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Chapter 8

  • As I stood outside the door, I continued to hear the strange, unsettling sound—low grunts and muffled voices. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was a private moment that I wasn't supposed to intrude on.
  • But then a surge of worry swept over me. What if someone was in trouble and needed help? Taking a deep sigh, I decided to open the door and investigate.
  • I pushed the door open and walked in, only to freeze in shock at the sight before me. Alpha Logan was locked in an embrace with a woman, their bodies pressed together in a way that made my heart sink. They were on the bed, and she was straddling him, her dress pushed high on her hips.
  • The woman was a maid, just like me. She had soft, dark brown curls cascading down her back. Her figure was slender but curvaceous, and she wore a look of intimacy and familiarity that tore at my already shattered heart.
  • Then she turned her head to the left, and her eyes widened. "Hey!" She screamed.
  • The moment my presence was acknowledged, Alpha Logan’s expression shifted from passion to fury. He pushed the woman away roughly, his eyes blazing with anger as he turned toward me.
  • "What in Moon's name are you doing here?" He roared.
  • "I... I just wanted to..."
  • “Why did you walk in without knocking?” he snapped, his voice harsh and commanding. “What do you think you’re doing?”
  • I stammered, struggling to find my voice amidst the crushing weight of my hurt. “I—I thought someone might be in danger. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
  • Alpha Logan's eyes narrowed, his frustration palpable. “Danger? You’re a slave. You don’t barge into the Alpha’s room uninvited, especially not when you’re supposed to be working. Get out!"
  • I felt my face flush with embarrassment and pain. I turned and hurried towards the door. My heart was heavy, and the sight of Alpha Logan with another woman left me feeling utterly broken. I grabbed the doorknob, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, when I remembered why I was really in his room in the first place.
  • Angrily, I wiped the tears from my cheeks. Why was I even feeling heartbroken? It wasn’t as if I was the Alpha’s Luna; our only connection was that one night. I had no right to expect anything from him.
  • I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself as Alpha Logan's angry voice pierced through the hurt. “What are you still doing here? What did you come for?”
  • I steadied my voice and replied, “I came to clean, Alpha Logan.”
  • He scowled at me, clearly irate. “Then get to it. And make sure you’re out of here as fast as possible. I don’t want to see you lingering.”
  • I nodded quickly, avoiding his gaze as I moved to start cleaning. I grabbed a cloth and began wiping down surfaces, my movements mechanical and numb. The sound of Alpha Logan and the maid’s kissing filled the room, mingling with my cleaning tasks. I did my best to ignore the sounds, focusing on scrubbing and tidying up.
  • Each sound increased the pain I felt in my chest, but I forced myself to keep going. I just needed to finish quickly and get out of there. As I worked, I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me, reminding myself that I was just a slave in this place—nothing more, nothing less.
  • When I was done, I turned and picked up my cleaning materials, then walked out on the kissing couple. When I was a safe distance away, I stopped, trying to control my scared panting.
  • The pain at seeing Alpha Logan with someone else was subsiding now, and clarity was coming back to me. I needed to act fast; if Alpha Logan was this sexually active, it meant that he might get another one of the slaves pregnant. I didn't like what that did to my prospects.
  • I had to do something to rectify this problem.
  • But a sharp abdominal pain lurched with nausea made me instantly weak to my knees. My eyes flew open, and I rushed to the nearest chamber pot, retching all the content of my stomach into it.
  • When I was done, I wiped my mouth clean with the back of my hand. If anyone found out about my pregnancy sooner than what I'd planned.... I didn't even want to think about what would happen, then.
  • Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "What are you doing?"
  • I froze, my breath catching in my throat. I turned slowly and found myself face to face with Alpha Logan. His piercing eyes, still smoldering with anger, locked onto mine. His presence was overwhelming, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.
  • "What are you doing here?" he repeated. I could see the muscles in his jaw clenching as he waited for my response.
  • "I... I was just leaving, Alpha," I stammered, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fear that gripped me. I clutched the cleaning supplies tighter, as if they could somehow protect me from his anger.
  • Alpha Logan took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized me. "Why are you standing here like a lost pup?" he demanded. "You should be working, not loitering in the halls."
  • "I finished cleaning your room," I replied meekly, hoping to placate him. "I was just about to find another task."
  • His gaze swept over me, and his expression shifted to one of disgust. "Is that vomit on your face?" he asked.
  • I blinked in confusion, then instinctively wiped my cheek with the back of my hand. The remnants of the tears I had shed mixed with the grime from cleaning and my vomit, creating a smear on my skin.
  • "No, Alpha," I said quickly, my voice trembling. "It's just... dirt from cleaning.”
  • “How should I believe any word you say,” he took more steps closer, his breath patting my face. “You are never sincere so how should I trust you?”
  • His hand stretched like they were about to pull me to him, but it pushed me aside instead. He peeked into the pot and noticed there was nothing. Hopefully, I was fast enough to have rinsed it out.
  • “I should get back to work now,” That slipped out of my mouth after I took a deep breath.
  • “Are you pregnant, Aria?”