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Chapter 24

  • Sasha stared at her mother. She had never been able to hide things from her for too long because she always saw right through her. She thought about the best way to tell her mom about the pregnancy. She couldn't come up with any so she stood up. "I'm not troubled, mom..." she said. But when she looked back at her mom she saw her mom still had that concerned look on her face.
  • "You are not fooling me, Sasha" Penelope said, "I can tell that something is on your mind. I am your mother dear. You can tell me what it is."
  • Sasha buried her face in her hands, "I don't think you want me to tell you about this. You're going to be so upset with me, and dad… Oh God he's going to be so furious. The both of you are going to be so disappointed"
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