Chapter 673 I Am The One Who Wants Your Life
- The Zhous wield too much power. Lynette York has already been discovered, damn it. Despite my careful arrangements, there must be some clues left behind. I can't give them too much time, only one hour. I'll eliminate Zhao Sihai first.
- Although the other party has ceased tracing the internet phone, Tim Carter is not idle. After my conversation with the Zhous, he diligently types on the keyboard, creating new programs and repairing and establishing new firewalls.
- Meanwhile, I pace back and forth in the living room, feeling restless. "Is Zhao Sihai truly dead or is it just a ruse? Judging from the Zhous' tone earlier, it's likely a fake death. Will they make Zhao Sihai die again within an hour? If they resort to trickery, what should I do? Should I truly go all out against them?" I contemplate in my mind.