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Chapter 2485 The Big Dick Idea (Incest/Taboo Sex):>>Ep4

  • Her dad always used that for his passwords. He didn't know Kota knew that. He didn't know she kept a box of pictures of him and her mother in her closet. He probably didn't know that she knew her mother's name was Sylvia and that her birth date was October 16, 1983.
  • Only one of those pictures had writing on the back. Dad had written 'Sylvia and me at the pool. July 4, 2004. Who'd guess she has two babies growing in that flat little tummy." on the back.
  • Kota didn't see the resemblance when she first found the box eight years ago, but now, she felt like she was looking in a mirror when she looked at those pictures. She had her mother's waifish figure, including her long, slender legs, narrow hips, dirty-blond hair, and tiny little tits.
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