now on.
  • “Are you kidding me. You are the sexiest, most amazing girl I will ever know. I think it is so hot, the way you want to do so much sexy stuff. It just seems that some of the things you’ve done on this trip have been like playing with fire. It is weird to be so turned on, and so scared of being found out at the same time. It is all so new to me, it’s not really my style, you know?” Ron answered his girlfriend, even as she resumed stroking his rapidly hardening cock.
  • Amy knew precisely what Ron meant about their games being so foreign to his shy, sheltered upbringing. She also knew that his internal struggles were part of what was making this even more fun and exciting for her, not to mention giving her more of a sense of security about what he would, and more importantly, would not do.
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