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Two Alphas, One Sex Slave

Two Alphas, One Sex Slave

Emma's Thoughts

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • The footsteps approached me again, echoing loudly in the otherwise silent room where I was bound. My neck jerked violently as the chain hanging from my collar was pulled. I gasped for air, feeling the weight of it all.
  • "Stand up!" A harsh voice commanded, and despite the tremble in my legs, I obeyed. The cold stone beneath my feet chilled me to the bone, reminding me of the icy despair that had become my life.
  • As I walked, each step felt like a march toward death. The noise around me grew, loud and chaotic. I could hear rough laughter, the foul stench of cigarettes, and the murmurs of men, their voices low and dark. They were bidding, and I knew—deep down in my core—that it was on me.
  • The rough hands of one of the guards shoved me forward, and I stumbled, falling hard onto a raised platform. Pain shot through my knees as I landed, and a chorus of jeers and laughter erupted from the crowd.
  • "Two thousand for this little slut!" one man shouted, his voice filled with sick amusement. Laughter followed, and I felt grimy hands touch my exposed skin. My body recoiled in fear as hands traced along my thighs, and I realized with a deep sense of dread what was happening.
  • I couldn't see them. The blindfold covering my eyes had rendered me helpless. But their touches—oh, I could feel those too well. Fingers crawled over me, making me jump and shrink away. My wrists, bound behind my back, offered no defense.
  • Tears streamed down my face as I began to sob uncontrollably, my body shaking. This was the lowest I'd ever been. I was a failure, a worthless Omega—born to be weak, to be used. My entire life had been nothing but torment.
  • Memories of my mother flooded my mind. I remembered how she’d died, her body lying in a pool of her own blood when the BloodyNoon pack had slaughtered us. I could still see her lifeless eyes staring up at me, cold and unblinking.
  • And my father—he was no better. He had changed after that day. He was a shell of the man who had once loved me. After taking a new wife, he’d traded me away like a cheap token, exchanging me for money and whatever else suited his whims. For six long years, I’d been nothing but a slave, subjected to back-breaking labor that no Omega could hope to endure.
  • I had tried to resist at first, but it didn’t take long before I lost all hope. The guards, the beatings, the hunger—it broke me. Escape had been a foolish dream. There was no way out of this hell.
  • And now, this—an auction. My eighteenth birthday had passed just last week, and I’d shifted for the first time, my wolf howling inside me as I cried out in agony, all alone in my chains. No one had been there to guide me, no one to cheer for me. This was my reality.
  • But what could be worse than being sold to these monsters?
  • "Not so fast, gentlemen," I heard a voice call out. The announcer, I guessed, stepping in before things got completely out of control. A whip cracked against the hands of the men touching me, causing them to retreat with laughter.
  • The announcer moved closer, his cane tracing my skin. His voice was smooth, dripping with malice. "Long hair, rosy cheeks, cherry lips," he mused, tapping his cane under my chin and then lifting it under my breasts. I winced, feeling utterly violated. "This is a fresh one. You won't find many like her. Even 100k wouldn't be enough for such beauty."
  • The crowd laughed, mocking the man who had placed the earlier bid. I wanted to scream, to disappear, but before I could make sense of it all, a voice from the crowd cut through the noise.
  • "One million."
  • Everything went silent. My heart stopped. Did I hear that correctly?
  • One million dena? For me?
  • The crowd seemed just as stunned as I was. Even the announcer stammered, disbelief lacing his words. "O-one million! Wow!" He let out a nervous laugh. "I wasn’t expecting that! Any other bids?"
  • A hush fell over the room. No one dared to challenge the voice.
  • "Going once! Going twice!" The suspense hung in the air, thick and unbearable.
  • "SOLD!"
  • It was done. I had been sold to an unknown man for one million dena.
  • Rough hands gripped my arms once again, pulling me to my feet. My body was trembling with exhaustion and fear as I was dragged out of the bidding room. We descended what I assumed were stairs, the edges of each step digging into my knees painfully.
  • I could feel the light through my blindfold as we emerged from the darkness. My eyes, deprived for so long, stung behind the fabric, but for the first time in years, I sensed the world outside.
  • Cold air hit my skin, and I was shoved roughly into a seat. My buyer sat beside me, the silence between us heavy and foreboding. Then, I heard the flick of a lighter, followed by the sharp scent of tobacco.
  • He drew closer, his fingers grazing my skin. I froze as his hand trailed down to my thigh.
  • "Good to know my gold was well-spent," he said, his voice low and dangerous. He slapped the side of my head, making me wince, then offered me his pipe. "Do you smoke?"
  • I shook my head quickly, fear coursing through me. I tried to speak, but my voice cracked.
  • He chuckled, taking another puff. "Good. I don’t like women who smoke anyway."
  • I couldn't stop the tremor in my voice. "W-why did you offer it then?" I barely managed to get out.
  • He exhaled smoke, blowing it directly into my face. My lungs burned as I struggled to breathe through the haze, coughing uncontrollably.
  • "Get used to this," he said coldly. "This is your new life."
  • Swallowing hard, I forced out the only words he wanted to hear.
  • "Yes, Master.”