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Chapter 6 Power And Weakness

  • ~ZEPHYR~
  • I have never done this.
  • This strange woman made me do things I would never do for anyone. As I laid her on the hospital bed, her petite frame seemed almost fragile against the rugged darkness of my room. I had rescued her from the brink of death, something that I would never do for anyone. I followed her to her pack for two days, driven by curiosity and my connection with her.
  • She wasn’t even my type of woman. I love tall and strong women, but she was petite and delicate and looked like she could break if pushed around. Yet, as I looked down at her face, I felt the need to protect her from what she had been through.
  • She is just someone I need.
  • A means to an end, a pawn in my quest for revenge. But my mind rebelled against me, insisting that what I felt was far and that there was more to the strange woman.
  • “Wahya, are you certain she is not our mate?” I turned to my wolf, seeking reassurance.
  • “if she were, I would have known.”
  • “Alpha Zephyr,” the door opened, and Akira walked in, looking curious. “you found her?” she asked, her eyes fixed on the woman.
  • I nodded slowly, my gaze still on her. “yes.”
  • Akira approached the bed, her eyes scanning her body for injuries. “she looks terrible, but don’t worry, she is going to be alright,” she assured me.
  • “I want her in perfect condition,” I stared at the strange woman for the last time. Then I turned to leave the room and met Silver standing by the entrance, his eyes narrowing on the woman.
  • “Why did you bring her back?”
  • I walked past him and headed down the hallway, and he jogged to join me. “is there a reason why the woman is back here?” he asked again, and I could detect the curiosity in his tone. He was eager to find out.
  • “She is connected to my enemies,” I revealed. “I aim to use her for my revenge.” That was the truth. I only brought her back because her past was related to the royal family, whom I wanted to get my revenge on. Drawing closer to them would be more accessible through her. “Did you get the information I asked you to get me concerning her?”
  • He nodded, rushing to open the door to my office.” I already placed it on your desk,” he pointed to a blue folder. “Everything about her is there but Zephyr,” he sat in the chair before my desk. “What does your instinct say about this? Do they not warn you of danger?”
  • I shot him a sideways glance and picked up the blue folder on the table.
  • ” My instincts led me to her Silver. And they are what will keep her alive.” I opened the folder and began to read about her. My eyes scanned the contents with a frown. The name “Daphne Edward” stared back at me, accompanied by a litany of details that made my blood boil. Her father died when she was just five, her mother struggled to raise her alone, and then she got mated with Alpha Dane three years ago. My eyes locked onto the name, my vision blurring with rage. That monster. My arch-nemesis. The one I had hoped to slit his throat while he slept.
  • “Fucking Dane!”
  • Silver chuckled. “yes, they used to be mated,” he said, pointing back to the folder.
  • I forced myself to continue reading, my anger simmering like a pot about to overflow. The words blurred together, but one phrase stands out like a red flag. “Rejected due to Infidelity.”
  • My mind seethed with fury. That hypocrite, Dane. I had seen everything myself. He was getting mated to someone else while his real mate was recovering after escaping death.
  • I had to heave a deep sigh before I continued reading, and then I saw the final blow: “Recorded Dead.”
  • My hands slammed down on the table, cracking the wood in protest. The sound echoed through the room, and I clenched my fists tightly, angry that I had brought Dane’s cast-off into my pack.
  • “Is everything all right?” Silver asked, staring at me with concern in his eyes.
  • “That bastard!” I seethed, stood up, and turned to Silver. “This is it, Silver. This is my final chance to take down Dane. I am going to use that woman against him.”
  • Silver raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure she will be willing to play along? After all, Dane cast her off…”
  • I chuckled. “Oh, she wants revenge, Silver. Her mind is consumed by it. She’s been wronged, and she is burning for payback. I can smell it on her.”
  • Silver nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe this will help you get what you want. So,’’ he folded his arms. ‘’what is the plan?’’
  • I walked towards him and whispered into his ears. His eyes widened In shock. “That is a big one. Are you sure it is the only thing you can think of?”
  • I nodded, my jaw clenched. “it is Silver. That is the only way to get them; she would want power for someone who has lost everything.”
  • Silver’s expression turned grim, and he sighed. “If you want to do that, Zephyr, let’s do this.”
  • Right, that was the plan.
  • For two days, I waited for the news to come about her condition, and on the evening of the third, I was informed that she had woken up, so I headed toward her room. When I entered the room, my eyes locked into her fragile form. She was seated on the bed, tears streaming down her face. When she noticed me, she burst into sobs, her body shaking.
  • “I want to live,” she pleaded like she had done at the border and the cliff.
  • I approached her until I was in front of her. “How do you intend to live when you are weak? Your weakness is why you were betrayed, why you lost everything!”
  • She looked up at me, her eyes red-rimmed. “I see you have done your research about me. So tell me,” she sniffled. “why would a man rumored to be a beast like you be interested in someone like me?”
  • I shrugged, my voice cold. “I am not nice. And yes, I am a beast. They are not rumors but the truth. The only reason I saved you is that you will be useful to me in the future and serve a good purpose.”
  • Her eyes narrowed, and she wiped the tears from her face.” What do you want from me?”
  • I smiled a calculated smile. “Because you need my help,” I sat on the couch before her and crossed my legs. “You are not that important to me since you are a cast-off and a weak woman, but I can give you that chance to get back at your enemies. I propose a mating ceremony between us, a contract marriage. You’ll be mine, and in return, I will seek to protect you from those who seek to harm you. ‘’
  • Her eyes widened in shock, and she shook her head in response. “no, alpha Zephyr. I am no one; there is no way I can ever be a luna.”
  • I leaned closer to her, my voice low. “You are right; you are not strong enough…yet. But with power, you can achieve anything, including getting back at those who wronged you. Training hard will make you fight your enemies,” I told her, watching as she lowered her head slowly. When she raised it again, her eyes welled up with tears.
  • “Will I win?”
  • I shrugged.” Whatever you choose is up to you, Daphne. I won’t force you, but know this: weakness is not tolerated in our pack.” I stood up, seeing that convincing her was pointless since she had doubts, and I wouldn’t say I liked those who didn’t believe in themselves. ‘’See you around,’’ I turned to leave.
  • “I want it!” she yelled.” Alpha Zepher, I will do anything to get it.”
  • That is what I had thought.
  • I turned around, a smile plastered on my face, and then I pointed towards her. “First, get a new identity and tell me. You can’t be a luna with that name that has been rejected and recorded dead. And our pack is also known as the war pack. You won’t be easily accepted as our Luna in your current state since you are weak,” I told her, and she flinched at the word “weak.”
  • “Since you are still recovering from your injuries, you will start training in a week. Silver, my beta, will show you to your room. I need answers to my proposal in a week, so get yourself ready,” I turned around again, and this time, I walked out of the room.
  • “what do you think, Wahya? Would she help in my revenge?”
  • Wahya growled. “maybe she will be useful after all.”