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Chapter 5 Five - Azira

  • My heart skips a beat as he snatches the essay from my hand violently. "Thank you, Miss Sidorov." He doesn't meet my gaze. "Now get to your next class."
  • I swallow hard, feeling disappointed. Ever since the night at the bar before winter formal, he's been short with me and barely meets my gaze. "Yes, sir."
  • And yet I can't stop fantasizing about him. It's as if he plagues my every waking moment and sleeping. There's barely a dream I've had that doesn't feature him.
  • His jaw clenches just before I turn around and walk out of the classroom. Perhaps my disappointment is because ever since I found out Eva married Principal Byrne over winter break, I've had hope that maybe there's a chance for my crush on Luigi to turn into something else.
  • If she can end up with a professor, then why can't I?
  • I know it's crazy, because Professor Luigi is nothing like Principal Byrne. He's tormented and mean, and he loves punishing people. When I said it, almost jokingly to my friends, they all thought I was fucking crazy, and maybe I am. After all, Blaine Luigi isn't like any other man I've ever met. His eyes are cold and calculating and he delights in inflicting pain.
  • Not to mention my family would never allow me to be with a professor from the academy. I'm destined to be married off to a mafia heir who will increase the family's power and standing.
  • Professor Luigi's biggest appeal for me is one that I've been ashamed to admit to anyone, sometimes even myself. I delight in being subjected to pain as much as he delights in doling it out. There's only one time that a teacher has sent me to Luigi's office for punishment and my shame made certain I never landed back in his office again.
  • He whipped me as he does with most of the students. An act that should instill fear and pain and make you wish you never got sent to him. And yet I felt an ache between my thighs. Being only fifteen years old, I couldn't really understand why pain caused such pleasure. It's what kept me away from him since that day, making doubly certain I never got sent back for punishment.
  • "Azira!"
  • I turn around to find Adrianna jogging down the hallway toward me.
  • "Wait up. Didn't you hear me the first time?"
  • I swallow hard, shaking my head. "Sorry, I guess I was in my own world."
  • She links arms with me. "We've got combat with Daniel's next," she says, shoving her fingers down her throat. "Kill me now."
  • I smirk at that. "You know deep down you love him flirting with you."
  • She gives me an angry glare. "No chance in hell."
  • "Why did you dance with him at the bar, then?"
  • "Because he wouldn't leave me alone."
  • "I don't think he ever will until you sleep with him," I say, stopping at my locker to grab my gym bag.
  • "Which will never happen." She sighs heavily. "You sound as bad as him."
  • I shoulder my gym bag and lock my locker. "I wish Professor Luigi was as easy as Coach Daniels."
  • Adrianna shakes her head as we continue toward the gym hall. "Not that again. You realize the guy is borderline insane, right?"
  • I swallow hard, as I know he might be a little unhinged. "Perhaps, but I've had a crush on him since before I can remember."
  • "Yeah, I know." Adrianna laughs. "But I remember when we were in ninth grade and you got sent to him on purpose by Principal Byrne. Ever since you've made sure you never got sent back again, because he's fucking crazy."
  • I swallow hard, knowing she assumes I made sure I didn't get sent back because it was so horrific. Even though it's the opposite. His punishment was too pleasurable and I couldn't understand it. I wonder if it would be the same now. If Professor Luigi inflicting pain on me would make me ache between my thighs again, or if it was a onetime thing. I guess there's only one way to find out.
  • "I didn't get sent to him on purpose," I say, shaking my head.
  • "You did! I remember you said I'm going to see what all the fuss is about, and then you told Principal Byrne in front of the entire class to shove his assignment up his ass."
  • I laugh then, remembering the look on his face when I spoke to him like that. He turned almost bright red from anger and shouted at me to get to Luigi for punishment before he threw me in the choker.
  • I shudder, as I've been in the choker once. An ancient torture device they house in one of the old rooms in the west wing, with spikes that barely miss you once closed, making it impossible to move. The one time I ended up in there for thirty minutes was pure torture, far worse than being sent to Luigi. However, many people would beg to differ.
  • "Come on, let's get dressed." Adrianna steers me into the changing room, which is buzzing with other girls getting ready.
  • Jeanie and Anita glare at us the moment we enter. "Look who the cat dragged in," Jeanie says, sniggering.
  • We both ignore her and walk over to join Eva and Natalya on the far side, who are already dressed for combat training.
  • "You took your time with that essay," Natalya says, staring at me accusingly. "Trying to get some time alone with the psycho?"
  • I narrow my eyes at her. "No, I'm just not as fast at writing as you."
  • Eva chuckles. "Maybe not as fast as her, but you're normally finished before me."
  • I shrug, heat spreading through me as I wonder if I'm that obvious. And then I strip out of my clothes and get dressed into my sports gear, wishing we didn't have an hour of combat training.
  • I've never been very good at it, unlike Adrianna, who has always been top of the class. I wonder if that's why Coach Daniels is so set on having her this year. She's athletic and can even hold her own against him in a fight, unless he's going easy on her when they spar. I couldn't be sure which it is to be honest.