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Chapter 2 Struggles

  • He looked to his side to see Will focused on the paper in his hand, and wondered how Will had managed to postpone the meeting. He was meeting up with Greg Forger, and he knew just how strict he was about business and being tidy. So it was quite commendable that Will had managed to get him out of the mess.
  • He paused as he realized he had just praised Will in his head and this made him frown. He was still mad at him.
  • "What do you think you're doing?" Zayn asked and Will looked at him like the answer was pretty obvious.
  • "Going through your schedule."
  • "Get out."
  • "It's a moving car, if I get out I'll die," Will replied as he went back to reading his schedule.
  • "I never agreed to work with you."
  • "I'll keep that in mind," Will nodded as he stared at the list in his hand. "You don't have much lined up for today. After this, you have another conference meeting, then you have some paperwork that needs your approval, then you have lunch with..."
  • Zayn stared at Will as he kept rambling.
  • Will's skin shone with the absence of light in car, and Zayn couldn't help but think Will looked younger and much more handsome. His natural facial structure stuck out attractively just like his coils of leaf-brown hair. With Will wearing his company limited edition his build didn't stand out so much, but he looked dazzling and majestic. Just the result Zayn had envisioned when he'd signed for the product to be produced.
  • He stared back out the tinted glass and he let out a sigh, it seems he'd been needlessly worried about Will for the past nine years. He looks well off so why on earth would he want to work as a secretary?, Zayn thought.
  • "What do you say we grab a drink afterward?"
  • Zayn's ears perked up as he looked back at Will who awaited his reply. He loved the sound of that, but then he remembered he'd quit drinking because of his manhood state, but it should be fine now right? he thought.
  • Pondering over it as he remembered he did get hard earlier, but then he wondered if he should inform Kay first. Kay was his personal doctor and the only one who knew about his current condition. He didn't want to miss out on a drink with Will.
  • So just one shot won't hurt.
  • He opened his mouth to talk but stopped when he realized he was letting Will get into his mind again. He wanted answers and he knew he wouldn't get them if he went easy on Will.
  • "I don't drink," Zayn finally replied and looked away as the car was engulfed in silence once again.
  • Will was a tough nut to crack, but Zayn knew how to get to him. He was expecting Will to slip up anytime soon. He just has to spill what had happened nine years ago and they could patch things up in an instant.
  • "Why do you have to be such a big baby about this?" Will said and Zayn's brow shot up.
  • "What?" he turned to will who now had his back to him.
  • A big baby?! That's how you're gonna play huh?, Zayn squinted and he turned to the driver.
  • "Stop the car!" he said and immediately, the car was parked at the side of the road. Will's head turned back confusedly and Zayn spoke "Which is it gonna be? you get out of my car or I do."
  • Will blinked as he tried to process Zayn's words "You're kidding right?"
  • Zayn opened the door on his side and got out.
  • "Hey! you can't be serious right now? do you actually plan to be late after getting the meeting postponed?" Will asked as he stared at Zayn who stood in front of the opened door.
  • "I don't want to ride in the same car as you. I'll call for another one," he said taking out his phone.
  • "It's gonna take a while for them to..." Will sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. "Fine. I'll get out."
  • He shuffled out through the open door and stared at Zayn who made his way back inside the car. He shut the door without a second thought and Will watched the car drive off.
  • "No way," he muttered as Zayn showed no sign of turning the car around.
  • Zayn didn't want to be in the same space as Will at the moment 'cause he felt he might punch Will if he kept trying to pass off the last nine years as nothing. He also didn't feel good leaving him alone on the bridge but how could he go back after all that? It would put a stain on his angry show...but it still didn't feel right letting him stay there.
  • "Sir."
  • The driver disrupted his thought.
  • "What is it?" He asked, his tone sounding composed. As angry as he was, he didn't have the policy of getting aggressive with others... especially not good old Newton.
  • "It seems an accident occurred on this bridge last week. It was quite serious sir."
  • "What?!" He jumped as he stared at the driver who didn't take his eyes off the road.
  • "Should I keep going, sir?"
  • "Turn back."
  • "Right away sir." He replied almost immediately and Zayn didn't realize the smirk on Newton's face.
  • As much as Zayn didn't want to be in the same space as Will, he didn't want him to get hurt. The car stopped and Zayn lowered the black tinted glass as he refused to make eye contact with Will. He let out a sigh.
  • "Get in the front seat," he said but for a moment there was no reaction from Will. He didn't want to look at him 'cause he knew he just might change his mind.
  • Will finally walked to the front door and got in without uttering a word. The car zoomed off and the rest of the ride was locked in a dead silence that could make one lose their mind.
  • *****
  • The meeting went by smoothly as Zayn was able to strike a deal that would definitely raise the stock of his company higher. Driving back to the company in yet another piercing silence, they arrived and Zayn walked in. Will tried to follow suit but was suddenly blocked by the two hefty security that loomed over him. He stepped back, wondering if there was a protocol for staff to go in.
