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Chapter 3

  • "Attention, ladies, and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for takeoff," the announcement echoed throughout the aircraft, prompting passengers to take their seats and make themselves comfortable as the crew prepared for takeoff.
  • With trembling fingers, Julian dialed Adi's number for what felt like the hundredth time, his heart sinking with every failed attempt.
  • As his call went straight to voicemail once again, a wave of anxiety washed over him, and he couldn't help but wonder what could have happened to her. Was she safe? He could imagine how terrible she’d feel right now, and he couldn't shake off this feeling of helplessness. The thought of it made his stomach churn.
  • "Phew!" He let out a sharp breath as he turned off his phone, resolving to keep trying when he arrived Scotland. It's going to be a long trip. He prayed to the heavens to keep her sane for him until he reached her again. He knew how worried she can get.
  • ***
  • With tears streaming down her face, Adi made her way home, her heart heavy with sadness. The only thing that offered her solace was the thought that Julian would be there waiting for her- a comforting presence amid her despair.
  • She had held onto the hope that he would be there to greet her with open arms, ready to take her out on their long-awaited date.
  • Her hair hung in wild disarray around her face, and her eyes were red and swollen from the tears she had shed on her lonely walk home. With every step she took, it felt as though her heart was breaking anew, and all she could think about was finding comfort and solace in the arms of the one she loved.
  • She was a few yards away from her house. She took a quick scan around, hoping to find Julian's car parked somewhere around as usual, but there was no car in sight.
  • "He isn't here yet?" She muttered to herself as she hastened her steps.
  • Her heart raced in her chest, like a frenzied beat that echoed in her ears. She needed someone to hold her close and tell her everything was okay.
  • As she arrived home, Adi's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Julian's familiar face. But instead, her attention was drawn to something else entirely - something that left her feeling confused and disoriented.
  • di noticed that all of her belongings were neatly arranged in a corner, as though someone had taken great care to bring them out and set them aside for her.
  • Adi took hesitant steps towards her door, her mind racing with confusion and bewilderment. She couldn't make sense of the strange scene before her.
  • "What's going on here? Why are my things outside?" Adi asked herself in a voice that was barely above a whisper. She felt a lump form in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the bizarre situation that was unfolding before her. With a gentle touch, she wiped away the tears that clouded her vision.
  • She hurried to her door, but she found a new lock on it. It had been changed.
  • "Who could have done this?" She asked herself, her mind racing with possibilities. And then it hit her - there was only one person who could have been responsible for this, and that was her landlord.
  • Adi took a deep breath. She marched straight to his house, her heart racing with anger and frustration, and knocked loudly on his door.
  • Mr. Rob opened his door and stepped outside the house.
  • "Yes, what can I do for you?" He asked in his usual tiny, feminine voice that always got Adi pissed.
  • She had always found him very annoying, but there was something about his countenance today. He looked rather unsettled. She noticed how his eyes darted around nervously, avoiding direct contact with her gaze as if he was hiding something.
  • "Mr. Rob, why are my belongings packed outside my house? The last time I checked, my rent isn't due yet," Adi inquired in her croaky voice. She had almost lost her voice from crying.
  • "I'm sorry about this, but there is nothing I can do at the moment. I'll send you a refund as soon as possible. I'm sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you." With that said, he bowed his head and went back into his house before she could utter another word.
  • "Wow," she scoffed, "can the night get any worse?" She let out a bitter smile of defeat as she walked slowly back to her house.
  • Adi refused to budge. She was determined to wait for Julian, no matter what. She sat outside, staring blankly at the passing cars, her heart heavy with a sense of desolation that refused to lift. The hours ticked by like an eternity, each passing minute a stark reminder of Julian's absence.
  • Three hours felt like an eternity, as it was getting really late.
  • "Maybe he couldn't make it back home today," she tried consoling herself. "I'm sure he must be trying so hard to reach me at this point," she thought bitterly as more tears flowed down her cheeks.
  • Adi decided to spend the night at her cousin Jenna's place, who lived just a few streets away. She resolved to come back here as early as possible tomorrow to wait for Julian. She was very certain he'd come looking for her tomorrow.
  • "He knows I'll be off work tomorrow," she reminded herself.
  • She gathered her belongings and took a taxi to Jenna's.
  • "Hey, love, what happened? Why are you looking so down?" Jenna inquired with a worried look.
  • Jenna and Adi were cousins, as well as best friends. They loved each other so much that they always stood up for each other.
  • "Jenna..." Adi tried talking between sobs, but she broke down in tears again.
  • "Come here, darling, it's okay." "Everything will be fine, my love," Jenna cooed, patting her back gently.
  • ***
  • The trip felt like an eternity to Julian. He couldn't sleep a wink during the flight. His whole thoughts were flooded with worries about Adi.
  • As soon as the plane landed, he anxiously brought out his phone and dialed Adi's line again, but it still wasn't connecting.
  • "For fuck's sake, what's going on with her?" He cursed under his breath.
  • This was no longer funny. It was becoming harder than he thought it would be. Coming here without informing Adi was already bad enough; now he couldn't reach her.
  • "Good day, sir Julian. I am Harry, and I was instructed to take you to your apartment. I hope you enjoyed your flight?" One of the bodyguards assigned to Julian spoke up as soon as he saw Julian coming out of the airport.
  • "Thanks," Julian responded briefly. He was in no mood for formalities.
  • He knew everything was already arranged by his dad: his apartment, guards, maids, and every single thing he'll need.
  • His drive to his apartment was one of the most uninteresting drives ever. He kept on calling Adi, but all to no avail. His worry grew.
  • "I'll die if anything ever happens to her." He didn't know when a tear escaped his eye. He loves her with every fiber of his being.
  • ***
  • The night was a very long one for Adi and Jenna. Jenna spent most part of the night consoling Adi. She had encouraged her to go wait for Julian as planned.
  • "I'm sure he'll be back by tomorrow; don't think otherwise, okay?" She had reassured her before they both finally went to bed.
  • The first rays of the morning sun barely illuminated the sky when Adi jolted awake, her heart pounding with anticipation. She couldn't wait to rush back to her previous apartment, where she had to wait for Julian, hoping against hope that he would finally arrive.
  • Each time his name crossed her mind, a flutter of hope and fear raced through her veins, like a kaleidoscope of emotions that refused to be tamed. A nagging feeling of dread gnawed at the edges of her mind, whispering the possibility of something terrible happening to him, but Adi pushed those dark thoughts aside. She refused to entertain the idea that Julian might never come back, determined to hold on to the fragile hope that burned within her heart.
  • In a jiffy, she was done bathing, and she was on her way out already.
  • "Take care, Jenna; I'll see you soon." She sounded so excited as she hurried towards the door.
  • "Be careful out there, and stay positive," Jenna replied to her enthusiastic cousin.
  • "I will. I love you," Adi blew a kiss to her.
  • "I love you too, silly," Jenna replied with a smile.
  • Jenna was happy to see her cousin so happy. She hoped everything went as expected for her.
  • ***
  • The room was a picture of peace, a sanctuary of calm and tranquility. The air was thick with the scent of lavender.
  • The shrill ring of a phone pierced through the calm of the room.
  • With measured grace, a slender hand reached out, gliding over the table until it found the phone and lifted it delicately, with fingers dancing over the buttons before bringing it to the ear.
  • "Yes?" came the raspy voice.
  • "It's done. What should I do with the phone?" The hoarse voice on the other end of the call asked.
  • "Hold on to it. It might come in handy soon." The raspy voice responded with a cranky smile, "Keep a close eye on her. I'll be needing necessary information per time." The voice issued the instruction and the call ended.