Chapter 4254 A Crazy Family Experience(Taboo Sex):>Ep12
- Just as his thrusting began to stutter awkwardly with his rapidly approaching climax, another orgasm formed to dance among Missy's fires. Despite doubting that he would last long enough to free hers, she eagerly lifted herself to meet his awkward thrusts again and again. Then his hips started to twitch spastically as he drove himself into her a couple of more times before freezing with his crotch crammed against hers.
- "Oh fuck!" He groaned, his thingy lurching within her folds, unleashing his semen.
- Having never even considered a scenario in which she would be with two boys, Missy was completely unprepared for the sensation of feeling a second one cumming inside her. The idea alone was bawdy enough to make her body tingle with excitement. Never mind that it was her brothers. This thought tore her orgasm from the fires and set it free.