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Chapter 21

  • I silently cursed the name of the man who invented the Slave Trainer and damned him to hell. It could only be a man who'd invented a device to keep a woman on the edge of orgasm without granting her relief. It would be like hooking a man's cock to an automatic milking machine and setting it to run until it had a gallon of cum. After keeping me in a state of arousal for six hours last night, Scott was at it again this morning. It wasn't so bad suffering his cumming in my mouth for the pleasure of my release; the damn thing did a fine job of making me cum when he allowed it to and the orgasms were both powerful and a welcome relief from the constant need.
  • The biggest problem was the time it took Scott to recover afterwards. He didn't turn it off while he recharged and I was left hanging until the next time he was able to orgasm. I could easily be climaxing every ten to fifteen minutes, but he had no hope of keeping up with me that often. It was frustrating waiting for him when all I wanted to do was cum. I supposed it's what made it a highly effective training device. You'd be willing to do most anything to cum again.
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