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Chapter 5 Pandora

  • I can’t believe that I would be returning to my pack this soon. It wasn’t even a full moon that passed since I was exiled from there. Just when they kicked me out there, and when I finally thought that I could take my time off before I have enough power to fight my brother off, this damn Rogue Creed is taking me back.
  • I still haven’t made any progress. Back to the start.
  • I still find it hard to believe that he is my mate and questions are still ringing my head.
  • Glaring at the dark tall figure of the scoundrel who is currently taking me as his “kidnap victim” to blackmail me to the Silverfang Pack, I follow his tracks against my will as my hands are tied tightly with a rope on my back.
  • His assistant, Brix, was up ahead to check for any incoming enemies. That loyal follower of this scoundrel is not any much better to deal with too.
  • “Hey…” I started, annoying this rogue. I have an overwhelming desire to test up to what limit he could endure.
  • How many more irritating moves I’ll do to make him lose himself? I wonder...
  • “Creed-“
  • I felt him roughly tugging the rope, making me stumble and almost hitting a large rock. Moments like these I am thankful for my training and quick reflexes because if I wasn’t, I might have already been dead.
  • Well technically, I am already dead. In my pack’s eyes.
  • “Do not call me by my name.” He mumbled briefly as if saying any more words would kill him.
  • I smirked, taking it as a provocation. “Awe, does poor boy not like it?” There is no way that I would just let him drag me around without fighting back.
  • “I did not give you permission.” He added.
  • I nodded, “Yes, I know, and I don’t care. And besides, don’t you forget the bond we had when we were younger? We were playmates as pups-“
  • “Continue and you’ll be left here dead.” He said without blinking.
  • Ah, threats. His warnings have become useless to me at this point. I have been trying to annoy him for an hour yet he wasn’t doing anything to kill me.
  • He’s just all mouth and words. I am wondering if he really is the Ravager.
  • “Are you really the Ravager?” I asked after silence passed. I know that he holds my lifeline right now but It’s too boring to not annoy anyone.
  • “Oh, are you doubting my master?” At my question, his assistant’s nose came too close to my face, his runny nose almost budged to mine and I instantly drew back, making the rope tighten to my wrist, bruising me more.
  • Creed gave him a look, “Why are you back? Go and scan the area.”
  • “But I do not find anything interesting, master. The other alphas’ territory is one kilometer away from here.” He pouted, glancing at me and smiling. I could almost see his tail wagging back and forth.
  • Creed’s eyebrows quirked, “Are you defying my orders?”
  • “Hm…you’re making him leave so we can have alone time? Awe.” I teased, and that made Brix chuckle.
  • He leaned in and mumbled to me, “Careful, don’t push master to his edge. No one has survived when he’s angry.” As if Creed couldn’t hear that, Brix winked at me before leaving us alone again.
  • “Are you sick in the head, bitch? You are not taking this seriously.”
  • “Where’s the fun in that?” I am at the point in life where I just try to make myself get killed. If I end up not, then that means it's a sign to continue my goal to seek revenge.
  • Just then, Creed’s ears perked up and he sniffed the air. I smelled another presence too, and he glanced at me.
  • “Stay here or I’ll kill you.”
  • And he instantly left me in the middle of the woods with the rope in my hand. I can see this as an opportunity, but I can see eyes watching me.
  • And this must be a test from him. I wanted to disobey, but something inside me wanted to prove that he could at least trust me.
  • A growl came in from behind me, followed by a pair of claws jumping to my face, pinning me to my feet.
  • Sharp canines were on my neck, and I almost accepted that I would be killed when I heard a voice asking me.
  • “State your name and pack.”
  • I tried to follow Creed’s scent, to see if he already arrived but he didn’t. I glanced at the intruder and saw that it was a she-wolf.
  • “You tell me first.” I stood my ground, feeling the sharpness of the threat encircling me. I knew she didn’t belong in any pack judging by her filthy rogue smell. I am guessing she’s a lone wolf.
