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Chapter 2 Two - Azira

  • Coach Daniels stands with a frown. "Ah, what's the matter, Blaine? Let the kids have some fun."
  • My skin crawls as I observe how his attention has been fixed on Adrianna. He seriously doesn't want to give up on pursuing her as he gives her a wink, which results in the most furious scowl I've ever seen cross her beautiful face.
  • This is a man with a whole different personality at the Academy.
  • "Care to dance?" he asks her.
  • She shakes her head, sizing him up and down. "No, thank you."
  • Professor Luigi shakes his head in disbelief. "Arch, you can't be serious. Where the fuck is Oak?"
  • Coach Daniels shrugs, not even sparing him a glance. "Fuck knows. I don't care." His eyes are fixated on Adrianna, a plea in them. "Dance with me, just once."
  • She releases a frustrated sigh before placing her hand in his, allowing the man whore to pull her onto the dance floor. I'm surprised she agreed. Adrianna is the most strong-willed among us.
  • "Mu'dak," Professor Luigi curses in Russian, as he watches his friend escort Adrianna onto the dance floor.
  • I've got to admit Coach Daniels is persistent if nothing else, although she's made it crystal clear she's not interested. He's hot as hell, but I can see why Adrianna is reluctant to jump into bed with him, because the guy has had too many students over the years. It's like a game to him.
  • Professor Luigi reluctantly sinks back onto the stool next to me, his attention flitting between each student.
  • I'm not sure if it's the alcohol or my raging teenage hormones, but I set my hand on his muscular arm and squeeze. "Come on, Professor. What's the harm in a bit of fun?" I ask, my hand feeling like it's burning from touching him.
  • His jaw clenches. "You wouldn't survive my kind of fun, Azira."
  • A shudder races down my spine at the dark, sadistic look in his eyes. I lick my bottom lip, which seems to draw his eyes to them, and all I can think about is how good it would feel to kiss this man.
  • "Are you certain, sir?"
  • He shifts on the stool and adjusts his pants, drawing my attention to the firm bulge at his crotch. My thighs clench as I realize he's aroused, and I wonder if I'm the reason. Excitement rises inside of me as I feel a pulse ignite between my thighs. Blaine Luigi has had this power over me since I can remember, but even more so since the first and last punishment he gave me.
  • He leans toward me and whispers in my ear. "Very few have what it takes. And an innocent little girl like you could never understand the twisted desires of a monster."
  • A shiver races down my spine as I lean away from him and search his eyes. "Maybe I'm not as innocent as you think."
  • The smirk that twists onto his lips is downright sinful, as he shakes his head and keeps his voice low. "I can smell a virgin a mile off, Miss Sidorov."
  • Heat slams into me hard and it feels like I'm burning from the inside out at the look in his eyes. I am a virgin. But how the hell did he know that?
  • I lick my too dry lips, allowing myself to remain close to him even though every instinct tells me to turn away. "Have you got some kind of radar?"
  • He shakes his head. "No, normally I steer clear of innocent little virgins because they can't handle me." There's something suggestive about what he's saying, and I know pushing him is dangerous, but I can't help it.
  • My nostrils flare as I glance down at the bulge in his pants again. "And right now?"
  • His jaw clenches and his eyes are so full of fire that it makes me want to reach forward and pull him against me, feel those beautiful lips against mine. "Right now, I'm thinking you look rather delicious in that dress."
  • I swallow hard, excitement and fear at war with one another. On the one hand, it's insane that Professor Luigi is even saying these things to me because I know how dark and twisted, he can be, but it feels like I've fallen into one of my dirty daydreams that I can't seem to stop. "Shall we dance?" I ask, my voice so quiet I wonder if he'll even hear me.
  • His nostrils flare and eyes flash. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."
  • Disappointment coils through me, but it's quickly eradicated when he leans closer again, setting a rough hand on my bare thigh.
  • "But if you really want to, I can't say no to you."
  • I shudder. The warmth of his skin against mine sends my body into overdrive. A soft moan escapes my lips before I can stop it, making him smirk.
  • "Come on, then." He moves back and offers me his hand.
  • I stare at it for a few seconds, wondering what the hell I'm doing. And then, I place my hand in his and let him pull me onto the dancefloor.
  • I notice that Adrianna looks rather irritated as she glares at Archer Daniels, while he tries to sweet talk her as they dance. I fear he's fighting a losing battle where she's concerned. Out of all the people I know, Adrianna is the most stubborn.
  • Blaine's hard body presses into mine as he pulls me against him, his hands firmly planted on my hips. "Tell me, Azira, how come you're so good at keeping out of trouble?"
  • I swallow hard, gazing into those unique, otherworldly eyes of his. "W-What do you mean?"
  • "In the entire time you've attended the academy, you've only ever been to me once."
  • I shrug, my body so hot it feels like someone has set fire to my skin. "I guess I'm just a good girl," I say, regretting it instantly as his nostrils flare and his eyes darken.
  • "Is that right?" His grip on my hips is so tight it almost hurts. "And yet here you are, breaking the rules."
  • My lips feel too dry as my tongue darts out over it. "I told you I was forced into it."
  • His brow arches. "Difficult to believe, Miss Sidorov. However, I hope you're looking forward to your punishment for this."
  • My throat bobs, and I hate that he knows my secret. The secret that I've tried to keep buried ever since that day I was sent to his office, and he took me into the basement. "Not particularly."
  • His expression is sadistic as he straightens slightly, putting some distance between us as the song comes to a stop. "Such a liar."
  • Heat slams into me as I drop his hand and try to move away. "I need to get some air," I say.
  • He releases me, but almost reluctantly as I turn away and rush through the crowd, struggling to work out why I'm running from a man who I've desired for so long. It's fear, I realize. Fear of learning what the hell is wrong with me and why I crave his punishment almost as much as I crave his kiss.