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Chapter 5

  • Sunday.
  • It was the only day that Peri had some free time. She would either go for a short gig or just rest at home. But today, as promised to her father, she went to the wet market to buy meat and fish and others for their week’s consumption. Her grandmother was going to cook dinner for them, as usual, and she would study hard for the upcoming exams.
  • She carried the huge eco-bag with her when she realized she had to buy something from a convenience store. She entered it, wondering why the half-dozen people seemed to be gathered near the counter without lining up. They were supposed to, if they wanted to buy and pay for some items.
  • “You! Come here and don’t make a sound!”
  • Peri’s heart trembled upon seeing the man with a black balaclava covering his face, waving the gun in her direction. She instinctively ducked with a startled scream, dropping her eco-bag to the floor.
  • ‘Oh, no! This is a robbery in progress! Why, oh, Lord? Why am I here?’ She was panicking. Her body trembled; her breathing labored.
  • The man with the gun came up to her and dragged her by the back collar. Her quivering hands were above her head. She was about to cry, while the other hostages were frozen, also trembling in fear.
  • “Hurry!” the man demanded the cashier, who was putting the money in a plastic bag. It appeared that she was taking her time.
  • The door opened behind them, and in walked a tall foreigner. “Whoa! What’s going on here?” He immediately raised his two hands upon seeing the man with a gun.
  • “Don’t make sound, you foreigner, or I shoot your head!” the man threatened in broken English.
  • When Peri turned her head, her eyes widened upon recognizing the newcomer.
  • ‘Why is he here? Didn’t he see us too from the outside?’ She hadn’t realized what she had walked into until it was too late. Could be perhaps the same for this man.
  • He walked around the eco-bag and slowly walked toward them as demanded of him by the robber. Peri’s and the foreigner’s eyes met. He even seemed to recognize her but didn’t say a word.
  • “No, I won’t make a sound. Just don’t hurt anyone, okay?” the foreigner propounded gently.
  • “Give me all your money and your phones. Quick!” the robber in a slightly deep voice ordered.
  • He was alone, and yet, nobody dared to attack him. With trembling hands, and deep down inside reluctant, Peri reached for her wallet to give it to the robber. There was no other choice, even if it was the precious money she had worked so hard to earn. The bad man was still pointing the gun randomly at them.
  • “You, collect them,” he ordered Peri with a shake of his handgun. “Make it fast!”
  • Peri winced in consternation but nodded to comply. She collected the people’s wallets, including the foreigner’s.
  • “It’s going to be okay,” he whispered to assure her.
  • She slowly lifted her eyes to the six-footer and swallowed. There was something in his eyes that she could not understand. Was it determination? A promise? But why did his eyes look like they softened upon gazing at her?
  • She noticed he moved those dark blue peepers toward the robber. The stranger signaled her to hand over their belongings. As she did it, the foreigner moved in a quick motion to attack the robber. It was so fast that she barely saw what he did. The next thing she witnessed was the robber was already on his knees. The gun was out of his hand, sliding far away from them and stopped just underneath one of the shelves.
  • “Call the police now,” the foreigner told the cashier in a firm and urgent manner. His hands were still holding the robber in a deadlock. Otherwise, he’d break the latter’s wrists. The man groaned, while the clients cried in relief, thanking their hero. They picked their respective cell phones and wallets.
  • The police came about five or so minutes later, since they were in the downtown area. There were patrollers in the area. The robber was arrested. The victims were all interviewed.
  • “Are you okay?” the foreigner asked Peri.
  • She nodded and thanked him. “I-I’ve to go,” she uttered almost in a whisper. She was still trembling even from the aftermath. She picked up the eco-bag and went home. She thought she was a goner. Luckily, there was a hero in their midst. Maybe the One above sent him, like an angel.
  • Maurice quickly noticed something was amiss with her upon seeing her. “What’s happened?” her grandma questioned instantly.
  • Peri placed down the eco-bag on the counter next to the sink. She was in a dilemma whether or not to tell the old woman the truth. But she was afraid the old woman would be shocked and might trigger something bad for her health.
  • “N-nothing, La. I wasn’t able to buy some ice cream, that’s all,” she answered.
  • “But you look pale. Tell me, Peri apo,” she urged softly. Worry crossed in the old woman’s eyes.
  • “Really, La. It’s nothing. Maybe I’m just tired. I’ll go have a rest and wait for you to call me for dinner with Papa, okay?”
  • Maurice gave her a resigned look and nodded.
  • ***
  • Asher Stewart had never encountered such a life-threatening situation in his forty years until that moment. He never thought that entering the convenience store would lead him to a heroic act. Well, thanks to his martial arts training, he was able to save those people’s lives. Who knows if the robber would have shot them before fleeing? He couldn’t risk it. Even more so that the young girl he had met a few times now was also there. A sense of responsibility swelled deep inside his chest, urging him to protect her at all costs. He could see the fear written all over her face. She didn't faint at the time, which would have been a bad distraction on his part. Thankfully, she braved it all regardless of her obvious trepidation.
  • He told the police he’d press charges, so that the man would surely go to jail. He heard from the police that it was a high price to bail, so probably, the man couldn’t afford it. Besides, the gun wasn’t licensed and was filled with bullets. Hence, there was an intention to shoot someone.
  • If he had no craving for an ice cream because of the heat and hadn’t seen and followed the young girl entering the convenience store, who could have known what would’ve happened if he wasn’t there? The mere thought of it sent a chill down his spine. He then quickly pushed aside the unsettling thought.
  • His cell phone suddenly rang. He excused himself and answered a woman’s call.
  • Ella’s.
  • He couldn’t ignore it, even if he wanted to.