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Chapter 5 Wasn't That Pedophilia?

  • Storm's POV
  • I couldn't quite believe my ears, I laughed in disbelief.
  • "That was a joke right because if it was, it wasn't funny." He shook his head and pulled off his wet shirt, I quickly diverted my gaze upwards and fixed my eyes on him. I knew what he was trying to do, he wanted to distract me with his gorgeous and well-chiseled chest but I was smarter than him.
  • "I'm not joking. Storm, you're my mate. I'm not going to let you leave me. You bare my mark."
  • " That was a mistake, everything that happened was a mistake. I'm leaving, I can't be mates to something that is supposed to be a myth." I got down from the bed and swayed immediately my feet touched the fall, and my hands quickly located the vanity table to stable myself. Noah moved to touch me but I shook my head.
  • "I'm fine. I don't need your help. What I need right now, is to get the fuck out of here." I found my clothes on a chair at the other end of the room and knew I was going to have to pass by him on my way to get them. I contemplated if it was worth it because I knew there was no way Noah would let me walk by him without him trying to stop me.
  • I picked up the glass and handed it to him. " I'm thirsty, can I get some water?" I asked giving him a little pout, I needed to get him out of the room.
  • "Sure, I'll be back soon" He took it from me and left the room. Seeing my chance, I rushed over to the chair and hurriedly put on my clothes. I've never dressed so fast in my life, I was fully dressed except for my shoes when I heard his footsteps. Forgetting momentarily about my shoes, I got into my fighting stance.
  • I stood behind the door and waited for him to enter before taking him by surprise with a kick in the back. He fell to the ground and I saw my opportunity to leave. I raced out of the room barefooted.
  • "STORM." He screamed but I didn't bother stopping. For the first time in my life, I was grateful for the superspeed that I had, I was soon outside the house but then I stopped, his house was fenced with and had fancy security alarms and setups that I didn't understand.
  • I tapped furiously at the keypad, trying any combination that came to mind but nothing. Before I could try again, I felt a cold gust of wind on my face and suddenly, Noah was in front of me.
  • "Going somewhere?" He cocked an eyebrow at me and held my hand. I struggled with him but he didn't let go.
  • "Why can't you just let me go?" I protested. He didn't answer, he just turned and started pulling me back into the house. I had lost all the fight in me so I didn't bother fighting him again, it was of no use.
  • I took a good look at the house while we walked in, it was fancy but it didn't feel like a home, more like a hotel. The plush chairs, the Persian rug that could pay my rent for two years straight, and the high-end appliances were all new. The house was perfect to the outside eye but anyone who had lived in a home could tell that the house didn't have any personal touch. There were no photo frames just art pieces that I knew cost a fortune. There was no mess in the living room, no piles of books or littered laundry, and not even a cup was in the room. It was also very clean, if there was anything I knew about people was that no one's home could be this clean, it was freakishly OCD clean so that rang in my head that he probably had a cleaning service or maids that cleaned every day. I was still trying to profile him when I heard my name.
  • "Yes?" I turned to look at him, he was watching me cautiously.
  • "Where did you go? I've been calling your name for over a minute." He crossed his well-defined arms over his chest.
  • "Oh, I was just thinking."
  • Noah narrowed his eyes at me " I hope you're not thinking about a way out because I can promise you, you won't get it. "
  • "I wasn't but now that you've reminded me, why don't you want to let me?"
  • " I've already told you, you're my mate. If I let you go I'll die."
  • I laughed, he kept coming up with more and more unbelievable statements.
  • "Noah, please just be honest with me. I know werewolves mate for life but when they reject each other, they may go through uncontrollable pain but after a while, they'll heal. I've never heard of anyone dying."
  • He chuckled, came closer, and caressed my face. " Sweetheart, need I remind you that werewolves and Lycans are not the same? When lycans lose their mate through rejection, they either run mad or die." His words rang through my brain.
  • " Storm, if a lycan runs mad, they can do unimaginable things. They can kill so many people in a span of hours. When most lycans are rejected which is very rare, they get killed by their pack before they can cause any danger." I shook my head, I didn't want to believe a word he was saying.
  • "You're lying. It's not true." I stepped back from his hold. He sighed and ran his hand over his face.
  • "Storm, since you stepped into this house, I have not lied to you. I'm not going to start lying to you now. I know you don't like me but I don't think you hate me that much to want me dead." I didn't, heaven knows I didn't, I tried to imagine Noah mad and I knew with his built and skill, he would be very dangerous, I didn't even bother to imagine him dead because I know my heart couldn't take it.
  • "I don't want you dead but I can't stay with you. You and I, we're very different. We don't have much in common. From what I can see you're a very powerful Lycan and here I am, a werewolf unable to shift. If that's not a large berth of difference, I don't know what is." My eyes dropped to my fumbling hands.
  • " Honestly, I don't care. I don't care if you can shift or not. I've waited too damn long to find you and now that I have, there wasn't any way I would let you go." He said looking so determined that if I didn't currently hate him, I would have swooned.
  • "I have a quick question, you said you've been waiting for me for a long time. How long exactly?" I started walking to a chair to sit, if I wasn't going to leave anytime soon, I might as well make myself comfortable.
  • " Since I was eighteen which is two hundred and sixty-two years ago." His words stopped me right in my tracks, two hundred and sixty-two years ago, that means he's two hundred and eighty, oh hell no. Wasn't that Pedophilia?
  • "You're two hundred and eighty years old. How is that even possible? Shouldn't you be dead or at least old and wrinkly? You look nothing like that." I asked shocked and slightly scared with a hint of disgust. Disgust at myself for being attracted to a man that was old enough to be my great-great-grandfather. If I had been asked Noah's age, I would have put him at twenty-eight, at most thirty but I never thought he would be this old.
  • Noah chuckled, " Calm down, I already see the wheels in your head spinning. Lycans are immortal."
  • My head almost spun, It could no longer contain the information Noah was pumping into it. I walked to the chair and sat with my head in between my head.
  • "Did you just say Lycans are immortal? How?"
  • " It's just how we are. Werewolves slowly age but they still die. Lycans rarely age and we don't die. We only die when our mates reject us or when we're killed." He shrugged as if the words he said hadn't just blown my mind.
  • "Okay let me get this clear. You don't age and you don't die, so you're going to remind like this forever. "
  • " Yes and so will you." He said the words so fast that I'm sure he didn't think about it.
  • "No, I'm not, I'm a werewolf, remember." We both went quiet after that, a strange emotion rushed through my body, piercing my heart, it took a second to realize that I was sad.
  • "Let's not worry about it right now. We need to leave soon." I was surprised, leaving again, didn't we just arrive at this house?
  • "Why, where are we going to?" I asked.
  • "My pack, we're going to join my pack."