Chapter 39
- Nova looked at her hand for the tenth time, there was no trace there had been a burning, ugly mark on it. She’d drank blood. Not just that, but blood from a being from a different realm—whose eyes turned red. She’d be bringing that up during the next group call with the princesses.
- She touched the stone resting against her skin. A real-life fae had added extra magic to Crystal’s spell. Yes, spell. Today had been one of many firsts and of things she thought were only from works of fiction. Turning, she looked at the bookshelf behind her, if Dracula turned out to be real, she was done with the outside world forever. Magic was real, fairies were real, and other realms were real. She smiled at her fish, “and we already knew souls were real.”
- Checking the cameras one more time, confirming she was safe and secure in her underground home. She got up and turned off the desk lamp. She needed some sleep. Picking up the bag of items the Gemini women had given her, she started to her room. She still wasn’t sure what she planned on doing with their gifts, but she was keeping them nearby, just in case.