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Chapter 5 Frustration

  • Kay cackled up as he lost control over his body and fell off Zayn's couch. It took him a while to get himself as he could feel his eyes tear up from laughing so hard.
  • "W-wait... hold on." Kay said with his arm out and slowly got up "I think I'm okay now,"
  • Zayn, who had his legs crossed and arms folded next to him glared at Kay who fell back down and went into another phase of cackling.
  • "Just let me know when you're done," Zayn said, now sounding uninterested, which deferred from Kay who seemed to be having the time of his life.
  • "Oh my god... this is why I love my job," Kay said as he finally got a hold of himself. He took a seat next to Zayn who shot him a killer look and he felt he was about to burst up again.
  • "If you laugh about this again I will make you wish you never set foot in my house,"
  • Kay choked up on his laugher immediately as he could feel the menace behind Zayn tone. Also cause he knew just what Zayn was capable of doing. He cleared his throat and he knew he had to get serious.
  • "Okay, so you're saying– you couldn't get it up last night, and ended up ditching after getting her in the mood," he said and hissed "No woman likes that,"
  • Zayn's brow folded in "That's not the point!"
  • "And I'm getting to it," Kay pointed out and Zayn knew he was putting his life in the wrong hands "So, you had a dream, and this dream made you hard even when you didn't react to the physical touch of a woman,"
  • He said to himself and rested his jaw in his hand as he gave the situation a serious thought. He straightened and looked back at Zayn.
  • "Who did you see in the dream?" he asked and Zayn wished he didn't. He looked away.
  • "Is that really necessary?"
  • "Unless you don't want us to get to the bottom of this then you might as well keep it framed inside your memory," Kay said and Zayn let out a sigh.
  • "Will." He answered as he fiddled with his nails and Kay went silent for a moment. "I know, it's weird, but I've never thought about Will in such a manner...,"
  • "...I never said it was weird," Kay cuts in
  • "What?"
  • "There's nothing weird about that first off, and secondly I kindof saw that coming," Kay said as he rested his back on the couch.
  • "Why would you see that coming?"
  • Kay gave him a look that said 'seriously?', before he spoke "I actually thought about something at the bar which should've been pretty obvious to you. I've said this before, this all started nine years ago, when Will left, and I said your ED could be related to stress and I was right,"
  • "You did say Will was the 'cause of my stress and that now that he's back, things will go back to normal." Zayn rephrased "But what does that have to do with me getting hard when I see him?"
  • "Again, you may have gotten over your stress but you still need something to trigger your rod to react. Fortunately for you, Will is the trigger."
  • "How on earth is that fortunate, this is my best friend we're talking about here... and he's a dude for goodness sake!"
  • "But you're reacting to that dude,"
  • "So what, you're saying I'm gay? I've only ever looked at women all my life, I can't turn gay overnight!"
  • "I didn't think you were homophobic,"
  • "I'm not,"
  • "Then what's the problem?" Kay asked and Zayn gritted his teeth.
  • "As annoying as I find him at the moment, I still consider him my family. This just... it isn't it. There must be something I can do about this."
  • Kay stared at him as he realized how serious Zayn was. He let out a sigh and shifted on the seat.
  • "Okay. I guess we can find something to do about this," he said and let out a deep breath "First, you have to find out what exactly about him triggers you,"
  • "And when I do find out?"
  • "You try to stay away from it." he concluded "For instance, if it's his smile, you avoid it. If it's his looks, you avoid it. If it's his build, you avoid it."
  • "You make it sound so easy," Zayn said as he knew just how hard it could be. Zayn's smile comes unexpectedly, he can't avoid that. His hot looks are literally plastered on, he couldn't avoid that unless he decides to never look at him... which is also impossible.
  • "But here's another advice," Kay chipped in "The second advice is that you don't go with the first advice."
  • Zayn side eyed him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
  • "You've wanted this back for nine years, you finally get to have fun and build the family you've always wanted... I know how much you wanted that in particular. Now that you have it, you sure you want to ignore it just like that?"
  • "Yes," Zayn replied immediately.
  • "You didn't even give it a thought,"
  • "I don't have to, I don't want to tarnish the memories I have with Will all because my decisions are coming from between my legs and not my head,"
  • Kay went silent for a moment as he couldn't believe Zayn hadn't noticed his feelings ran deeper than that. "I didn't think you would be this clueless about how romance works. Is your brain only built up for work?"
