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Chapter 4 Curse Of The Meet

  • I sat nervously in the uncomfortable plastic chair of the police station, my heart racing in anxiety and fear. I had come here to report my missing triplets, but the officers seemed to provide little support to help me.
  • Despite giving them Xander name as the one I suspected behind the disappearance, the police had yet to take action. I could feel my patience wearing thin, my frustration building every second.
  • As I sat there, staring blankly at the wall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal. I had always believed that the police were there to protect and serve, but now it seemed like they were more interested in dragging their feet to buy donuts than helping me.
  • I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I knew that getting angry wouldn't solve anything, but keeping my emotions in check was hard when worrying about my daughters.
  • Just then, the door to the interrogation room swung open, and a gruff-looking officer entered. He didn't bother to introduce himself but asked me to repeat the details of my ex's name and description.
  • I did so, even with my voice shaking with anger and frustration. I couldn't believe it had taken so long for the police to take me seriously, and I was starting to lose hope that I would ever see my daughters again.
  • As the officer scribbled notes on his clipboard, I tried to keep my mind from drifting to dark places. I knew I needed to stay focused and faithful, even in a climate of uncertainty.
  • “Are you sure they aren’t with their father?”
  • “Their father was dead!” I yelled.
  • Eventually, the officer finished taking my statement and told me that they would look into the matter. I nodded numbly, feeling a sense of give-up wash over me.
  • As I left the police station, I couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat. I knew I would have to be patient and wait for the police to do their job, but it was hard to hold onto hope when Xander was still out there, somewhere, with my triplets.
  • “Oh, Moon Goddess, I’m seeking your guidance and support through this hard time….”
  • Despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake the feeling of anger and sadness that consumed me. I vowed to do whatever it took to find my triplets, even if it meant taking matters into my own hands.
  • I arrived at the apartment building, but my steps stopped as I saw Xander standing at the top of the stairs in front of my door. Our eyes met, but only a signal of anger was visible from mine.
  • Great, now Xander has managed to track down my residence. My assumption that the man had hidden my triplets became stronger.
  • My heart raced as I stood before Xander. Since yesterday, the pain and anger have burned inside me, waiting to blast out.
  • "Where are my daughters, Xander?" I screamed at him, my voice cracking with emotion. "Tell me where you've hidden them!"
  • "What are you talking about?"
  • "Rose, Jasmine, and Violet disappeared this noon. They couldn't be found anywhere even though they were supposed to be at school. They...." My voice trailed off.
  • I couldn’t state that a school teacher had witnessed my daughters taken by a man who resembled Violet, standing right in front of me now—nothing I could say to Xander. Only the wrath urges me to punch his face and tell him to give me back my daughters.
  • Xander's expression remained cold and indifferent. "I didn't kidnap our children, Peony. Why would I do that?”
  • My anger boiled over. "Quit with the lies, will you? You've always been a terrible father. You probably took them to punish me."
  • Xander's eyes narrowed. "You never told me they were missing, Peony. How was I supposed to know?"
  • I shook my head furiously. Was I going to believe what he said? Xander was the same man who kicked me out of the pack when I was three months pregnant!
  • Xander's face twisted in pain. He knew he had let me down in the past, seemed he couldn't stand me accusing him of such a heinous act. He forced himself to exhibit self-control.
  • "I got that you're upset, Peony," he said, his voice measured. "But we need to figure out what happened to our triplets. There’s no way we’ll get it done if you keep yelling.”
  • "Stop saying they’re ours! They’re only mine!"
  • I gritted my teeth. I hated Xander for what he did to me, for what he had become. But I knew he was right. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself.
  • “Okay, okay.” Xander sighed. "Let's start by retracing our steps. When was the last time you saw them?"
  • I closed my eyes as I pushed the feeling aside. I couldn't forgive Xander for what he had done to me. Not yet, at least.
  • Xander approached me. "I swear I had nothing to do with this. But I'll do everything I can to help you find them."
  • I recoiled from his touch. "I’ll manage it on my own. And I don't want your help, Xander! Not after what you did to me! Don’t you remember?”
  • The man fell into silence. My words seem to hit his feelings hard—if he still has one. His jaw tightened as he stared at me. Like the man I knew, he would’ve cursed me with a painful expletive. But I already got over all of that. For the sake of my daughters, I will face this monster.
  • But after that silence, unexpectedly, Xander's face saddened.
  • "I know I messed up in the past, I. But please, let me make it up to you. I'll use all my resources to find our daughters and do anything to fix our relationship."
  • I shook my head. "You betrayed my trust, Xander, and it’s irreparable. There’s nothing you can do but leave me.”
  • Xander's jaw tightened. "I may have been in the past, but I've changed. Please, give me a chance to prove it to you."
  • “Doubt that. You’re still just as despicable as ever.”
  • I stared into Xander's eyes. I saw the sincerity and desperation in his gaze, but I couldn't shake off the memories of our tumultuous past. That look in his eyes was just a trick to fool me.
  • "Just get out of my sight before I change my mind,” I ended our conversation.
  • ***
  • Gloria sighed. She had seen me through troubles, but this was a new level of desperation.
  • "Peony, I don't know if I can help you. I'm good, but I'm not that good. I don't have the magic to track down missing children."
  • My heart sank at her words. I had been hoping that Gloria and her powers would be able to work some magic and find my triplets. But it seemed that even that was beyond Gloria's abilities.
  • “What on earth am I supposed to do?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.