Chapter 111 Who are you?
- “Excuse me?” Leila blurted out.
- “Who are you?” her mother repeated. Her eyes raked over Leila as confusion spread across her face. Leila’s heart beat so fast she was surprised it didn’t tear a hole out of her chest. “You don’t look like any of the nurses.” Her mother cast Kelvin a worried glance and shook her head. “Neither does this young man. Do I know both of you? Sir? Ma’am?”
- Once the words were out of her mother’s lips, Leila felt the air in her lungs escape. She didn’t remember moving but she found herself in Kelvin’s arms. They were in the corridor. He was saying something to her, his lips were moving but she didn’t hear one word he said. Her throat seemed to be closing up. She placed a hand over her chest, willing herself to calm down.