  • "Excuse me, but I have to go in." He said but they didn't budge an inch. He added, "I'm the new secretary."
  • "The boss asked us to keep you out." One of them said and Will's brows furrowed.
  • "He asked you to keep me out?" he said in disbelief and leaned over to see Zayn walking away without so much as a glance back. He opened his mouth to yell out but then he realized they were at the company and it would be bad to get Zayn's image ruined. He sighed.
  • "Look, the director already agreed to this so I would love it if we save time and..." he said as he made his way forward.
  • "Step back pal." One of them shoved him a little but his body didn't have enough strength to repel it. He fell back immediately as he lost his footing and his head came crashing down on the floor.
  • "Ah!" he yelped out and clutched the back of his head.
  • "Hey, you oka..."
  • "Hey!" someone yelled from inside and they flinched at the familiar tone. Zayn rushed out and knelt next to Will who still had his hand on his head with a wince. He carefully raised Will's head.
  • "Let me see," he said in a low tone and reached for the side Will held on to, feeling it with his fingers for a bump or bleeding, but he was okay. He let out a sigh as he glared at the security. His voice was low but furious.
  • "I told you to keep him out, not kill him!"
  • "Apologies sir. It wasn't my intention." the security lowered his head. Zayn looked back at Will.
  • "You okay?" he asked and Will gave him a nod.
  • "Yeah, I'm fine. it was just a minute shock. What on earth do you feed your securities?"
  • Zayn got up as he clarified that Will was okay. He sighed again and made his way back inside the company. He could hear Will's hurried footsteps behind him and he stopped in his track as he gave Will a confused stare.
  • "Where do you think you're going?" he asked
  • "huhhh, inside? with you?" he said like it was an obvious answer.
  • "I still haven't agreed to work with you. Go home," he said and walked away, leaving a very confused Will out in front. Zayn entered the elevator and the door shut closed. He stared at his hand as he remembered the soft feel of Will's hair. It smelt like lavender, just like years ago.
  • "What the hell am I thinking about?" he mumbled and dropped his hand as the elevator kept moving up the floors. He looked down at his pants as the image of the morning shot back in and he winced. How could that happen? and to make matters worse Will had seen it. "ohmygosh"
  • He sighed as he placed his forehead on the wall of the elevator. They meet for the first time in nine years and the first thing he shows Will is his dick about to burst out of his pants. Will would tease him for the rest of his life.
  • The elevator door chimed as he straightened.
  • "Don't think about it Zayn," he said to himself as he walked out of the elevator.
  • "Good Morning sir."
  • "Morning sir."
  • "Morning."
  • "Good day sir?"
  • "Quite splendid," he replied with a smile as the greetings from his employees boomed through the hall. They were all a lively bunch and he loved it, their high spirits kept him on his toes and he didn't want their hard work to go down the drain. He was going to treat them all after work. "Keep up the good work everyone."
  • "Yes sir!"
  • He entered his office and sat down in front of his des, wondering if Will had given up and left as he pulled off his suit and hung it on the chair. Pulling open his laptop, a knock sounded on the door.
  • "Come in," he said as his focus on the screen didn't let him notice the brown haired that came in with a smirk.
  • "Your video conference starts in five minutes, sir,"
  • His head shot up and he slumped back against the chair. "Who the hell let you in again?"
  • "The director. I gave her a call," Will waved his phone with a smirk. Zayn knew his mom would be involved in this.
  • "What do you want from me?"
  • "Nothing. I just want to work for money." Will shrugged and Zayn scoffs. "What? I need the money." Will defended
  • "Says the guy wearing a suit worth thousands of dollars."
  • "That's not important here," Will said but Zayn thought it certainly was. "I wouldn't want to distract you so if you need me I'll be right in front organizing the files brought in today."
  • Zayn still hadn't agreed to work with Will but he knew even if he declined, the two will still find a way to make him go nuts. He sighed.
  • "Oh, and–don't worry. I won't tell anyone about what happened earlier. it's completely normal." Will whispered and Zayn's brow shot up in confusion.
  • "What are you...fuck!" he muttered as he looked away. He could see the satisfied look on Will who turned to leave.
  • "oh and..."
  • "...what now?" he shot back and Will stared at him for a moment.
  • "You really still are a big baby."
  • "Don't make me come over there."
  • Will chuckled as he flashed a smile that caught Zayn off guard. "I just wanted to say it's nice seeing you again. I'll be at over at my desk."
  • With that, the door closed and Zayn was left staring at the space Will had just left. He swallowed and shifted on his chair as a sudden thirst took over him.
  • He yanked at his tie and stared at the ceiling in disbelief. Something was definitely wrong with him, otherwise he wouldn't yet again have the painful bulge in his pants at the moment.
  • "Seriously."
  • He sighed as he tried to direct the problem to the fact that he had been pent up after nine years.
  • That's all there is to it.
  • And he was going to get rid of the stress of the past years, tonight.