  • She scoffed, “You have the guts to talk back.”
  • “Oh, I faced death many times. that experience alone is enough.” I was trying to buy time, balancing how I could escape this situation with the tight rope in my hand. I could try to chew it out and fight this bitch back, but it might be too late as she has the advantage between us. It will take me five seconds to get away, while it will take a second for her to slice my neck raw.
  • “Ravena, lower your claws down.” I heard the commanding voice of Creed from behind.
  • “Creed.” Her voice changed into a high voice when Creed came in and rolled her eyes as she removed her tight grasp from me.
  • “Who is this filthy being?” She asked, “Are you replacing me?” Her hands were about to try to hold Creed but it only took Creed’s stern look for her to draw back and chuckle nervously.
  • “Oopsies, sorry, almost broke your boundary,” he said nervously and glared back at me.
  • I can’t help but feel victorious that Creed refused her touch.
  • “She’s our prisoner for today.”
  • Excited glee came from her disgusting mouth,
  • “Ooh, shall we eat her?”
  • I rolled my eyes, “Typical rogues.”
  • His eyes scanned me up and down, slowly going down, trailing to my breasts, and smirked, “No, we don’t do that. And she’s all bones. We won’t even get full if we try.”
  • “Ah, that’s sad.” I guess being skinny from not eating enough was to my advantage today. How exciting. His hard stare made me feel a bit self-conscious.
  • “Let’s go, we don’t have the full day.” And we are back to walking ahead, except it was Ravena holding my rope and not Creed.
  • “Creed is mine.” She whispered to me while Creed walked ahead of us.
  • “Well, I am his mate.”
  • “I don’t believe you.” She answered, “And besides, I still have many ways to kill you.”
  • “Stop mumbling nonsense and keep up,” Creed yelled from ahead.
  • ****
  • We arrived at my pack…It looks the same since I last left it. But what greeted us was a whole feast.
  • Creed tugged on the rope he was holding me and I grunted in pain, glaring at him.
  • “State your intention before I have your head flying off, you filthy rogue.” threatened the guard, his claws out and ready to attack us any minute. He knew of the danger, and he was alone. He’s acting a bit too cocky for someone who's overpowered in numbers.
  • I stayed still, counting the seconds when this guard would notice it was me.
  • Creed knew I was irritated yet he continued, “I am here for the alpha.”
  • The guard was confused at what he said, “Oh, Alpha Ceylan?”
  • “No, Alpha Theodore.”
  • “Rogue, you must be living under a rock. He’s long dead. We have a new alpha.”
  • Creed looked shocked at the news, and I smirked at him, giving him a look that said “See?”
  • Disregarding my teasing, he continued on his goal, “Then I need something in exchange for her sister.”
  • The guard looked at me, finally realizing it was me. He looked taken aback for a moment, probably wondering if he was seeing a ghost now and expecting me dead.
  • Well, I am surprised that it took him fifteen seconds to notice my presence.
  • Well, as for his face, I recognized him. He was one of those who tried to kill me.
  • “Look at you bitch, still alive and well huh? You reek of rogue scent, You must have seduced this scoundrel too?”
  • I gave him a sarcastic laugh, “Want me to seduce you next then?”
  • A disgusted look instantly appeared on his face and he faced Creed, “There’s no need to bargain and all that process for this piece of shit. This bitch is no longer part of the pack. You can do anything to her.”
  • Creed gritted his jaw and inhaled sharply, and I expected him to attack the guard but he surprisingly kept his cool. Pulling me harshly to him, he grabbed my cheek tightly, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
  • I raised my hands up in surrender, not in the mood to fight back, “Well, I was trying to tell you a million times yet you won’t even let me speak earlier.”
  • That’s what you get, bastard.
  • Ravena’s canines were out, “Master, let’s kill the bitch here.”
  • Creed was torn, and I knew that he was having a hard time because he was the type who never hesitated in any of his decisions.