  • "Hey!" Zayn shot at Kay who got up from the couch.
  • "Rather than thinking of it as tarnishing your memories, you could see it as deepening your relationship. Think about it." Kay said and made his way to the kitchen "I'm starving."
  • "Don't touch my fridge," Zayn said but Kay totally ignored him as he pulled open the fridge and scanned through it.
  • "Speaking of this, I really don't see how you can get out of all this unless you plan to fire Will... which I don't see happening anytime soon since the chair lady is involved."
  • Zayn held onto his jaw as it was a realization that had dawned on him, he knew it might take a while but he was sure he could drive Will out. A mischievous smile pulled up on his face as an idea popped up in his head. Will hated things that stress him out, back in high school, he refused to join in any club activity and when he was forced to, he joined the reading club where he Zayn had never seen him with a book once.
  • He was going to use his weakness against him.
  • *******
  • "The coffee is warm, I want something hot," Zayn said and Will stared back at him dumbfoundedly.
  • "If it's too hot you wouldn't be able to drink it,"
  • "Get me another one," Zayn said firmly as he kept typing into his system without sparing Will a glance. Will took the cup as he could clearly feel the heat from it, then he went back out without a word. Zayn finally raised his head as he knew his tactic would definitely work, and he was just getting started.
  • Will came back in with the cup on a plate. He moved carefully as he knew the one he had at hand was too hot 'cause he could see the steam brimming out of the cup.
  • "Here it is," he said as he carefully placed the plate next to Zayn who looked at it and a look of discontent appeared on his face.
  • "That's too hot," Zayn said and Will froze as he glanced up at Zayn and then back at the cup.
  • "but- you said the last one was too warm,"
  • "That was because I wasn't ready to take it earlier, but now that you spent so much time getting me another one, I ended up craving a drink and this is too hot for me to take now," Zayn said and Will looked back at him.
  • "So you want me to make you another one?" He asked and Zayn nodded.
  • Will looked back at the cup and picked it up again before leaving the room quietly. He came back after a while and placed the cup on the table. Zayn stared at it and when he couldn't make out a steam, he picked it by the handle and brought it to his face as it was just the right temperature. He paused the cup an inch away from his lips and let out a sigh as he returned the cup without having a sip of the coffee.
  • "What's wrong?" Will asked and Zayn went back to typing on the screen.
  • "I don't want it again. You took too long getting the right temperature I wanted and now I've lost the taste for it. My last secretary didn't need me teaching her all this?" He said and he saw Will wet his lips from the corner of his eyes.
  • It was working.
  • Zayn knew some of the things Will disliked, the first was getting involved with something stressful, and the second was being compared. He knew he had gotten to him with the last statement he'd just made, and Zayn was sure about it because of the habit Will didn't notice he had. Wetting his lips when he was frustrated. He thought that would've changed over the years but just like they say, old habits die hard. He'd also lied about his old secretary knowing how to make his coffee, none of them made his coffee as good as Will did... but he couldn't tell him that.
  • "How is the new project coming up?" Zayn asked.
  • "It's turning up great. We've been able to get through all the process without a fault, now we're simply expecting the end product. I'll be sure to let you know when it's been brought in."
  • Zayn nodded in satisfaction
  • "If that's all then I'll head back to my desk," Will said as he couldn't hide the hint of irritation in his tone. He turned to leave.
  • "Oh, you're not done," Zayn said as he pressed the enter button on the key to round up his work and then pulled his laptop shut. He looked back at Will who wondered what more he wanted from him. Zayn pulled out a flash from the side of the laptop and stretched it out to Will who took it regardless of his confused state. "Look through the file in there and fill it out correctly. I want it back before the end of today,"
  • Will stared at the flash in his hand "Okay,"
  • He walked out and Zayn let out another mischievous grin. Knowing what was in the file, he knew how hard it would be for Will to fill out, now he was going to see how long he could last. He went out of his office and stopped at the front of Will's as seeing his reaction made a wave of achievement filled him. Will gawked at his screen with his mouth wide opened. Will's eyes dashed up and their eyes met. Will's eyes squinted at him and Zayn scoffed before walking back down the hall.
  • This was just the beginning.