Chapter 621 Like
- Lao Shen said all of this to please Ni Benyu. Now, the Ni family is watching him closely. Even if he did sell that treasure, he wouldn't keep the money. He would find a secluded place and stay there for over ten years, waiting for the head of the Ni family to pass away. Then he could make his move.
- But Ni Benyu said something important, "The Ni family has countless antiques. What's wrong with me taking his calligraphy? It's something he should give me. At least I have it in my possession. I'm selling it to my own people. If I sell it to them, it will end up being cheaper for foreigners. I know all the details. Anyway, thank you for saving me today, and thanks for the coffee!"
- Lao Shen didn't expect Ni Benyu to be so stubborn. He got up and left, and Lao Shen didn't try to stop him. Honestly, Lao Shen didn't want to get involved with the Ni family. Firstly, he didn't have the energy, and secondly, he didn't have the ability.